CountryBoys's Account Talk

Well with all the bitching, whining and moaning about politicians on the left and the right being crooked, bribed and the reason we're in this mess, then I expect a massive turnover in Congress this November. Who am I kidding. :laugh: Most of the people in this country are so stupid, it's sickening.

The same clowns that are their now, will be relected, as they always are and not a dadgum thing will change. I'm not lumping us into this group of illiterate, ignorant, biased voters, because we work hard at educating ourselves, so that we can take care of our loved ones and pass down our knowledge, so that they'll have hopefully a better quality of life than we had. That's what all parents strive for.

So I really don't see a lot of change unless we put a bunch of folks in there, that will have the fortitude, to put in place massive cuts in spending, because if we don't, we're heading for another depression, especially if the gov't if continues bailing everyone that is whining and crying, "whoa is me".

I'll just hunker down and hang on.


I hate Washington politics, but when this happens I was my hand of the incumbent. I am neither Democrat or Republican and I will vote the incumbent out. It does send a message.

I hate Washington politics, but when this happens I was my hand of the incumbent. I am neither Democrat or Republican and I will vote the incumbent out. It does send a message.

Same with me,

I will vote against my incumbent also. Hopefully enough folks will be fed up with politics as usual and an unusual high percentage will be voted out.

It's hard to tell the difference between the parties anymore.

When you vote one out and bring in someone different, it's just more of the same...
I simply would not be able to stand another four years of Jimmy Carter - and the level of appeasement sponsored by Nobama is just that. I realize I'm being offered the opportunity for racial innocence and delivereance from the shames of my forbearers if I vote for Nobama but I'll just have to live with my guilt awhile longer.
I simply would not be able to stand another four years of Jimmy Carter - and the level of appeasement sponsored by Nobama is just that. I realize I'm being offered the opportunity for racial innocence and delivereance from the shames of my forbearers if I vote for Nobama but I'll just have to live with my guilt awhile longer.

Ask Chamberlain and the British about appeasement. I believe history has shown appeasement just leads to war, because evil is never satisfied, it's just like greed.

I guess I just have to disagree, because Nobama is Somebama from my perspective. I think the guy will do the right things for our country and he has the kind of appeal to get the young people in this country engaged in helping us start to clean up this mess...I don't know what happened to conservative values in this country...somewhere along the way they got hijacked by greed and corruption; something I never thought I'd see on such a major scale.

I'm not sure Obama knows any more about finance/investing/Wall Street than I do.

Ill informed people get taken advantage of...even the POTUS.
I guess I just have to disagree, because Nobama is Somebama from my perspective. I think the guy will do the right things for our country and he has the kind of appeal to get the young people in this country engaged in helping us start to clean up this mess...I don't know what happened to conservative values in this country...somewhere along the way they got hijacked by greed and corruption; something I never thought I'd see on such a major scale.


I haven't noticed obama having any conservative values, but then that's just me and probably my definition of conservative values. :)

I'm not sure Obama knows any more about finance/investing/Wall Street than I do.

Ill informed people get taken advantage of...even the POTUS.

Most of the folks on this board know more about economics and finance than obama and we need a prez who knows..... just look at the mess we are in now. I'm even concerned about McCains knowledge of economics, but at least he's against more pork barrel spending and that's one step we need to take.

Huh? McCain wants to continue the Iraq war funding without saying how we are going to pay for it. We have far too much off budget. He scares the daylights out of me if he wants to continue this. It's pay as you go...for everything, please.
Huh? McCain wants to continue the Iraq war funding without saying how we are going to pay for it. We have far too much off budget. He scares the daylights out of me if he wants to continue this. It's pay as you go...for everything, please.

Huh? I did say I was concerned about McCain's knowledge of economics, but he has spoken numerous times against pork and voted that way also. Both of these guys are promising so many things that they can't pay for, I don't even want to get into listing them.

I don't have a bit of problem with paying as you go, $1 spent and $1 cut, but I feel we need to finish the job in Iraq, but Iraq needs to start doing more of the heavy lifting and paying for there own freedom. They've got the oil money now to cover some of the bills. You only really value what you earn on your own.

When things are given to people as a handout, welfare or you don't have to fight, sweat or pay for it, you have no respect for it and will eventually lose it or just let it decline into ruins and then expect someone to give it to them again.

Both candidates have huge spending planned and neither has spoke of cutting back due to current economic condition. Both have agendas to keep their constituent's happy.

This is why politicians hate economic turmoil during a election. Someone needs to make tough choices and that is not popular with the voting public.

Who ever wins in November will HAVE to cut spending and/or raise taxes to back fill this mess.
We are in agreement, I just am worried when McCain is not making it clear that we need to be responsible for our war debts. Iraq, yes, they need to do some funding - but right now they are too busy arguing over the shape of the table (sorry, negotiator's joke) to get anything substantial done.
Both candidates have huge spending planned and neither has spoke of cutting back due to current economic condition. Both have agendas to keep their constituent's happy.

This is why politicians hate economic turmoil during a election. Someone needs to make tough choices and that is not popular with the voting public.

Who ever wins in November will HAVE to cut spending and/or raise taxes to back fill this mess.

Welcome to your front seat viewing of "The Fall of the Empire".
We are in agreement, I just am worried when McCain is not making it clear that we need to be responsible for our war debts. Iraq, yes, they need to do some funding - but right now they are too busy arguing over the shape of the table (sorry, negotiator's joke) to get anything substantial done.

Yeah, we are in agreement, I'm worried that neither one is realistically telling us how they are going to pay for all they are promising. Shape of the table, wasn't that a joke from MASH? :laugh:

Welcome to your front seat viewing of "The Fall of the Empire".

My bet it'll have to be a heavy dose of cutting and taxing. I mentioned somewhere else on the board, that this is like watching a slow motion train wreck and we're trying our darndest to protect our families and prepared for the aftermath, so we'll be able to come out the other end in decent shape. I do believe this will pass and hopefully with better oversite and regulations, with a good dose of prison time for some of the devious and greedy players. :D
