CountryBoys's Account Talk

Taxpayer billions support Shariah at AIG

"Although widespread public anger has rightfully focused on bonuses AIG paid to top executives using taxpayers' money, that anger would be at an even higher pitch if the public knew that our tax dollars were being used by AIG to promote Islam and Shariah law, which provides support for terrorist activities aimed at killing Americans and destroying America," said Thompson, the president of the law center.

Now ain't that a kicker. Our tax dollars at work. They are hopeless, all of them.

They are a lending institution, borrowing is against Shariah law. So how is this possible? Insitutions like AIG would be pariah.
They are a lending institution, borrowing is against Shariah law. So how is this possible? Insitutions like AIG would be pariah.

I could be wrong, but I don't think it's borrowing, but it's the charging of interest that is against Sharia Law. I've borrowed money from my Dad in the past, and although he is a Christian, he showed me scripture that he interpreted that you shouldn't charge family interest if you make them a loan. He showed it to me at one time and I had to agree with him.

I've also read the same thing about Sharia law in several places, what most people would consider MSM, thus gospel. And the charging of interest may only apply between 2 men of the muslim faith. I've never paid that much attention until here sometime in the past year, mention was made of icluding Sharia and Green index options as a TSP choice.

You're right, it is charging interest. What shariah banks do is use gold as the basis of the transaction. But still...I'm almost certain AIG charges interest? So just strikes me as very odd.:blink:
You're right, it is charging interest. What shariah banks do is use gold as the basis of the transaction. But still...I'm almost certain AIG charges interest? So just strikes me as very odd.:blink:

Yeah it is odd, but AIG is worldwide, so maybe they have offices in Muslim countries and they may have to play by the rules of the country. I'm sure they are making money somehow. The whole AIG think stinks. Congress said they didn't know about the AIG bonuses until last week, but Gaethner, told them all about it on March 9 during a committee hearing and it was caught on C-Span and that moron Frank acts like it's news to him. That idiot was the one who wrote the bill to give AIG the money to begin with. He needs to quit acting like a baby and man up and take responsibility for what he's done. :mad: So we can't even trust our Congressman, if we ever could. They must be born with the liars gene, cause they do it so easy and often. Very sad state of affairs.

Have a good weekend,

Yeah it is odd, but AIG is worldwide, so maybe they have offices in Muslim countries and they may have to play by the rules of the country. I'm sure they are making money somehow. The whole AIG think stinks. Congress said they didn't know about the AIG bonuses until last week, but Gaethner, told them all about it on March 9 during a committee hearing and it was caught on C-Span and that moron Frank acts like it's news to him. That idiot was the one who wrote the bill to give AIG the money to begin with. He needs to quit acting like a baby and man up and take responsibility for what he's done. :mad: So we can't even trust our Congressman, if we ever could. They must be born with the liars gene, cause they do it so easy and often. Very sad state of affairs.

Have a good weekend,


Sean Hannity is call for him to resign. Good. I never dreamed a tax cheat could head the IRS much less be confirmed. Obama has lost face(as the Japanese say).
Sean Hannity is call for him to resign. Good. I never dreamed a tax cheat could head the IRS much less be confirmed. Obama has lost face(as the Japanese say).

I wish he would resign, the country would definately be better for it. Shoot half of bHo's appointees are tax cheats or some kind of cheat. In my dreams, before you could become a Senator or Rep, you would have to be audited and vetted. Now that would clean out nest of liars and cheats we have in DC. :D Maybe if I clicked my heels three times. :laugh:

Going to be a beaut of a day here, gonna do some shooting and wood cutting for next years wood supply.

You have a good one. :D

I wish he would resign, the country would definately be better for it. Shoot half of bHo's appointees are tax cheats or some kind of cheat. In my dreams, before you could become a Senator or Rep, you would have to be audited and vetted. Now that would clean out nest of liars and cheats we have in DC. :D Maybe if I clicked my heels three times. :laugh:

Going to be a beaut of a day here, gonna do some shooting and wood cutting for next years wood supply.

