CountryBoys's Account Talk

Re: Country Boy

Amen brother preach it, tell it again. Ooopp's sorry I got carried away I thought I was in church. I've said it so many times in my posting. The democrat's were a good party in their day but they have lost their way for many years the real agenda is and has been for many years (democrats=socialist) (liberals=communist). Those progressive thinkers as they like be known as need the people to need government that is how they will stay in power and they know that; so if you help the less fortunate and give entitlements to any and everybody including every country and destroy every morale issue that is the heart of most Americans then you can seize the power and keep the people subjected to your ideology because they want their government to sustain them by distribution of wealth. Say what they will but the real power brokers for their party know this and will do anything to misdirect the rest of America into believing otherwise. You go Country boy you got it right! I'm tired of paying for that DAMNED TEA!:mad:

Yeah EZ,

As Chuckme Schumer called us "the chattering class" and we don't really care about pork or earmarks. Well that comment from him, just told me everything I needed to know about the current Dems/Libs, they are a bunch of elistists, because not one Dem, that I saw or read, call BS on him. Now that's a sad bunch of people and spoke wonders on what they thought of us main streeters.

I've found that the "Truth Hurts" and the more it hurts the more truthful it is. It seems that no matter what is said about the incorrectness of the methods being utilized to BAILOUT the economy, the more The Truth is ignored by the Liberals, but Mr. Market knows.
Just remember there are NO EARMARKS in this bill!!
That my friends is a baldfaced lie, and lying will never set you free.:cool:

Yes nnuut,

Mr Market knows and it and BHO are bankrupting our ritement and our kids future and the MSM just is letting it fly by, but by gosh if the pres had of been a conservative, rushing to ram so much down our throats that we don't even have a chance to even begin assimilate it, then they would be running around calling for investigations and impeachments. :confused: But since it's their bud in the WH, then it A OK, cause afterall the MSM are nothing but a bucnh of socialist also. :laugh:

Execute Rush Limbaugh for treason?
That's what Obama-loving talker suggests on CNN

Posted: March 06, 2009
1:12 am Eastern

Now Libs are calling for killing people that speak their mind.

"Radio talker Stephanie Miller, outraged that Rush Limbaugh wants Barack Obama's policies to fail, has called for the nation's top talk host to be charged with treason and executed.

She made the call, not on her rather obscure radio program but on CNN's "Larry King Live" show Tuesday.

King seemed unfazed by the suggestion, neither following it up with a challenge or a question.

"To me that seems treasonous," Miller said. "If I could say something tonight that gets me that kind of attention, like maybe Rush Limbaugh should be executed for treason. How about that?"

And that old senile fart King, apparently didn't bat an eye. Don't Libs understand what freedom of speech applies to everyone and not just those that believe in their brain farts :confused:. Just another example of the slow decimation of the Constittuion.

I wonder if she knows which end of the gun to point, or better yet, does she even have a gun? :laugh:

Most are saying "Rush" is being used by the Dems and Libs as a distraction, trying to move the heat away from BHO and his agenda.

I watched MSNBC for a few minutes last night and they were having a field day on Rush and Steele. They seemed to believe that Rush was "finally" all washed up and gone now. I'll take all bets to the contrary. :D (Rush used to call that channel PMSNBC):laugh:

White House Using Rush Limbaugh as Distraction,2933,505175,00.html
Most are saying "Rush" is being used by the Dems and Libs as a distraction, trying to move the heat away from BHO and his agenda.

I watched MSNBC for a few minutes last night and they were having a field day on Rush and Steel. They seemed to believe that Rush was "finally" all washed up and gone now. I'll take all bets to the contrary. :D (Rush used to call that channel PMSNBC):laugh:

White House Using Rush Limbaugh as Distraction,2933,505175,00.html


I wouldn't doubt that one bit, BHO and his comrades, need to do something to distract the public from the CharlieFoxtrot they are making of this economy and country.

But what I think is just downright awful is that a private citizen is being targeted by BHO and his thugs for public humiliation and that Cramer is on the list now for his disparaging comments about BHO's total lack of economic acumen. This guy doesn't even realize that capital is required for our economy, but he is sucking it out and putting it into welfare/social programs which produce nothing in return.

Hopefully, reality will set in, before it's to late, :worried: and folks will realize that the only quality he has is an eloquent speeker, especially since he never travels without his teleprompter. Who is the puppeteer? Obama has only been about speeches and he certainly does not posses any business acumen. Sadly the his speeches were enough for the majority of Americans who fell for it hook line and sinker, since he was an inexperienced senator with a sicialist record. No return policy though is in effect. Praying for 2010.

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As Rush would say, "DITTOS" from here on all counts! :laugh:


I wouldn't doubt that one bit, BHO and his comrades, need to do something to distract the public from the CharlieFoxtrot they are making of this economy and country.

But what I think is just downright awful is that a private citizen is being targeted by BHO and his thugs for public humiliation and that Cramer is on the list now for his disparaging comments about BHO's total lack of economic acumen. This guy doesn't even realize that capital is required for our economy, but he is sucking it out and putting it into welfare/social programs which produce nothing in return.

