CountryBoys's Account Talk

Thinking same thing; BUT -- I am already all in -- so have no choice but to ride today down -- question is: do I jump out or wait until we possibly get that bounce Monday -- my waiting has bit me in the ..... so far!!!!!

I have been hammered this month. Went in at 1161 and rode it down expecting the rally. I went 50C/50G COB yesterday. My thought is we aren't at the "bottom" yet. I plan to leave my G where it is and ride down another 10 to 15% before I jump back all in. I also have the other 50 in C to ride up if we get a rally next week and then sell it. We are due for a rally. I really believe this market has farther to go down. I am DCAing to C with my contributions. It may not be a great plan, but it is a plan and I am going to try and not let the emotions change it.
I know some of you think this will never occur, and I hope you’re right, but here’s another article about the Dems plan to plunder or retirement moneys and if they get their wish, they’ll have complete control of the legislative process and nothing can stop them and since their pensions are impacted, well they could really care less about us. They’ve already proven that.

This is real and meetings have already been held on this robbery. What better way to make SS solvent than by stealing everyones 401 K retirement money and put it in SS Version 2.0 and then dole the money out to us in the amounts they think we deserve, regardless on how hard we worked to increase our families retirement funds. This is one of their core beliefs. :mad:

I’ll be meeting with my financial advisor and ask him what can be done to protect our future money, if this would occur. I have no problem stopping my TSP contributions for a year, since I'm over a year ahead of my funding schedule, until this shakes out, especially if I can put the money elsewhere, that will give me a bigger return than 3 to 5%, which are the numbers I’ve been reading or hearing. I’m getting a bigger return on most of my stocks via divvies than that. The only thing that really makes the TSP attractive is the matching funds, but hey, if the TSP no longer exists, then nor do the matching funds.

I will be contacting NARFE about this, but I'll not waste my time and effort on my elected officials. I've come to the conclusion, they are greedy self serving bastards, that consider us nothing more than chattel.

I know some of you think I'm off my rocker, but I wonder now many Jews and good German people thought that what happened to them couldn't happen either back in the 30's?

The only thing I will venture to say about this is that this kind of mindset is all too typical of that particular party. It's beyond opinion as history certainly supports that premise. However, to be fair, both parties have made this mistake in the past, but it's more of an ideology with the Dems.

Most in Washington have no clue about economics. None. Nada. Zilch. I don't pay attention to any of their promises. The road to the White House is paved with broken promises. :notrust:
The only thing I will venture to say about this is that this kind of mindset is all too typical of that particular party. It's beyond opinion as history certainly supports that premise. However, to be fair, both parties have made this mistake in the past, but it's more of an ideology with the Dems.

Most in Washington have no clue about economics. None. Nada. Zilch. I don't pay attention to any of their promises. The road to the White House is paved with broken promises. :notrust:

While one party has more of a predilection than the other party, both of them will be culpable, if this plan proceeds with the little publicity it is receiving.

Yeah, that's the problem in DC, we have a bunch of lawyers that are more interested in keeping their job and their obvious deficiency in even Econ 101 has brought us to the brink of economic collapse and their utter lack of actually running a business leaves them with no real life experience, so they only know one thing to do, raise taxes, instead of having the ability to be creative and think outside the box. :mad:

Hopefully this is one of their broken promises, but when it comes to spending other folks money, they seem to have the fortitude to keep that promise. :D

Well of to Wal Mart to do my thing to inject money into the system. :D

Have a good weekend,

With the banks getting money this week and the betting money says the Fed will cut rates on Weds, is it worth a one day in and out gamble on a pop and if so is Wed or Thurs the best day. My gut tells me it'll be a quick pop and may already be cooked in when it is announced, so, I'm leaning to just waiting this one out also. I still have 2 IFT's for this month. Just getting tired of waiting, but I don't want to blow it now.

Thanks for any thoughts,
100% F, cause as Silverbird said it is cheep, cheep and I like it below 12. Tomorrow will probably move into the C for Wednesday's bump (fingers crossed) and then by to G. :worried:

Yeah, that's what I understood from your post, but in the past I've made money with the F fund being below 12 in the past, and thought I make the same F to C to G move again. I'm 2 for 2 using this quick in and out strategy, and since I'd planned on going to C for Wednesday, why not make a try of 3 for 3, but it still worries me in this market. :nuts:

If I lose tomorrow, there's always Wednesday, just don't want a shut out. Now that would be bad news. :(

Well I didn't go to C, but went 50% G and 50% F. I'm may be missing out on more money tomorrow, but I feel safer doing this and CP is the name of the game right now, until I see a better trend.

Looks like we're going to see a day of profit taking. If the sell-off isn't too bad, I may jump in. Although, I heard this morning that commercial real estate is going to be the next bomb to drop ... apparently it is suffering from the same disease that hit the home-owners market.
Looks like we're going to see a day of profit taking. If the sell-off isn't too bad, I may jump in. Although, I heard this morning that commercial real estate is going to be the next bomb to drop ... apparently it is suffering from the same disease that hit the home-owners market.

Come Friday, Non Farm Payroll's will give more reason to sell as well. (IMHO):(
Looks like we're going to see a day of profit taking. If the sell-off isn't too bad, I may jump in. Although, I heard this morning that commercial real estate is going to be the next bomb to drop ... apparently it is suffering from the same disease that hit the home-owners market.

I've read the same thing about commercial real estate also and Friday's employment report has me thinking, to be out of stocks. I've got one move left, and I'd like to leave it for a stock move next week, maybe.
After thinking about and with yesterday's gain pushing my retirement acct. over a year ahead of schedule, I went back to 100% G, COB today, for CP (nice way of saying I chickened out :D ) and no need to get greedy. If the trend changes I can always put a little into the C, but from here on out it's gravy and it's been a long haul back from the first of the year.

Come Friday, Non Farm Payroll's will give more reason to sell as well. (IMHO):(

Or maybe not ! Very nice bounce so far ! Ten percent loss in two days
and a rally off of bad news. I'M SOOOO CONFUSED ! But very happy to
be soooooo wrong, at this hour ! :D
Or maybe not ! Very nice bounce so far ! Ten percent loss in two days
and a rally off of bad news. I'M SOOOO CONFUSED ! But very happy to
be soooooo wrong, at this hour ! :D

That's because fundamentals don't generally determine short term trading. Long term yes. The short term is more about sentiment and the big boys trying to take advantage of too many folks leaning the wrong way. :)