CountryBoys's Account Talk

Fort Knox right below Louisville.
I fished Buckeye lake a few years back.
Nice KOA right there if I remember correctly.
Also Cave Run lake on the KY side. Good muskee fishing.
I used to hunt in PA around New Stanton. Years ago.
Fort Knox right below Louisville.
I fished Buckeye lake a few years back.
Nice KOA right there if I remember correctly.
Also Cave Run lake on the KY side. Good muskee fishing.
I used to hunt in PA around New Stanton. Years ago.

That's about 3 to 4 hours west of me, I get to Louisvile every couple of years for a meetings. I don't get down that way very often.

Hey CB! Just a quick one to tell you that I was reading some earlier posts on other threads. And you could really teach 'em a thing or two if they'd just pay attention. But sometimes even a brickbat to the side of the head just makes for a hollow echo. ;)

Take care, my friend!

was that a SCS/NRCS designed farm pond ?, I work 4 them and we do ponds on occasion now.

Yeah Guchi,

It was an SCS pond built in 1974 and actually served as the overflow to catch water from the cistern, until city water got out our way about 25 years ago.

Hey CB! Just a quick one to tell you that I was reading some earlier posts on other threads. And you could really teach 'em a thing or two if they'd just pay attention. But sometimes even a brickbat to the side of the head just makes for a hollow echo. ;)

Take care, my friend!


Thanks Lady,

But when you hear that hollow echo, there are hopeless. :laugh:

I hope you and your are doing well also. :D

One of the few lonely voices in the Wilderness. :D
The Quiet Coup by Simon Johnson, a professor at MIT’s Sloan School of Management, was the chief economist at the International Monetary Fund during 2007 and 2008. He blogs about the financial crisis at, along with James Kwak, who also contributed to this essay.

"The challenges the United States faces are familiar territory to the people at the IMF. If you hid the name of the country and just showed them the numbers, there is no doubt what old IMF hands would say: nationalize troubled banks and break them up as necessary.

In some ways, of course, the government has already taken control of the banking system. It has essentially guaranteed the liabilities of the biggest banks, and it is their only plausible source of capital today. Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve has taken on a major role in providing credit to the economy—the function that the private banking sector is supposed to be performing, but isn’t. Yet there are limits to what the Fed can do on its own; consumers and businesses are still dependent on banks that lack the balance sheets and the incentives to make the loans the economy needs, and the government has no real control over who runs the banks, or over what they do. "

It's a 4 page read, but he doesn't appear to be biased, blaming everyone from Volcker's time thru Bush's time, but I'd appreciate it if some of the more economically minded gurus here take a read when they get the chance and offer their opinion.

From what I can gather, this is going to be a long process with the banks, long as in years or is he just painting the worst scenario?

Beyond AIG: A Bill to let Big Government Set Your Salary

It was nearly two weeks ago that the House of Representatives, acting in a near-frenzy after the disclosure of bonuses paid to executives of AIG, passed a bill that would impose a 90 percent retroactive tax on those bonuses. Despite the overwhelming 328-93 vote, support for the measure began to collapse almost immediately. Within days, the Obama White House backed away from it, as did the Senate Democratic leadership. The bill stalled, and the populist storm that spawned it seemed to pass.

But now, in a little-noticed move, the House Financial Services Committee, led by chairman Barney Frank, has approved a measure that would, in some key ways, go beyond the most draconian features of the original AIG bill. The new legislation, the "Pay for Performance Act of 2009," would impose government controls on the pay of all employees -- not just top executives -- of companies that have received a capital investment from the U.S. government. It would, like the tax measure, be retroactive, changing the terms of compensation agreements already in place. And it would give Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner extraordinary power to determine the pay of thousands of employees of American companies.

Yeah it probably won't make it out of committee, but what is this? Just think about the train of thought going thru these libs heads. Talk about killing a company. This is getting to be more of a socialist country on a daily moment. :mad::worried:

Well at least the bHo Followers are dancing in the streets. Future meet slippery slope and think what this means for our kids. Doesn't anyone see a pattern here?


Fox News Host Beck Slams Connecticut AG

Beck pressed on, demanding to know what law the AIG executives broke that warranted Blumenthal's involvement.

"And while I may agree with you that it is obscene, I would like to know, is not what's right as a rule of thumb - not what makes us feel good," Beck continued. "You, sir, are to protect people and, and to stand for the law in Connecticut, so, again, I ask you, sir - what law gave you the right to go after them? What law did they break?"

