CountryBoys's Account Talk

You are spot on and I love your commentary. We gotta have coffee some time.:D

Here is my take on Mr. President, his ideals and social programs dreams are dependent on one thing alone and if he tries to go forward with his social agenda he will be a bigger failure than Bush the D student.

Wait for it................................ PROSPERITY.

Without economic and individual prosperity, where do you get the money with out tanking the country not the economy, the country. Gold, silver, and guns are looking more and more practical and necessary.
Thanks Show-me,

But a blind man can see whats going on, if he paid any attention to what BHO stands for and has done and a feel for history.

I sure hope your son is doing better :D, cause our kids are more important that anything that moron in the WH stands for.

And the coffee will be on me. I'd enjoy meeting up with you. :D I'll be getting to Cincy more often starting in July, so that puts us a little closer. Maybe a big gun show somewhere.

You're a good guy CB :)

Sometimes I think you fret a tad too much ...

... but what the hell...nothing wrong with taking a stand

......personally I think we could pretty much put all the politicians in a grinder - and you'd have a hard time telling one from the other :rolleyes:

when they all came out..:suspicious:

One day at a time Bro - that's all we can do.
Regretfully, BHO doesn't Need to Be Malicious


President Obama Maximus need not be malicious to do what he is doing to us. He could just be ignorant :embarrest:

He is a very smart man - but he can't accept that there are things he doesn't know anything about. Thus, he is ignorant. Studies have shown that ignorant folks actually have more confidence in themselves and their own opinions than knowledgeable folk.

An example of the opposite might have been Rumsfeld. Remember the comment on:
  • There are things you know,
  • There are things you know you don't know
  • And, there are things you don't know you don't know

Its that last thing that bites you on the bullocks. Obama can't accept that there are things he doesn't completely understand. He is a bull in a china closet. He is running around with his eyes wide shut and wondering how things are still falling apart. He will soon double down.

That is even scarier than any sinister cabal I can think of, eh...
You're a good guy CB :)

Sometimes I think you fret a tad too much ...

... but what the hell...nothing wrong with taking a stand

......personally I think we could pretty much put all the politicians in a grinder - and you'd have a hard time telling one from the other :rolleyes:

when they are came out..:suspicious:

One day at a time Bro - that's all we can do.

I like CountryBoy.

He is a smart. I also like that he is opinionated.

He is one that I always read. Of course you to Steadygain. You are my

calming effect. :)
......personally I think we could pretty much put all the politicians in a grinder - and you'd have a hard time telling one from the other :rolleyes:

when they all came out..:suspicious:

One day at a time Bro - that's all we can do.

Amen, Steady!
You're a good guy CB :)

Sometimes I think you fret a tad too much ...

... but what the hell...nothing wrong with taking a stand

......personally I think we could pretty much put all the politicians in a grinder - and you'd have a hard time telling one from the other :rolleyes:

when they all came out..:suspicious:

One day at a time Bro - that's all we can do.

I bet they'd make good firtelizer.
You're a good guy CB :)

Sometimes I think you fret a tad too much ...

... but what the hell...nothing wrong with taking a stand

......personally I think we could pretty much put all the politicians in a grinder - and you'd have a hard time telling one from the other :rolleyes:

when they all came out..:suspicious:

One day at a time Bro - that's all we can do.

Thanks Steady,

But I don't call it fretting to much, just letting it all hang out, when the feeling comes upon me and not keeping it bottled up and you're totally correct, our Pols are all the same now and ya can't tell one from another.

One day at a time is ok for some things, but ya gotta plan for the future and try to anticipate, so you can protect you and yours about what may be headed their way.

But bud I gotta calls them as I sees them. :D

I like CountryBoy.

He is a smart. I also like that he is opinionated.

He is one that I always read. Of course you to Steadygain. You are my

calming effect. :)

Thanks Poolman,

And Steady is a very calming effect on all of us, though he can get a little wound up also. :D

Re: Regretfully, BHO doesn't Need to Be Malicious


President Obama Maximus need not be malicious to do what he is doing to us. He could just be ignorant :embarrest:

He is a very smart man - but he can't accept that there are things he doesn't know anything about. Thus, he is ignorant. Studies have shown that ignorant folks actually have more confidence in themselves and their own opinions than knowledgeable folk.

