CountryBoys's Account Talk

This flies only if we get CSRS retroactively. Also a great way to empty out TSP.

CSRS sure works for me, but I think the odds of that happening are slim to none. My dad is retired Fed under CSRS and he has no money problems at all. If we could MT out our TSP and put it somewhere else, that's OK, if it works that way. It still smacks of socialism and wealth redistribution, which really stick in my craw. :mad:

When this one gets to the budget (if it even gets that far) it will die as everyone fights over what gets cut to pay for it. Unless the Dems take a page from W and decide it's emergency non-budget and add it to the Fed Credit Card - which WILL get them kicked out of office.
Sounds like Social Security II, which would be a huge cash cow to merge into Social Security I, when it starts to go belly up in a few years, They will probably throw in our TSP as well.
A note; seems not many Liberals posting on this subjest? WHY?:confused:

When this one gets to the budget (if it even gets that far) it will die as everyone fights over what gets cut to pay for it. Unless the Dems take a page from W and decide it's emergency non-budget and add it to the Fed Credit Card - which WILL get them kicked out of office.
This "liberal" (I prefer to call myself "progressive" :p) hasn't commented because Silverbird already posted my opinion and phrased it better than I could have done.

Not going to happen so no reason to get my panties in a knot.

This "liberal" (I prefer to call myself "progressive" :p) hasn't commented because Silverbird already posted my opinion and phrased it better than I could have done.

Not going to happen so no reason to get my panties in a knot.


Good morning Lady,

I take umbrage to the “panites in a knot” comment, just because I’ve had my POSH training recently and now I know when I should feel harassed. :D

My boxers ain’t so much in a twist, as the audaciousness, of them already deciding how they can reduce our retirement and give it to others. That’s no different than what the FTRIB did, by unilaterally reducing our IFT’s they took our future retirement growth opportunities right out of our hands and this proposal is the same thing.

Something like this will occur in some form and as far as getting CSRS back, I’m afraid that’s just a pipedream that we all would like to see occur. The Gov't in no way will modify our FERS retirement plan, such that it will be advantageous for us. They have to pay for the "Leave no Bank or CEO Behind Bailout". :mad:

In reality, the Gov’t can’t afford it, that’s why we were forced into FERS. Shoot the body hasn’t been pronounced dead yet and they are figuring out what body parts to harvest for their pet projects and when that part is my families retirement, then that’s getting just a little presumptuous and anything that hurts me or mine is cause for a fight. And just running this up the flagpole, tells me that our FERs is going to take a hit for the worse, so we’d better prepare on either working longer or retiring on less. :(

Well back outside to continue putting the farm to bed for the winter.

Enjoy your weekend,
Good morning Lady,

I take umbrage to the “panites in a knot” comment, just because I’ve had my POSH training recently and now I know when I should feel harassed. :D

...Well back outside to continue putting the farm to bed for the winter.

Enjoy your weekend,
Hi CB, thanks for the warm welcome to your home. If I ever harassed anyone they wouldn't have to guess whether it was happening or not! :embarrest: :laugh:

I always enjoy your comments on a given subject even on the rare times when we don't quite have the same outlook. Good luck with the farm; sounds like hard work and a great feeling of accomplishment when you look back on the day! Take care,

Hi CB, thanks for the warm welcome to your home. If I ever harassed anyone they wouldn't have to guess whether it was happening or not! :embarrest: :laugh:

I always enjoy your comments on a given subject even on the rare times when we don't quite have the same outlook. Good luck with the farm; sounds like hard work and a great feeling of accomplishment when you look back on the day! Take care,


Hey Lady,

You're more than welcome to visit and speak out anytime out you want. I've always enjoyed your comments, so I hope your workload doesn't get to heavy here, as you mentioned yesterday or so, that ya can't post as often.

And it's my understanding that it's only harassment, if it's unwelcomed. :nuts:

Yeah I enjoy the work on the farm, it takes my mind off the market and life in general, when it's just me and the dogs out working and goofing off. I look forward to every week. :D Physical labor doesn't take a lot of brains, just a strong back.

See ya later,
CB, I saw this yesterday but needed a serious mental break from thinking about all this. My sentiments are same as Lady's and Silverbirds. I think of myself as an indie, and would definitely roll back that way hard if something like this started gaining any momentum. CSRS ain't comin' back, and I haven't been counting on that 3d leg of the FERS triangle (SS) for some time now, so they better leave me with at least 2 legs left to stand on.
CB, I saw this yesterday but needed a serious mental break from thinking about all this. My sentiments are same as Lady's and Silverbirds. I think of myself as an indie, and would definitely roll back that way hard if something like this started gaining any momentum. CSRS ain't comin' back, and I haven't been counting on that 3d leg of the FERS triangle (SS) for some time now, so they better leave me with at least 2 legs left to stand on.

