Market Talk

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GatorinGA wrote:
SPAF wrote: 2.The folks at ST are saying that credit interest for funds not invested, but in there account are at 1 1/4% for 30 days.

Maybe I'm confused, but if that is true, please give me more details so I can get an account!!
I don't have any details. I thought others with ST could fill me in. All I know is that I get the above % monthly, which ain't much, but better than "0" Rgds ;)Spaf
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I rechecked with my broker and they do pay 1 1/4% on funds in trading cash accounts.  i.e. for 100K you would get $125 a month.

Rgds                                                   :)                                     Spaf[/quote]

Spaf you may want to recheck your math. 1 1/4% of 100K is $1250, not $125. I think you've missed a decimal point in the percentage they pay out. No way they would pay that much. If they did, why even invest, just put it in an IRA and make 16% a year.......

I believe 1.6% is about right or I would have it noticed in my accounts already.

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Thanks Mike!

What they say is they are giving credit interest for 30 days @ 1 1/4%. Annual Percent yield earned is 1.26.

I agree with you, somewhere in here there is a difference I don't understand. I know that they are not paying 16% annually. If 100K stayed in their cash tradingfund, a member would receive $125 a month. Not 16% or whatever, but whatever the % is, it's still better than "0".

Rgds ;) Spaf
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Now it is clear. The rate is 1.25% per year compounded monthly yielding 1.26%. One hundred thou earns 125 per month which if reinvested or compounded gives you an additional 10. You're getting something but not much, like maybe half of what they can earn with your dough while they have it, like a bank does.

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lkatteng wrote:

there is a strong sentiment the market is going into a short term correction... That is way I am neutral (Cash is King) at this time instead of the leader the S... Hope to go into the S as soon as possible but for me is not yet the time... I will wait so I can buy the bottom... Patience is profitable virture :^
Good to hear from you Ikat!

When the S fund goes up I get a itch to scratch! You know, one of those itches!

Take care my friend! Rgds! :) Spaf
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Dave! Thanks!

A bank???? :i One of those things :x! Thanks again :uSpaf
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sugarandspice wrote:
teknobucks wrote:
my two cents is:collin powell could kick hilliary's butt;)
Colin Powell needs someone telling him what to standing at a press conference pointing out trucks on a aerial photo that are FULL of chemical weapons. At least that's what they told him they were. Now Colin ,go tell the world.
LOL they all do....kennedy and nixon MAY of been the only exception.

pssst: the banksters are running the show....worldwide.
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The market is again ignoring a big jump in oil (near $61). Very interesting. Real strength or foolhardy? :oo
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Can't help but notice the weakness in the price trend up.....1199 today already.....

I see the F fund is stilll going down somemore.....I've been watching it daily and suspect a turn for the better sometime in the next week or so....

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I don't think anyone would scoff or otherwise denigrate someone's opinion, unless they are provoked. If the day ends as you suggest, then you have demonstrated uncanny analysis, and have contributed to our collective wisdom. If you are less than accurate, you stand shoulder to shoulder with the many who struggle to anticipate the markets moves. If youboast ofyour market prowess, be careful, lest tomorrow deliver you a crushing blow, as the markets raise up the lowly and bring down the proud.
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"demonstrated uncanny analysis" surely you jest. I would classify it as "demonstrating anal uncanniness." That along with my superior expertise in toilet bowl water level testing for new homes clearly gives me an insight that you are all are not privy to.
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sugarandspice wrote:
How many of you scoffed when I said triple digit loss?
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Gee, someone got it right....I've been trying for a month or two to get a drop!!! I guess I'm too quick......thought DMA would get it going......then I saw that this time of year was a possiblity......but with the market manipulators trading can never telll 100%.....

Oil prices .....ughhhhhhhhhh........$61+....boy gas is gonna cost alot.....goodby Christmas.....

I saw news that company layoffs are rising to levels in Jan 04.....looks relatively severe ....but could be nulled out with category or new hires......get rid of the costly old employees and hire cheap new ones......

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hope i'm not buying a falling sword here moving back into stox 2 soon.:shock:

note: markets should slap me around for the next few sessions or so before a pop 2 the timinghas been running too early on boththebuy and sell sideall friggen year. :(

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The Technician wrote:
get rid of the costly old employees and hire cheap new ones......

FAA's plan in a nutshell. new employees are on a "b scale" making in some cases 50-60k/year less thanthe older guys....doing the same job!!

*privatizationis the next step:end:

feel most folks with less than 15 years in will not see a federal retirement. those with the fers retirement are screwed unless they can make the tsp account really worth something. .....our days of the gravy train are numbered here at FAA.