Hopefully, reality will set in, before it's to late, :worried: and folks will realize that the only quality he has is an eloquent speeker, especially since he never travels without his teleprompter. Who is the puppeteer? Obama has only been about speeches and he certainly does not posses any business acumen. Sadly the his speeches were enough for the majority of Americans who fell for it hook line and sinker, since he was an inexperienced senator with a sicialist record. No return policy though is in effect. Praying for 2010.

I just wish BHO would STFU for awhile before he gets himself ... If he doesn't satisfy his at risk constituency then civil unrest and discord could erupt - we've seen this happen in the past. If riots do develope many will pay the ultimate price because the silent majority will not settle for another round. The Georgia militia will rule.
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I just wish BHO would STFU for awhile before he gets himself shot. If he doesn't satisfy his at risk constituency then civil unrest and discord could erupt - we've seen this happen in the past. If riots do develope many will pay the ultimate price because the silent majority will not settle for another round. The Georgia militia will rule.

Let him talk--maybe your wish will come true.:D

He just says the same thing over and over. He needs to get over himself. Am I the only one that notices that? Where are all the comedy shows and comedians that always make fun of the pres? If he wasn't so dangerous, he would be ignored.

Where is my ignore button---its around here somewhere...
‘Obama Bear Market’ Punishes Investors as Dow Slumps (Update2)

March 6 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama now has the distinction of presiding over his own bear market.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average has fallen 20 percent since Inauguration Day, the fastest drop under a newly elected president in at least 90 years, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The gauge has lost 53 percent from its October 2007 record of 14,164.53, slipping 4.1 percent to 6,594.44 yesterday.

More than $1.6 trillion has been erased from U.S. equities since Jan. 20 as mounting bank losses and rising unemployment convinced investors the recession is getting worse. The president is in danger of breaking a pattern in which the Dow rallied 9.8 percent on average in the 12 months after a Democrat captured the White House, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

“People thought there would be a brief Obama rally, and that hasn’t happened,” said Uri Landesman, who oversees about $2.5 billion at ING Groep NV’s asset management unit in New York. “It speaks to the carnage that’s in the economy and the lack of confidence in the measures that have been announced.”

A bear market is defined as a decline of 20 percent or more.

Buying shares “is a potentially good deal” for long-term investors, Obama said March 3. He compared daily fluctuations to a tracking poll in politics and said he wouldn’t adjust his policies just to meet market expectations.

Congress last month enacted Obama’s $787 billion package of tax cuts and spending on roads, bridges and public buildings. His 2010 budget indicated the government’s financial rescue may need another $750 billion after an initial $700 billion.


The Dow average took eight months to decline 20 percent following the inauguration of George W. Bush, reaching the level on Sept. 20, 2001, nine days after terrorists attacked the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington.

Herbert Hoover

The crash of 1929 occurred seven months into the administration of Herbert Hoover, who presided over an 89 percent plunge in the Dow between September 1929 and July 1932, the steepest retreat ever.

Only twice has the benchmark gauge slipped in the 12 months after the election of a Democratic president since 1900, after Woodrow Wilson’s victory in 1912 and Jimmy Carter’s in 1976.

This clown is killing us with his ignorance and arrogance.:mad:

First Bloomberg now the WSJ is seeing BHO for the incompetent that he is.

Obama's Radicalism Is Killing the Dow
A financial crisis is the worst time to change the foundations of American capitalism

It's hard not to see the continued sell-off on Wall Street and the growing fear on Main Street as a product, at least in part, of the realization that our new president's policies are designed to radically re-engineer the market-based U.S. economy, not just mitigate the recession and financial crisis.

The illusion that Barack Obama will lead from the economic center has quickly come to an end. Instead of combining the best policies of past Democratic presidents -- John Kennedy on taxes, Bill Clinton on welfare reform and a balanced budget, for instance -- President Obama is returning to Jimmy Carter's higher taxes and Mr. Clinton's draconian defense drawdown.

Mr. Obama's $3.6 trillion budget blueprint, by his own admission, redefines the role of government in our economy and society. The budget more than doubles the national debt held by the public, adding more to the debt than all previous presidents -- from George Washington to George W. Bush -- combined. ;)

Well said CB!! BHO is just doing the wrong things at the worst time. A recipe for failure, and many of his own people are switching sides. Someone in Washington had to take him aside by now to clue him in about his actions. If he doesn't know I'm sure that our friend Rush would be glad to help.:cool:
Well said CB!! BHO is just doing the wrong things at the worst time. A recipe for failure, and many of his own people are switching sides. Someone in Washington had to take him aside by now to clue him in about his actions. If he doesn't know I'm sure that our friend Rush would be glad to help.:cool:

I'm sure Rush will offer advice, but BHO thinks Rush is the Boogie man and fears him, now BHO is getting economice advice from the founder of Twitter.

Twitter cofounder and CEO Ev Williams is headed to the White House today.

