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  • Do you offer any consultation services? I have a horrible return in my TSP * < 2%.

    I follow your posts and would love to pick your brain for just a few minutes and get a understanding of what exactly good TSP investing looks like.

    Happy to pay for your time as well.

    Thank you.
    Thank you for your market daily digest - it’s the bricks and mortar of what happened and your brief take on what’s next. You’re easy to understand without the personal bias/guesstimate of what may/not happen. Keep it up. Most grateful.
    Yes. It's all manual. I've been doing it long enough that it doesn't take me an inordinate amount of time to generate the charts. It's important that I keep it that way too. I'm going to give this some more thought. Maybe I can come up with a viable solution that doesn't take too much time and has some measure of value.
    Many thanks coolhand for all your contributions to this board. Especially your blogs. You've helped many people.
    "Nobody ever eat fifty eggs" says Coolhand Luke
    Hi Coolhand, I'm new to the site. Studied it hard and long and attached myself to a few folks who I think have good advice to offer on TSP allocations. I need to take control of my TSP. So I thank you in advance. Besides you can't be all that bad, we have two things in common, Navy vets and fisherman. Thanks for your insight.
    I agree with you coolhand..... ..... thanks for your advise ..... !!!! that is why I like to ask you person email because your system gives buy signal ... but I think the price is high already .... so ... .I like to ask you .... !!! thanks a lot !

    the past 6 months of 2010 I have 17% return I main trade is G , S , and I ... and I think I just lucky .... there are a lot things I confuse !!! and don't know !

    All, thanks for your time to explain for me !

    good luck for you too coolhand,

    I think risk is too high at the moment to get into stocks. I'm not saying the market can't go higher, but it's been up most of the month and a better buying opportunity may come over the next week or two. But predicting this market is extremely difficult and given the high degree of volatility I'd prefer to stay in cash or bonds myself. But that's just me.

    When my system gives a buy it just means you can buy stocks. Primarily C and S, but the I fund may be okay too depending on what the dollar is doing. Right now the dollar has been dropping so allocating something to that fund would make sense.

    Please be aware that I don't tell anyone how to trade their accounts. My purpose on this board is to give readers an informed perspective, but there are other perspectives out there too and they don't always agree with mine. Take your time to understand what's going on and why folks move in and out of the market. The more you understand, the better decisions you'll make. Good Luck!
    coolhand ,

    can I jump in now to buy S fund ???? It seem the price still high ..... or I should wait till end this week to see the signal .... ? when your singal Buy ... is that mean ... buy S fund ??? or what .... ??? may you please explain for me !?

    thanks a lot !

    In general, if the dollar goes up the I fund will lag. In other words, the I fund does better when the dollar goes down.
    Just wanted to give a quick thanks for the chart you posted with the top 15 traders. it gives newbies like me another tool to ponder as we try and make the most out of our TSP
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