CountryBoys's Account Talk

If it shows up in your account this morning, that means it was effective COB yesterday, 4-10-2008. TSP posts the prior days IFT by 6:00 am the following morning. How did you know "the transfer showed up" and that it took seven days? I received a PM from another member this morning that said it took seven days for the mailed IFT to be reflected in their account.

Yep, the TSP Board is sitting on our snail mail IFT’s. I sent another IFT 3 days after my first one and according to EW’s comments it became effective COB on 4/11/2008, one day after my first transfer became effective. Now I’m 100% F and I’ll stay that way until the volatility shakes out. The socialist at the board are taking it out on us, even though we followed all the published rules for doing an IFT.

Latest transfer for 100% F showed up this morning.

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Well, I sent in a snail mail request for an IFT, since my fax request didn't get posted for some reasom. This is really disheartening. :( I've lost over $10K because of the banishment form the elctronic IFT route, just for the simple reason I decided to adhere to the published regulations and would've adhered to the new regs when they became official. I even faxed a letter to Long telling him I would adhere to his proposed regs and advised him that this is really hurting my ability to increase my holdings as I near retirement. And of course if you really want to express your opinion, the Gestapo is trolling the site so as to squelch free speech and punish anyone who dares voice an opinion.

If the smucks start pestering me I'll pull out the daisey cutter. But I've learned to keep a low profile and blend in the jungle so I'm not noticeable.
If the smucks start pestering me I'll pull out the daisey cutter. But I've learned to keep a low profile and blend in the jungle so I'm not noticeable.

Yea Birch, maybe I should've, but who would have thunk that here in America we'd have this kind of overt censorship and lawlessness? You're brought up to study hard and follow the rules, but not here. Oh well, no good deed goes unpunished.

Went to 100% G, it's probably early like Sbear said, but this is gonna take a little practice and to tell the truth, I just can't see how the market is staying up. Well at least I have my ROTH to work with. :)

GL All

Heading to Nags Head tomorrow for a weeks vacation. :D Any TSPer's going to be there?

The only good thing about the enforcement of the 2 limit transfer, is I don't need to worry about making any moves, as if it matter's, I've been in G for a while now and it seems to be easier to stay there than to move and get the crap beat outta my retirement.

Heading to Nags Head tomorrow for a weeks vacation. :D Any TSPer's going to be there?

The only good thing about the enforcement of the 2 limit transfer, is I don't need to worry about making any moves, as if it matter's, I've been in G for a while now and it seems to be easier to stay there than to move and get the crap beat outta my retirement.


Have a great vacation CB.

I wish I'd stayed in G - but - you never can tell.
Thanks Steady,

Ya never know, if I was going to be here next week, I would've push into the market. Good luck. :)

Well, I jumped back into the G fund after moving 50% G and 50% S yesterday. I figured it to be a one day move anyway and I'll probably get beat down for getting impatient. :( Things may turn out ok, it's still early.

As James said early, I'm still doing better than the S&P. :nuts:

Gonna gamble that the market won't be down 3 days in a row. I may be in and out quickly, Monday at the latest. I hate this 2 IFT limits. I'm pretty much frozen by indecision.

Well as the old saying goes, I'd rather be lucky then good and I sure as heck got lucky Friday and got out with a little profit, now it's the F fund for Monday and then probably back to the lily pad for COB Monday for the rest of the month.

The big boys and Feds are playing to many games :notrust: and it's dangerous out there for us main street guys, especially with the screwing we got from the board. :mad:

Well, I'm done for the month, hopefully the F fund won't strip me of my meager earnings from Friday. :( With the Feds jumping in left and right, us main streeters don't have a prayer. At least I can buy my ROTH Divvy paying stocks at a bargain basement price.

GL to all,
With the Feds jumping in left and right, us main streeters don't have a prayer.

GL to all,

I've thought about you a lot lately. I think we probably come from similar backgrounds and grew up in an error where the country had a different reputation - something we were very proud of - where the people were the ones that really mattered and Business was simply the means that helped it flow.

But now Business is everything and only the "needed people" count for anything. It's a sad situation we've encountered - but deep down it's the ones like you - who aren't afraid to let their feelings known and who hold to the sacred foundations - that make it nice.
I've thought about you a lot lately. I think we probably come from similar backgrounds and grew up in an error where the country had a different reputation - something we were very proud of - where the people were the ones that really mattered and Business was simply the means that helped it flow.

But now Business is everything and only the "needed people" count for anything. It's a sad situation we've encountered - but deep down it's the ones like you - who aren't afraid to let their feelings known and who hold to the sacred foundations - that make it nice.

Thanks for the compliments Steady,

But I'm a dinosaur, who believes in good and evil, right and wrong, and sacred and profane, with very, very little gray or nuance in between. Yeah, it's a very sad situation, that greed has overcome man's morals and ethics and in my world, those that are guilty of this, would not be allowed to roam among us. We need some good old fashion cowboy justice. :D

A man had to answer for the wicked that he'd done
Take all the rope in Texas
Find a tall oak tree, round up all of them bad boys
Hang them high in the street
For all the people to see:mad:

Dylan and Maria, CNBC, just raked Jay Dhru ? from Standard & Poores over the coals for their responsibility in determinnig the credit worthiness of stocks and how they are going to change their procedure. I didn't hear what stocks they were talking about. Dylan was raising his voice and kept hammering at him to admit that they had made a mistake several months ago on certain stocks. The guy just kept crawfishing and never did really admit to anything, except they always look at what goes on in the market when determining the credit worthiness of a stock.