You have a good one. :D


Enjoy CB! Hang onto that spent brass and keep the chain sharp friend.

Supremes read Kansas blog?
Focused on page dealing with claims of ineligibility

A Kansas blogger who identifies herself as and writes on a wide range of topics recently was surprised to find through her monitoring software that someone from the U.S. Supreme Court was reading her site, which routinely gets several hundred visits per day.

Then she tracked the page to her recent commentary about Orly Taitz, the California lawyer who is pursuing a number of challenges to President Obama's eligibility to be president.

Her commentary included Taitz' recent interviews, on which WND has reported, with Justice Antonin Scalia and Chief Justice John Roberts.

And this is another example, though this guy did sound a little threatening but it seeme to be carried over the line by the Feds. Just more and more of this going on.

The Constitution is under assault.

Now I don't know what the law is regarding the Feds from snooping on your web sites, it may be legal, but ya better be careful about what you write, because if you get to close to the truth, you may come to the attention of Big Brother. So much for Freedom of Speech. Nothing in the Constitution or Bill of Rights is safe from this administration.

Now I know the NSA snoops looking for key words, but this sure doesn't sound like it in this case.

So if you take advantage of your right to Free Speech, but it doesn't agree with what this admin is trying to get over on us, then the Constitution is just a worthless piece of paper to these thugs. Sliding mor and more down the old slippery slope in such a short period of time. The puppet master is really working overtime on getting their agenda jammed thru before the public as a whole wonders about too many of the discrepancies. :suspicious:

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WH: Agenda on track despite worsening deficits

President Barack Obama's budget would produce $9.3 trillion in deficits over the next decade, more than four times the deficits of Republican George W. Bush's presidency, congressional auditors said Friday.

The new Congressional Budget Office figures offered a far more dire outlook for Obama's budget than the new administration predicted just last month - a deficit $2.3 trillion worse. It's a prospect even the president's own budget director called unsustainable.

In his White House run, Obama assailed the economic policies of his predecessor, but the eye-popping deficit numbers threaten to swamp his ambitious agenda of overhauling health care, exploring new energy sources and enacting scores of domestic programs.

The dismal deficit figures, if they prove to be accurate, inevitably raise the prospect that Obama and his Democratic allies controlling Congress would have to consider raising taxes after the recession ends or else pare back his agenda.

By CBO's calculation, Obama's budget would generate deficits averaging almost $1 trillion a year of red ink over 2010-2019.


Worst of all, CBO says the deficit under Obama's policies would never go below 4 percent of the size of the economy, figures that economists agree are unsustainable. By the end of the decade, the deficit would exceed 5 percent of gross domestic product, a dangerously high level.

White House budget chief Peter Orszag said that CBO's long-range economic projections are more pessimistic than those of the White House, private economists and the Federal Reserve and that he remained confident that Obama's budget, if enacted, would produce smaller deficits.

Even so, Orszag acknowledged that if the CBO projections prove accurate, Obama's budget would produce deficits that could not be sustained.

And the hits just keep on coming on this data is analyzed by the CBO. Where are all those libs that were screaming for GWB's head when he ran up his deficit. Shoot, Bush is just a piker when it come to bHo's ability to run upthe deficit. :laugh: And Congress must have their head somewhere dark, because they are co-conspirators to this destruction of America's future. :worried:

Enjoy CB! Hang onto that spent brass and keep the chain sharp friend.


Yeah Thunderhorse,

I may have to revert back to hunting for my food and heating with wood totally, because I''l be unable to afford paying for it, but I'll have to be careful or I'll have to give hald away to the unproductive of our society. :laugh:

Yeah Thunderhorse,

I may have to revert back to hunting for my food and heating with wood totally, because I''l be unable to afford paying for it, but I'll have to be careful or I'll have to give hald away to the unproductive of our society. :laugh:


I hear ya CB. BTU's are BTUs no matter if they are from wood, coal, solar, or arab oil. Just the deadfall on the back of my place keeps me in cordwood to take care of most of the heating. The heat pump kicks in every now and then - not much though.