Blumenthal claimed the AIG executives were "undeserving" of the bonuses. Blumenthal also pointed out the bonuses paid out were to increase next year. However, Beck pressed Blumenthal on the legality of that and Blumenthal came up blank in this exchange:

BECK: Is that against the law?

BLUMENTHAL: Well, it is against public policy. And it is unsanctioned by law.

BECK: Is that against the law?

BLUMENTHAL: It should be against the law.

BECK: Is it against the law?

BLUMENTHAL: It's against the public policy and against the taxpayer...In my view it is unrequired by law.

BECK: It is a yes or no question. Counselor, it is a yes or no question. Is it against the law?

BLUMENTHAL: It is not against the law and I have never said that it is against the law, and I have never said that we would bring an action.

BECK: Then you know what you should do? You should enforce the law. You shouldn't use your bully pulpit to gain popularity.

This is along the same vein as Frank wanting to set salaries for employees. So apparently the CT AG's concept under the Dems is that they, the Gov't, has a role on what you deserve to earn and if you earn more than they think, they are justified to take it. That's their view, the hell with the law. Folks they are making up rules and laws as they go along, what the heck happened to due process and the constitutionality of obeying the laws.

I guess the law doesn't apply to bHo and his fellow kool aid drinkers. :mad:

Oh no, they must also take responsibility for what this country is becoming and how we are treating our private citizens, practically making the Constitution impotent or it will be shortly.

Until there are "tent cities" under every overpass and bridge, I don't think the "majority" of BHO supporters will claim they were wrong until this happens. I don't think 60% of BHO supporters know what MBS, derivatives, and the uptick rule even are. Let alone, what the AIG/Big 3 automakers bailout actually means.

I can't even guess their knowledge on what the Constitution is. I don't think the interpretations I hear know make much sense anyway. I keep hearing how the rich drive the country, I wonder if the poor actually understand why that is? Could it be that education is falling by the wayside...because parents don't want to force their kids to learn/participate? So now we are raising ignorance by proxy?

I think if everyone went to their kids' school and demanded that they teach what is important and enforce the importance of attending, we could have a less ignorant and more prepared youth for the future they are about to become.
Fox News Host Beck Slams Connecticut AG

Beck pressed on, demanding to know what law the AIG executives broke that warranted Blumenthal's involvement.

"And while I may agree with you that it is obscene, I would like to know, is not what's right as a rule of thumb - not what makes us feel good," Beck continued. "You, sir, are to protect people and, and to stand for the law in Connecticut, so, again, I ask you, sir - what law gave you the right to go after them? What law did they break?" CB

I would have to say that the bonuses that the AIG exec's where going to get was not against the law however they should not have gotten any of the bailout money as their bonus. If it was not for the bailout money not only would they have been without bonuses but they would have been without a job. How anyone would believe that they deserved a bonus when the company lost billions is just pure "me, me, me" and pure greed.
Until there are "tent cities" under every overpass and bridge, I don't think the "majority" of BHO supporters will claim they were wrong until this happens. I don't think 60% of BHO supporters know what MBS, derivatives, and the uptick rule even are. Let alone, what the AIG/Big 3 automakers bailout actually means.

I can't even guess their knowledge on what the Constitution is. I don't think the interpretations I hear know make much sense anyway. I keep hearing how the rich drive the country, I wonder if the poor actually understand why that is? Could it be that education is falling by the wayside...because parents don't want to force their kids to learn/participate? So now we are raising ignorance by proxy?

I think if everyone went to their kids' school and demanded that they teach what is important and enforce the importance of attending, we could have a less ignorant and more prepared youth for the future they are about to become.

We've kinda come full circle on this subject and the Stimulus package thread. You're right Frixxxx, most people aren't educated enough in this country to understand what is going on much less the ramifications of the actions. I know I don't understand it all or really have to research a subject to understand what they are talking about. But enough smart people voted for bHo to understand what is happening and that they voted for it. It was only a 5 or 6 % spread. Now you gotta wonder of that remaining 40% that was actually aware of the socialist agenda/background of bHo and agreed with it and what % was the "I Hate Bush" vote? It's the I Hate Bush vote crowd that I consider responsible, because when you vote thru hatred, nothing good ever occurs. Jimmy Carter was the Hate Ford vote results because he pardoned Nixon. But the republicans sure didn't have anything on the ball either with McCain. I wasn't happy with Mac at all, but I knew what bHo's record was in Illinois and his senate voting record, so I knew he was a radical socialist and soft on terror, just look at his buds, plus I got some good insight from by Bro in law from Illinois also.

