CountryBoys's Account Talk

That Show-me old friend, just a little thought before I start my day. If it is still legal to rant in your own account and not be censored, not sure about those things these days. :suspicious: It used to be your own private room.

Doesn't it scare you that during the past three decades, each President has absconded more constitutional power than the last, with Obama already surpassing George Bush's "record czar level" in less than half the time in office?

Or that Obama, the "mad facsist," is not only seeking to manage every aspect of our lives, but recently asked Congress for dictatorial powers to reorganize government at his will, with no input from the public via their constitutionally-elected representatives? WTF is up with this folks, are you asleep or just wanting to pad your own pension? Well with QE to infinity, that money is getting more and more worthless.

Given that Congress long ago abdicated important matters such as national security, i.e. declarations of WAR, to draft-dodging ne'er do well's such as George W. Bush and two-bit attorneys like Barrack Obama, it seems a fait accompli that the nation's "security" is set to take a quantum leap backward, just as REAL THREATS such as an all-out Middle Eastern conflict - with accompanying trade wars - looms on the horizon.

The coup de grace was last month's passage of the fourth-amendment stealing National Defense Authorization Act - incredibly, by a 93-7 margin in the Senate - ensuring further danger to all Americans from a continually shrinking group of "elites" at the top, led by the President and his puppet masters from the nation's largest lobbying groups, particularly the banks and military contractors. ( Just another example of the gutting of our Constitution) It is hard to believe the Patriot Act is now the second most dangerous piece of legislation drafted in U.S. history, but it now is - and dramatically so.

As Ron Paul said that affecting us all, will require the need of replacing sociopathic politicians with men and women of character, intelligence, and noble goals - if such people still exist - and preparing ourselves for the more likely scenario of increased government mismanagement, conflict of interest, and oppression.My bet is that there aren’t enough Americans with the fortitude and character. :( We’ve already be bribed with our own money. We’ve run out of good men.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." ~ Edmund Burke And we have evil running our government.

Good Luck all,

We are back sliding and that bad law is on the books. I now fear my government, military and law enforcement because of that bill. Even tho BHO said he will not enforce that provision of the bill, it is the law and the next guy 5, 10 or 20 years from now might use it against our own citizens. It is a complete and blatant desecration of the Constitution from everyone that voted for it. This is why I plan to vote Ron Paul even tho I know he can not win. It is my vote and I am disgusted with the two party system and the double speaking bastards in office. The ARE the elite and yesterday morning John McCain admitted it on CNBC while laughing and us surfs.
Hi there, CB -don't stay away so long!
She's a cutie, be sure to wait til the very end.
Thanx to you & coolhand for this video. My suggestion is that (not knowing anything about Kelly Clarkson) this little
girl be the National Anthem singer at Sunday's Super Bowl, now & until when-ever! Not only does she know the lyrics and the tune
(which has come to be an oddity), she personalizes it at the end!! Sweet innocence.... :)

Glad to have you back around with dual colts blazing.

Thanks Birch,

I try to avoid these type of rants, but sometimes the lies and destruction of our Constitution, I just have to say something, but the sheeple are to busy following him off the cliff and all the while giving him their tacit approval. :mad:
I now fear my government, military and law enforcement because of that bill. Even tho BHO said he will not enforce that provision of the bill, it is the law and the next guy 5, 10 or 20 years from now might use it against our own citizens. It is a complete and blatant desecration of the Constitution from everyone that voted for it.

Show-me, I too fear the government, miltary and Law enforcement. They've continually broken the laws that are on the books. They feel they are above the law! Even though bHo said he will not enforce it, he's a blatant liar. Our Constitution has been shredded by this Prez and Congress. :mad:
Well well well...

First time I've visited your thread, CountryBoy, and I'm impressed.

Thank God there are still some true American's still alive and thinking.

The last time I visited a nearby mall, I saw that the vast majority of people there were cretins, tatooed up, caps on backwards, pants on the ground, pushing little strollers around with their offspring, who's hair was spiked up and died purple... and I thought... (sadly), here is the future of America. And it ain't looking good, is it?

If the smartest men on the planet have gotten us to this point, where is the future going to take us in the next 5 - 10 years?

This ain't gonna be pretty, that's for sure. I don't know about you, but I'm tightening my seatbelt a little tighter every day.

Good luck to you, and hope you do well with your TSP. I think we're gonna need every penny of it.

I had to delete some posts that were ready to make this thread explode. It was brought to my attention thru a reported post.

We have a handful of members who only want to talk politics and they don't need to be egged on. I'll open the thread back up after the dust settles. Feel free to talk about the market or TSP, but if our political friends can't get along we'll have to make some changes.

If it is still legal to rant in your own account and not be censored, not sure about those things these days. :suspicious: It used to be your own private room.
It's an "Account Talk" thread. If all someone has to add to this TSP Talk forum is politics, then no, it isn't legal since it incites flame wars, which I had to put out already.