My two sons (both preteens) have learned to tend fire and they enjoy it. Gain a boys interest, teach him how to do something, and it becomes a skill he has as long as he is here on God's earth. When I see them take on responsibility and run with it I'm a happy dad. :) Even if the pols run this country into the ground I have faith the boys can keep gettin' in the face of adversity.

I've got a couple of oaks down now that I need to saw up. The boys like splittting, and stacking. Fine by my back! They caught a possum in the live trap last night and let him go this morning. Mean SOB he was. Hoping to catch another racoon to work on training up their hound pup.

I can't keep venison around this place. Whole family is like a bunch of venison piranhas. Healthy it is and they chow down. Better than store bought meats by far.

Know what you mean about the unproductives. I'm more than happy to help folks in need but I cast a dark eye on supporting lazy ass people.

Have a good weekend,
I hear ya CB. BTU's are BTUs no matter if they are from wood, coal, solar, or arab oil. Just the deadfall on the back of my place keeps me in cordwood to take care of most of the heating. The heat pump kicks in every now and then - not much though.

My two sons (both preteens) have learned to tend fire and they enjoy it. Gain a boys interest, teach him how to do something, and it becomes a skill he has as long as he is here on God's earth. When I see them take on responsibility and run with it I'm a happy dad. :) Even if the pols run this country into the ground I have faith the boys can keep gettin' in the face of adversity.

I've got a couple of oaks down now that I need to saw up. The boys like splittting, and stacking. Fine by my back! They caught a possum in the live trap last night and let him go this morning. Mean SOB he was. Hoping to catch another racoon to work on training up their hound pup.

I can't keep venison around this place. Whole family is like a bunch of venison piranhas. Healthy it is and they chow down. Better than store bought meats by far.

Know what you mean about the unproductives. I'm more than happy to help folks in need but I cast a dark eye on supporting lazy ass people.

Have a good weekend,

Hey T'horse

My dad raised us boys the same way and it stuck with us. Those are lessons that will get ya thru life regardless of your situation and make for real bonding times they'll never forget, I now I didn't.

Possums can be mean, but raccoons can be heck on a dog also, as you well know, but I can remember my coon hunts as a kid growing up. Hearing the bay of the hounds and the oldtimers terlling ya what each bay meant and what dog it was.

I've always believed you help those that are trying,but just need that extra leg up, that's the way it should be.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend,
I'm getting tired to relocating my opossums to Illinois, hee hee. :D I just imagine a cop pulling me over in my little Toyota and seeing a caged possum riding shotgun with a big toothy grin on his face. "We're just going to work officer." "Step out of the car Sir."

I catch a lot of flack for this but I promised the wife, she thinks they are cute.:worried: Then again she thinks I'm cute too.:nuts:
Way things are going, she may end up deciding the possum looks cuter in the pot than the cage, what happens to you then? :nuts:
A couple of years ago hear on the MB, one of the gurus was bemoning the fact that the Federal Reserve announced itwould stop reporting to the public the M3 money supply, the broadest measure of three standards of measurement.

At the time my ingnorance didn't allow me to realize the importance and value of this number and by not reporting it, the public had no way of knowing the amount of money the fed is printing and I guess where we stand in regards to inflation?

the following article brings to light what one of our members was concerned about and now I understand why.

Fed's secrecy policy 3 years old tomorrow
In 2006, money suppliers stopped reporting publicly on money supply

As America's economy continues in freefall, tomorrow marks an auspicious three-year anniversary – the day the Federal Reserve announced, with little fanfare, its decision to stop reporting to the public the M3 money supply, the broadest measure of three standards of measurement.

Federal Reserve is the non-government agency designated by Congress to control the nation's money supply, which directly impacts the value of the dollar and every investment held by Americans.

Since 2006, Americans have seen their investments plummet in value and witnessed the shrinking buying power of their earnings.

