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  • Hi Prudence,
    I also have money invested in C, S, and I. I am going to let the market fix itself. Might take a while! Any selling now is a terrible loss of money and shares. TSP has index funds and they can recover a heck of a lot better than some single or sector funds.
    Hi spaf,

    I am worried about my tsp since the stock market is doing horrible. I have money in L2040,C fund and S fund. I wonder should I move my money now to F and G. Thanks
    As far as I know the 2+G rule for IFT's in in effect. Who might you be referring about that makes more IFT's ??
    Can you please assist me
    I understand the IFT rule that took affect on May 1, 2008. If you are only allowed 2 IFT's per month, why do I see on this message board and others that they are "transfering their money more than twice a month and it is after May 1, 2008.
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