Well Guys and Gals,
I'm pretty much a bull, but I sure don't like what is going on now with BS (which I think is just the opening salvo), interfund transfer limits and even if the Fed drops 1 point tomorrow, the bump is going to be short lived in my opinion and inflation will just increase and the dollar will weaken further. The press is going to drive us into a recession come hell or high water.
I'm ahead just a little for the year, mainly from the F fund and am thrilled to be even the slightest bit green.

Personally, I think we're between that proverbial rock and hard place and it's going to be painful to extradite ourselves from it.
I think we should've taken our medicine last Oct.2007? when the subprime mess first raised it's ugly head and let it all play out. Now I believe it's only going to get worse, than if we would've let it run it's course back then. BS was the first domino in the subprime mess last year and I worry they are just the first domino in this latest fiasco. I'm afraid there is more to come.
I'm a year ahead, financially of where my retirement plans would have me and I sure don't want to loose it now, so I can afford to sit on the sidelines for awhile until this mess shakes out. I might wait one more day before pulling the plug and going all G Fund, it just depends on how things go this morning.
Now as for my Roth, I'm going to keep buying some selective stocks, cause they are getting cheap and have historically either paid a good divvies and/or are hopefully socialist proof

GE, T, JNJ, BP, KMR, PG, BP and UTX just to name a few.
This is just one man's opinion, but I've based it on what I've learned on this site, from folks a lot smarter about this stuff than me (Grif I sure miss your analyses), plus my studying the past year and a half.
Boy, that's the most I've said since I've been here.:laugh:
Good luck to ya'll,