Why did the Fed make that decision three years ago? What was its rationale?

The justification for the secrecy by the organization that prints money was cost. By not producing those numbers for the public, the Fed would save about $1.5 million annually.

According to Jerry Robinson, author of the new book "Bankruptcy of Our Nation," the $1.5 million savings by the Fed amounted to 0.00000699 percent of it annual net income of last year.

"You would think that such a broad economic and inflation indicator would be continually produced, analyzed and monitored," says Robinson. "However, when the announcement came, it fell on deaf ears. This bold new move by the Fed caused some stir among economists, but it never received any real media coverage."

Just last Wednesday the Fed said it would flood the teetering financial system with an additional $1.2 trillion.

The money will be used, the Fed said, to buy government bonds and mortgage-related securities in hopes of lowering the borrowing costs for home mortgages and other types of loans, thereby stimulating economic activity. In other words, the central bank will print more money to pay for the purchases.

What the Fed does not explain publicly is how those kinds of infusions of money out of thin air, with nothing to back it, reduce the purchasing power and assets of all Americans by devaluing the dollar. The $1.2 trillion is in addition to hundreds of billions already added to the system since the beginning of the year and dwarfs even the biggest government bailouts to date.

This article opened my eyes to the hurt we have coming down the road due to the lack of transparency and now I understand what that member was trying to say. Others probably understood, but at the time I didn't.

Now I know why Sen Gregg resigned from bHo's administration is covered in the following CNN article. A CNN article even. ;)

Gregg: 'This country will go bankrupt'

GOP Sen. Judd Gregg warned Sunday that the country might be headed for a fiscal crash if spending isn't controlled.

WASHINGTON (CNN) – Even though he was almost a member of the new Obama administration, New Hampshire Republican Judd Gregg Sunday slammed President Obama’s approach to handling the country’s fiscal outlook.

“The practical implications of this is bankruptcy for the United States,” Gregg said of the Obama’s administration’s recently released budget blueprint. “There’s no other way around it. If we maintain the proposals that are in this budget over the ten-year period that this budget covers, this country will go bankrupt. People will not buy our debt, our dollar will become devalued. It is a very severe situation.”

Gregg, known as one of the keenest fiscal minds on Capitol Hill, also told CNN Chief National Correspondent John King that he thought it was “almost unconscionable” for the White House to continue with its planned course on fiscal matters with unprecedented actual and projected budget deficits in the coming years.

I wonder how mny warning signs we'll need before the public realizes what is happening. :worried:

Exercise for people over 50
Begin by standing on a comfortable surface ...

Now I can handle this type of exercise, but I had to run it by my GP.

Begin by standing on a comfortable surface, where you have plenty of room at each side.

With a 5-pound potato sack in each hand, extend your arms straight out from your sides, and hold them there as long as you can.

Try to reach a full minute, and then relax.

Each day you'll find that you can hold this position for just a bit longer.

After a couple of weeks, move up to 10-pound potato sacks.

Then try 50-pound potato sacks, and then eventually try to get to where you can lift a 100-pound potato sack in each hand, and hold your arms straight for more than a full minute. (I'm at this level.) :D

After you feel confident at that level, put a potato in each sack.

I think the DNC had better reign in the Obama administration and very quickly or there will be irreversible damage to the Party and the Nation. They are spending money like subprime borrowers and can not possible see a light at the end of the tunnel.

These are not the choice we need. We need the market to equalize and stabilize and for that to happen there needs to be massive failure of the entities that caused the problem.

History has taught us that when the .gov intervenes it prolongs the inevitable. Now we are printing money like there is no tomorrow.

I love this one about the FED buying up Treasuries to stabilize the .gov, and where does the FED get the money to buy the Treasuries?

I said NO BAIL OUT! It won't work.

I said the next Pres. will be a one term Pres. and this one is going to send us deeper in the red.

Who wants to buy a US Treasury with our unemployment and lack of manufacturing jobs? China has one trillion dollars already and is sick of them.

Bad moon rising.