An example of the opposite might have been Rumsfeld. Remember the comment on:
  • There are things you know,
  • There are things you know you don't know
  • And, there are things you don't know you don't know

Its that last thing that bites you on the bullocks. Obama can't accept that there are things he doesn't completely understand. He is a bull in a china closet. He is running around with his eyes wide shut and wondering how things are still falling apart. He will soon double down.

That is even scarier than any sinister cabal I can think of, eh...

Well said Boghie,

But I'm not sure which is scarier, the bull or the sinister cabal, thats a tough call.:worried:

Thanks Steady,

But I don't call it fretting to much, just letting it all hang out, when the feeling comes upon me and not keeping it bottled up and you're totally correct, our Pols are all the same now and ya can't tell one from another.

One day at a time is ok for some things, but ya gotta plan for the future and try to anticipate, so you can protect you and yours about what may be headed their way.

But bud I gotta calls them as I sees them. :D


CB, I am one of those conservative guys that votes Rep more than Dem but I gootta tell ya. As disappointed I am in Obama and the path he has taken, I think I would be just as disappointed if McCain had been elected. It's sad but neither party has the stomach to do what has to be done and as a result the market will do it eventually by itself. When it comes time to pay the piper there is going to be an ugly toll collected.

Keep posting your opinions because I love to read them and I haven't seen anything I disagree with. :) Hopefully someone soon in one of the parties will have have the morality to draw the line in the sand and actually represent the people vice their special interests. Keep the faith and stay true to yourself. JB45
CB, I am one of those conservative guys that votes Rep more than Dem but I gootta tell ya. As disappointed I am in Obama and the path he has taken, I think I would be just as disappointed if McCain had been elected. It's sad but neither party has the stomach to do what has to be done and as a result the market will do it eventually by itself. When it comes time to pay the piper there is going to be an ugly toll collected.

Keep posting your opinions because I love to read them and I haven't seen anything I disagree with. :) Hopefully someone soon in one of the parties will have have the morality to draw the line in the sand and actually represent the people vice their special interests. Keep the faith and stay true to yourself. JB45

Oh JB45,

McCain didn't do a thing for me either. I was terribly dissappointed that those 2 were all we had as a realistic choice for president and I just voted for the lesser of 2 evils. To me McCain is nothing more than the old fashion Dems, I remember in the early to late 60's. The only thing with McCain, is that I don't believe he wouldn't have taken down this road to socialism so fast and with so many programs.

Oh, I'll keep posting, I can't help it. Genetically I have a big mouth and really don't care who knows or hears what I think. :D I sure hope one of the parties will step up to the plate like you desires also, because it sure is going to be an ugly toll us, but mainly our kids are going to have to pay. :(

We just gotta keep rattling folks cages and stick to our morals, ethics and beliefs and not compromise on them. There are other things that we can compromise on, but not what makes us who and what we are and stand for.

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Thanks Steady,

But I don't call it fretting to much, just letting it all hang out, when the feeling comes upon me and not keeping it bottled up and you're totally correct, our Pols are all the same now and ya can't tell one from another.

One day at a time is ok for some things, but ya gotta plan for the future and try to anticipate, so you can protect you and yours about what may be headed their way.

But bud I gotta calls them as I sees them.


My dear brother and friend - I woke early this morning dwelling on this response and was amazed at how much we have in common.

Here I'd misunderstood you and kind of thought you were on an endless champaign to trash Obama's Administration and all that stuff ... and that's the only reason I got a little concerned.

BUT - it's more - all the Horses**t - which no one would question - and the feelings that well up within and NOT letting them get bottled up.

That's what this site is ALL ABOUT for me - so we're exactly the same. Both of us have maybe too much heart... we have a hard time letting things just slide past us when we know it's horses**t :mad:



I just have a little different avenue - but we're both doing the exact same thing.

So call em anyway you see em - cause in all liklihood that's exactly how it is

and somewhere down the line we may pass one of these guys driving down the highway :D:D
My dear brother and friend - I woke early this morning dwelling on this response and was amazed at how much we have in common.

Here I'd misunderstood you and kind of thought you were on an endless champaign to trash Obama's Administration and all that stuff ... and that's the only reason I got a little concerned.

BUT - it's more - all the Horses**t - which no one would question - and the feelings that well up within and NOT letting them get bottled up.