Our education system is failing us and our children, that's why we need more educated folks to immigrate legally to this country, because our kids aren't getting the kind of education in the public school system and most parent/parents either don't care or aren't interested.

Now I blame the parents more than the school system to a certain degree. Both my wife and I were expected as kids to go to college and get degrees and we instilled that in our daughter. It was just a given, college was just part of our conversation and environment growing up and that's not the case anymore. Raising ignorance by proxy? Maybe, but we are raising ignorance thru parental indifference and the liberal agenda that puts more emphasis on subjects that won't buy you a cup of coffee, when you graduate and leaves you very poorly prepared for college. Math and science have minimal requirements in this country, but in India for example, they are already taking Calculus (sp?) by Middle School. After 4 classes of Calc in college you'd think I'd remember how to spell it.:)

Luckily we raised our daughter in a small conservative part of Ohio and the school system is set up by district, as you're aware, and everyone knows who's on the school board, so a lot of liberal crap doesn't get placed in the district, for example Al Gores Global warming movie was not shown as a class requirement, in our schools, because of the opposition and lack of hard scientific facts and more supposition. (That's just an example and I don't want to go there. :D ) Very few attended. Yes, we need to take our schools back.

I think we'll be seeing more tent cities also.

Well I beat that subject to death and it's almost quitting time for me. :D

Talk atcha later,
Now you people quit bad mouthing BHO economics, at least he is going to get us peace in the Middle East… Oh yeah, wait a minute, he’s going to pour more American troops into the area vice pulling them out?? LOL, I guess he now has complete access to those presidential briefs on groups who don’t have our best interest at heart??

And oh yeah, now that the White House is running GM, we can all now expect the public to buy electric cars from GM?? No thanks, I’m keeping my Toyota Prius… I can’t afford to buy the 40K GM Volt car anyway because I’m now focused on paying down debt and saving more money…:cool::cool:
We've kinda come full circle on this subject and the Stimulus package thread
Sorry, haven't been in that one.
Our education system is failing us and our children, that's why we need more educated folks to immigrate legally to this country, because our kids aren't getting the kind of education in the public school system and most parent/parents either don't care or aren't interested.
Agreed, hard to hold people accountable when they themselves don't know what that means.
Now I blame the parents more than the school system to a certain degree. Both my wife and I were expected as kids to go to college and get degrees and we instilled that in our daughter. It was just a given, college was just part of our conversation and environment growing up and that's not the case anymore. Raising ignorance by proxy? Maybe, but we are raising ignorance thru parental indifference and the liberal agenda that puts more emphasis on subjects that won't buy you a cup of coffee, when you graduate and leaves you very poorly prepared for college. Math and science have minimal requirements in this country, but in India for example, they are already taking Calculus (sp?) by Middle School. After 4 classes of Calc in college you'd think I'd remember how to spell it.
you are not that spelled it correctly, now solve for the anti-derivative of the function of X.
Luckily we raised our daughter in a small conservative part of Ohio and the school system is set up by district, as you're aware, and everyone knows who's on the school board, so a lot of liberal crap doesn't get placed in the district,
Yes, I'm considered smarter than most in my field and I give all the credit to the K-12 teachers I had!!!GO Buckeye schools. My parents never even MENTIONED college as an option in my house!!!!
I think we'll be seeing more tent cities also.

Well I beat that subject to death and it's almost quitting time for me. :D

Talk atcha later,
Now you people quit bad mouthing BHO economics, at least he is going to get us peace in the Middle East… Oh yeah, wait a minute, he’s going to pour more American troops into the area vice pulling them out?? LOL, I guess he now has complete access to those presidential briefs on groups who don’t have our best interest at heart??

And oh yeah, now that the White House is running GM, we can all now expect the public to buy electric cars from GM?? No thanks, I’m keeping my Toyota Prius… I can’t afford to buy the 40K GM Volt car anyway because I’m now focused on paying down debt and saving more money…:cool::cool:

Well we might be able to get a good rate from GM now for fleet vehicles.:laugh: I'll stick with my non PC PU.:D

Sorry, haven't been in that one.
Agreed, hard to hold people accountable when they themselves don't know what that means.
you are not that spelled it correctly, now solve for the anti-derivative of the function of X.Yes, I'm considered smarter than most in my field and I give all the credit to the K-12 teachers I had!!!GO Buckeye schools. My parents never even MENTIONED college as an option in my house!!!!

Thank goodness that calculus is spelled phonetically... derivative, I can still draw the integral sign. :laugh:

I was first on my Dad's side to go to college and I wanted to build things, so engineering it was. Almost Miller time. :D