Hopefully, they'll have other things on thir minds besides our retirement money, but it is a lot of cash sitting there and we know what happens with that combo of Pols and cash get together...waste and us emplyees get the dirty end of the stick.

Since they are talking about it, something like this will occur in some form, especially with one party controlling the entire legislative process, this may jus force me out earlier than I plan. I'm close enough that I can count SS, and have made plans, budgets, etc. based on what rules we're playing by now, but since when has Congress been honest and played by the rules? :laugh:

Alevin, Lady, and Silverbird. We are the three Musketeers! :cheesy: And when L2R gets back she can be D'Artagnan! :nuts:

Um-m-m, maybe I need more coffee this morning. :p


Yeah, that's another plus for this thing to be over, L2R hopefully will return. :D

With the indications showing that this could be a real ugly start and potential day, I’m very tempted to push some into the C Fund, betting that the Feds will be forced to do something over the weekend if the day finishes ugly. Darn the 12 PM deadline.

If the markets were reacting in any fashion resembling normality, then I wouldn’t hesitate, but this is just playing the odds and I hate to lose what little I’m up after being screwed over with the snail mail punishment. Sometimes, I agree with Frixxx (I think he’s said this) and just wait until after the election.

Any thoughts? :confused:

With the indications showing that this could be a real ugly start and potential day, I’m very tempted to push some into the C Fund, betting that the Feds will be forced to do something over the weekend if the day finishes ugly. Darn the 12 PM deadline.

If the markets were reacting in any fashion resembling normality, then I wouldn’t hesitate, but this is just playing the odds and I hate to lose what little I’m up after being screwed over with the snail mail punishment. Sometimes, I agree with Frixxx (I think he’s said this) and just wait until after the election.

Any thoughts? :confused:


Thinking same thing; BUT -- I am already all in -- so have no choice but to ride today down -- question is: do I jump out or wait until we possibly get that bounce Monday -- my waiting has bit me in the ..... so far!!!!!
With the indications showing that this could be a real ugly start and potential day, I’m very tempted to push some into the C Fund, betting that the Feds will be forced to do something over the weekend if the day finishes ugly. Darn the 12 PM deadline.

If the markets were reacting in any fashion resembling normality, then I wouldn’t hesitate, but this is just playing the odds and I hate to lose what little I’m up after being screwed over with the snail mail punishment. Sometimes, I agree with Frixxx (I think he’s said this) and just wait until after the election.

Any thoughts? :confused:


Today could be capitulation day, when the towel finally gets thrown in. But I wouldn't bet on that. Some charts I've seen project our markets going much lower. If that's the case, accumulation would be the play. Which means going long. But that depends on one's time horizon.

But I agree with you in that this market is not normal and anything can happen. I still believe we are going to see a nice rally, but it could take a number of weeks.

I was inclined to believe the election would be a factor, but I'm not so sure any more. The underlying cause of this distress was years in the making and had very little to do with any given president. FWIW, a rally could ensue after the election and move so fast that if one wasn't already in stox we'd be buying high. But the fact is no newly elected official is going to fix this mess in short order. It took years to get here and will will take at least months to begin to dig out.

Strafor believes our economy will begin to recover after the 4th quarter of this year. The same cannot be said for the rest of the world however. Any recovery will begin with our markets though, and I'm positive about that.

Good luck CB.
Thanks a lot for your thoughts BamaAF and coolhand.

I’m not in now and haven’t been hurt with this down market, so I’m really loathe to blow it here. Bama from what I’ve read and heard from the guys here, you’d lock in your losses if you jump out now. I guess it depends on how long you’ve been in and how far down, your retirement time horizon and pain/risk threshold if you decide to jump out now or ride it more. My horizon is 4 to 5 years, so my risk/pain thresh hold is pretty low right now.

Coolhand, I’m ready to go long, but I’ve tentatively planned on making the move when a good solid up trend of 5 to 10%, before going long. I don’t mind missing the very bottom or the first upward move of the market. This move today would be a one day move, 2 at the most and jumping right back out. I guess I’m betting that the day will be crummy and the feds will pull something outta their arse, that will give the market a day or two bump.

I agree this has been a long time in the making and it sure isn’t going to be fixed overnight, but I believe it will be fixed.

Oh well, ya’ll gave me plenty to think about. :worried:

Thanks again,