That's what this site is ALL ABOUT for me - so we're exactly the same. Both of us have maybe too much heart... we have a hard time letting things just slide past us when we know it's horses**t :mad:



I just have a little different avenue - but we're both doing the exact same thing.

So call em anyway you see em - cause in all liklihood that's exactly how it is

and somewhere down the line we may pass one of these guys driving down the highway :D:D

Yep Steady,

We have alot in common. If the next pres is a Republican/Con :rolleyes: and tries to pull this stuff, I'll be on him also. I'm to old, to not realize that both sides have their evil sides and to deny that is just plain niave.

I'm just trashing the steady march to socialism, the chipping away at the constitution, sacrificing our kids future and his bold faced lies of no earmarks and allowing the American people to have a chance to look at legislation. He's just your typical politician, that speaks out of both sides of his mouth.

Take Care,
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Rush on Hit list

Over the past few weeks, America has seen President Obama, White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel and former Campaign Manager David Plouffe channel much of their focus on what they see as a major problem facing America. You might think the object of this affection is the spiraling economy, which has led them to declare war on moderately successful investors and small business owners while they refuse to acknowledge a war on terror. That is certainly a focus. Secondarily, you might think it is the housing crisis, where they are attempting to cram down irresponsible mortgages so that responsible homeowners pay for the irresponsible mistakes of their neighbors. Definitely a focus. You may also think their focus is on creating a national health care plan, complete with community servicing centers and government run treatment plans paid for by a select few and at the expense of charitable contributions. Nobody argues that is a focus.

No, with these important issues being debated on Capitol Hill, President Obama, Rahm Emmanuel and David Plouffe have channeled their focus towards Rush Limbaugh. Arguably the most successful radio host in American history, Rush has historically drawn the ire of the left, for building an army of conservatives poised to battle bad ideas, and offer better solutions to the nation’s challenges. But this time, it is a bit more calculated, a bit more centralized and a bit more vitriolic. So the question has to be asked, why? Why would the President risk taking his eye off the ball to clash with one radio host?

Similiar article here, but the link is kinda hinky today.

As for me, I can't figure out why Rush has become such a boogie man to BHO and his underlings, unless it's their socialistic ideology and since when has it been against the law, constitution or unpatriotic to hope for the failure of an ideological agendas that you disagree with? Liberals were hardly treasonous when they hoped for the failure of George W. Bush's Social Security privatization scheme or the Iraq war for that matter. Yeha I know ya'll supported the4 troops and not the war, but that's like saying I support BHO, but not his agenda. It's one way or the other and folks have to take a stand. :D

I've seen the You Tube videos of what Limbaugh said and it has been taken out of context. From what I've seen he want's all Americans to prosper, he just wants socialism to fail and what is wrong with that. That's where we are headed. As the saying goes "the camel already has his nose under the tent". :worried:

BUt these days, you're a bad boy and will be black listed if you dare to disagree with the man.... hmmmm sounds like McCarthyism.

Country Boy

Amen brother preach it, tell it again. Ooopp's sorry I got carried away I thought I was in church. I've said it so many times in my posting. The democrat's were a good party in their day but they have lost their way for many years the real agenda is and has been for many years (democrats=socialist) (liberals=communist). Those progressive thinkers as they like be known as need the people to need government that is how they will stay in power and they know that; so if you help the less fortunate and give entitlements to any and everybody including every country and destroy every morale issue that is the heart of most Americans then you can seize the power and keep the people subjected to your ideology because they want their government to sustain them by distribution of wealth. Say what they will but the real power brokers for their party know this and will do anything to misdirect the rest of America into believing otherwise. You go Country boy you got it right! I'm tired of paying for that DAMNED TEA!:mad:
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I used to think "Liberalism" espoused an openess to all points of view. Now it seems mean they're only open to those who agree with their viewpoint! Keep on disagreeing CB, I'm with you!
I've found that the "Truth Hurts" and the more it hurts the more truthful it is. It seems that no matter what is said about the incorrectness of the methods being utilized to BAILOUT the economy, the more The Truth is ignored by the Liberals, but Mr. Market knows.
Just remember there are NO EARMARKS in this bill!!
That my friends is a baldfaced lie, and lying will never set you free.:cool: