CountryBoys's Account Talk

Dang yesterday sure left a mark, hopin' to get some of it back Monday, but kept some off the table. 30% G 70%S. :D

Gonna be away from a PC today, so I had to post early, 50% G, 25% C, and 25% S. Hopefully the I will score big today, so I took some off the table for tomorrow. Good luck today folks. :D

I see I'm not the only one having a tough time making up their mind. It took me 3 changes before I settled on 100% I. At the the tsp gov site was running fast. Now to see which one tsp takes. :D

Well one of the 3 choices yesterday was the G, but ended up on the I and that'll definately leave another mark. :( Any way, got my annual stress test this morning and may not be back in time, so I made an early IFT back to the ol' lily pad.

Well one of the 3 choices yesterday was the G, but ended up on the I and that'll definately leave another mark.

I was reading everyone's post looking for pearls of wisdom but instead I found priceless humor....I was laughing so frickin' hard I couldn't breathe! I loved that movie. Now, I'm not so bummed. Thank you.
Well I went 50% G and 50% F, but even the automated phone system seemed to be down, because after entering the SS # and following the directions to continue on to the next step, a TSP operator picked up and asked me for my SS # again and other info and took my IFT.

Now I wonder if it'll be effective COB today, because he said it'll be 2 business days, so we gotta keep an eye on what happens the next couple of market days. :(

Website seems to be working now and I just checked my transfers and they show up on the website. hopefully for Monday

Even when we do an IFT via the TSP website prior to noon EST, the standard IFT Confirmation always says that the IFT will be effective within 2 business days. This is just the boilerplate language they use to cover themselves. IMO, if you got it in prior to noon EST, it will be effective COB today.

Yeah Paladin, I know it's boilerplate, but when ya get a human involved in the chain, things could slow down. But I did check the tsp site and my IFT took, may even changed it a little, since the site seems back up, who knows. :nuts:

Well I made an IFT to 100% G here at TSP Talk, but I got caught up in something else and forgot to make the transfer official, I got it in at 12 or 12:01, so I may still be 100% I. That's what I get for BS after I post here. :blink:

The last time I went 100% I, it sure left a big mark and even though this sure looks like the way to go, I felt since early this morning that the market would shrug it off and move up, now if the FOMC doesn't ruin it later.

FS said it all better than me, about Barclays, plus I think those boys over there, like to mess with us sometimes. ;)

Whew gang,

I gotta take a breather and jump on the ol' lily pad. Yesterday was brutal :mad: and today sure looks like it might be shaping up that way also. Good Luck to those hanging in there.


I got antsy and just couldn't leave well enough alone. :mad: 50% in the I Fund for today today and it looks like I'm gonna get a bloody nose. Oh well, back to the G pad until this market shakes out.

I sure would've loved to have been more aggressive, (60% G, 20%S 20%I), but with having to stay with the IFT thru next Tuesday, I decide to do a little CP, plus anything made after today is working to my 2009 funding target. I believe from here to the end of the year is going to be bullish.

Boy, Robert Riesch (sp), currently on CNBC, sure is a downer! His ilk is always a glass half empty mentality. Waht a way to go thru life. Why don't they just mail their comments in, they are always the same.

Took AL to have a nice 4 day weekend.

I have a feeling that Uncle Ben is going to do some sweet talking the next couple of days and I still have faith that the market will be up until Christmas, then all bets are off.


I’m not a big conspiracy believer, but that Bond insurers downgrade at 3:15 pm sure seemed to come at just the right time to jam the .5% reduction back down the throat of the Fed and the market run up down the little guys throat. :mad:

I sure smell some behind the door action by the big boys. I don’t like to lose money, but if it’s a level playing field, then that’s just part of the game, but we got screwed today. :mad:

Yeah, I'm real pi$$ed off at the timing of that bond rating agency rating downgrade,they could have just as easily put it off until tomorrow.

I had to get that off my chest.


I’m not a big conspiracy believer, but that Bond insurers downgrade at 3:15 pm sure seemed to come at just the right time to jam the .5% reduction back down the throat of the Fed and the market run up down the little guys throat. :mad:

I sure smell some behind the door action by the big boys. I don’t like to lose money, but if it’s a level playing field, then that’s just part of the game, but we got screwed today. :mad:

Yeah, I'm real pi$$ed off at the timing of that bond rating agency rating downgrade,they could have just as easily put it off until tomorrow.

I had to get that off my chest.


Damn Right my friend - I totally agree and you got sympathy and understanding on my end. Thanks for sharing CB.
It's kind of like C and MER disclosing the cash infusions they received on their most recent disasterous earnings dates.