The administration invited him to join a “young business leaders" summit to discuss the economic crises.

As Ev himself puts it -- in a Twitter message, of course -- "[this] must mean they're *really* out of ideas." :(

Boy he is reaching out for anyone, this is so sad and embarassing, that were being lead by this bumbling fool, who can't even surround himself with smart people, just tax cheats.

Well said CB!! BHO is just doing the wrong things at the worst time. A recipe for failure, and many of his own people are switching sides. Someone in Washington had to take him aside by now to clue him in about his actions. If he doesn't know I'm sure that our friend Rush would be glad to help.:cool:

Thanks nnuut,

But most of what is being said about BHO is by Bloomberg and the WSJ. Hopefully these folks, who are somewhat knowledgable on economic matters can get BHO to change his tactics, cause the MSM has drunk the kool-aid and doesn't have the snarts to talk economics, they just want to blast anyone that even questions their hero.:laugh:

20 Million for Hamas Refugees to the USA
Try and tell the American people that Obama doesn’t have ties to the Islamic terrorist world.

Obama funds $20M tax payer dollars to immigrate Hamas Refugees to the USA

This is the news that didn’t make the headlines…

By executive order, President Barack Obama has ordered the expenditure of $20.3 million in migration assistance to the Palestinian refugees and conflict victims in Gaza. The “presidential determination” which allows hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to Hamas to resettle in the United States was signed on January 27 and appeared in the Federal Register on February 4th.

Few on Capitol Hill took note that the order provides a free ticket replete with housing and food allowances to individuals who have displayed their overwhelming support of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in the parliamentary election of January 2006.

A review of Barack Obama’s most recent actions since he was inaugurated a little more than two weeks ago:

His first call to any head of state as president was to Mahmoud Abbas, leader of Fatah party in the Palestinian territory.

His first one-on-one interview with any news organization was with Al Arabia television.

He ordered Guantanamo Bay closed and all military trials of detainees halted.

He ordered all overseas CIA interrogation centers closed.

He withdrew all charges against the masterminds behind the USS Cole and 9/11.

Now we learn that he is allowing hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refuges to move to and live in the US at American taxpayer expense.

NOTE: To verify for yourself:
20 Million for Hamas Refugees to the USA
Try and tell the American people that Obama doesn’t have ties to the Islamic terrorist world.

Obama funds $20M tax payer dollars to immigrate Hamas Refugees to the USA

This is the news that didn’t make the headlines…

By executive order, President Barack Obama has ordered the expenditure of $20.3 million in migration assistance to the Palestinian refugees and conflict victims in Gaza. The “presidential determination” which allows hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to Hamas to resettle in the United States was signed on January 27 and appeared in the Federal Register on February 4th.

Few on Capitol Hill took note that the order provides a free ticket replete with housing and food allowances to individuals who have displayed their overwhelming support of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in the parliamentary election of January 2006.

A review of Barack Obama’s most recent actions since he was inaugurated a little more than two weeks ago:

His first call to any head of state as president was to Mahmoud Abbas, leader of Fatah party in the Palestinian territory.

His first one-on-one interview with any news organization was with Al Arabia television.

He ordered Guantanamo Bay closed and all military trials of detainees halted.

He ordered all overseas CIA interrogation centers closed.

He withdrew all charges against the masterminds behind the USS Cole and 9/11.

Now we learn that he is allowing hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refuges to move to and live in the US at American taxpayer expense.

NOTE: To verify for yourself:

Total insanity :mad::mad::mad:
20 Million for Hamas Refugees to the USA
Try and tell the American people that Obama doesn’t have ties to the Islamic terrorist world.

Obama funds $20M tax payer dollars to immigrate Hamas Refugees to the USA

This is the news that didn’t make the headlines…

By executive order, President Barack Obama has ordered the expenditure of $20.3 million in migration assistance to the Palestinian refugees and conflict victims in Gaza. The “presidential determination” which allows hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to Hamas to resettle in the United States was signed on January 27 and appeared in the Federal Register on February 4th.

Few on Capitol Hill took note that the order provides a free ticket replete with housing and food allowances to individuals who have displayed their overwhelming support of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in the parliamentary election of January 2006.

A review of Barack Obama’s most recent actions since he was inaugurated a little more than two weeks ago:

His first call to any head of state as president was to Mahmoud Abbas, leader of Fatah party in the Palestinian territory.

His first one-on-one interview with any news organization was with Al Arabia television.

He ordered Guantanamo Bay closed and all military trials of detainees halted.

He ordered all overseas CIA interrogation centers closed.

He withdrew all charges against the masterminds behind the USS Cole and 9/11.

Now we learn that he is allowing hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refuges to move to and live in the US at American taxpayer expense.

NOTE: To verify for yourself:

Obama is importing more potential/likely terrorist and providing them with housing and food doesn't this bother anyone. How will they be veted, like Obamas cabinet?

These people elected Hamas to run their country, they are terrorist and want to kill Americans.

I have heard nothing on the news.