CountryBoys's Account Talk

CB, found a cool website:

You can buy most anything you might need in an emergency from them. I am not affiliated with them in any way, just thought it was a cool site. I've started buying a few things from them to hedge one of the possible outcomes.

Thanks for passing that site along. I'll definately mark it as a favorite. :D Ya always need to be prepared, to not be would be irresponsible.

AIG Bonuses: Surrendered Under Pressure?

An email from the head of a controversial unit at AIG suggests employees who gave up their bonuses did not do so voluntarily, but feared their names would be released if they did not.

The email, obtained by CNBC, states the following: “Please be aware that we have received assurances from Attorney General Cuomo that no names will be released by his office before he completes a security review which is expected to take at least a week. To the extent that we meet certain participation targets, it is not expected that the names would be released, at all.”

I was against all the bailouts, but this sure sounds pretty heavy handed, almost blackmail by a government official and this on top of Geithner wanting new powers to take over big non-bank financial companies that begin to go under. Boy that sure opens the door to even more socialistic gov't. Everything is going in that direction, there are 2 or 3 stories a day about some other plan that's as plain as the nose on our faces.

If we're going to name names, lets start with Dodd and Frankand go from there and this additional power grab attempt by Geithner, sure doesn't feel right either. The Gov't s really starting to become a big bully, for lack of a better word.

Where will it end or have the American people become more concerned about themselves, that they just don't care? We won't recognize this country in 4 years if 2010 doesn't change the complexion in Congress.

This sounds so similiar to the Chavez stories and his style of gov't, must have his number on speed dial.

AIG This sounds so similiar to the Chavez stories and his style of gov't, must have his number on speed dial.


Difference is Chavez knows when to cut spending.:laugh: Our government can't figure that part out. Hopefully it won't get that heavy handed because you are right, that is a scary proposition.:worried:
Threats to AIG: "We Will Get Your Children" Documents reveal the level of threats against AIG employees

The anger in the threats against AIG executives is palpable.

"Get the bonus, we will get your children," someone identified only as "Jacob the Killer" hauntingly writes in an e-mail.
blame Them For Your Empty Wallet

His is one of dozens of threats against AIG and its employees that were obtained from Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal's office under a Freedom of Information Act request by NBC Connecticut.

Surprisingly, some of those making the threats left their e-mail addresses and phone numbers - making the job of law enforcement officers easier.
Here are some of the highlights (or rather, low-lights). We've cleaned up some of the nasty language, but you can use your imagination:

-- All you motherf***ers should be shot. Thanks for f***ing up our economy then taking our money.

-- Dear Sir: Ya'll should have the balls and come clean and give back the bonuses. I know you would never do this so the gov't ought to take you out back and shoot everyone of you crooked sonofb****es...I would be very careful when I went out side. This is just a warning. If I were ya'll I would be real afraid. Thanks, Bill.

-- I don't hope that bad things happen to the recipients of those bonuses. I really hope that bad things happen to the children and grandchildren of them! Whatever hurts them the most!!
-- You f***ing suck. Paying bonuses to the d*****s that made bad bets losing your company billions of dollars. I want to f***ing puke. Publish the list of those yankee scumbags so some good old southern boys can take care of them.

-- If the bonuses don't stop, it will be very likely that every CEO @ AIG has a bulls-eye on their backs.

-- We will hunt you down. Every last penny. We will hunt your children and we will hunt your conscience. We will do whatever we can to get those people getting the bonuses. Give back the money or kill yourselves.

-- All the executives and their families should be executed with piano wire around their necks --- my greatest hope.

This really comes as no surprise to me, especially with the continuous drumbeat, by liberals, of class and money envy, has finally brought us to this, the first crack of the breakdown of the civility of the people in this country.

People can’t continually be told that they deserve this or that, until they start to believe it, even if they don’t work for it, bHo is slowly convincing people to take what they want because they deserve it as he preaches his socialist message of spreading the wealth. That gives the unproductive in this country the idea, that it's ok to steal from those that have more (CAUSE THEY WORKED FOR IT), since that's the message they are receiving.

This is just the beginning and will only get worse with bHo continually throwing fuel on the fire by demonizing those that work hard for a living. I wonder how far down the economic foodchain these people will come until they've decided that working people deserve what they have?

It's really sad.

I work hard and get paid well. They are more than welcome to come see me but I caution them to be careful what they wish for.
Hard working people tend to be extremely charitable but if you demand it we may pay up in heavy metals.:D

Good Luck Today.
I work hard and get paid well. They are more than welcome to come see me but I caution them to be careful what they wish for.
Hard working people tend to be extremely charitable but if you demand it we may pay up in heavy metals.:D

Good Luck Today.

:laugh: WorkFE,

I have 40 acres and a pretty good clear free fire zone. :D But then they have to travel thru 7 miles of other hard working country folk, so there may not be much left for me by the time they get to my place. ;)

I hate this weather, but the last few years the small farm ponds around here have been getting smaller so a wet spring is probably good medicine.
Rahm Emanuel's profitable stint at mortgage giant
Short Freddie Mac stay made him at least $320,000

Before its portfolio of bad loans helped trigger the current housing crisis, mortgage giant Freddie Mac was the focus of a major accounting scandal that led to a management shake-up, huge fines and scalding condemnation of passive directors by a top federal regulator.

One of those allegedly asleep-at-the-switch board members was Chicago's Rahm Emanuel—now chief of staff to President Barack Obama—who made at least $320,000 for a 14-month stint at Freddie Mac that required little effort.,0,5682373.story

And people wonder why we're disgusted with politicians. I guess that's just par for the course for Illinois pols. :rolleyes:

I hate this weather, but the last few years the small farm ponds around here have been getting smaller so a wet spring is probably good medicine.

Yeah my pond sure needs the water, being on top of a rdige, rain water is the main source for filling though I do have some drainage diverted into the pond. These dry summers have really been hard on it though.

It has allowed me to enjoy more time on the mighty Ohio River. I do not like going out there when she's full.:D Call me a wuss but my little 18' likes calmer water.
It's back to the flood control lakes if this is a wet spring into summer.

What area of Ohio? N-S-E-W
It has allowed me to enjoy more time on the mighty Ohio River. I do not like going out there when she's full.:D Call me a wuss but my little 18' likes calmer water.
It's back to the flood control lakes if this is a wet spring into summer.

What area of Ohio? N-S-E-W

Flood control lakes would be just right for an 18 footer, if the Ohio is running high. I live in SE OH, the Tri-Sate area.

You in Eastern KY?
