CountryBoys's Account Talk

If the reduced lunch at risk bunch try to emulate the BHO family structure that would be the best approach for the country. When my daughter was younger she thought all at risk families were like the Huxtables from television.

Yes that would be a great approach, but I've haven't heard BHO promote such a novel idea, at least to the at risk bunch.

Mines only about an hour away. The first year she was home every weekend. This year it's every other weekend. I can do the math for next year. It sure doesn't get any easier, she's the baby.....
Mines only about an hour away. The first year she was home every weekend. This year it's every other weekend. I can do the math for next year. It sure doesn't get any easier, she's the baby.....

Yeah JB45,

The math is on the wall. An hours nice though, so you can make the trip. I can't feel what it means for the baby to leave the nest, as our is an only child ( we lost one), but she is only 2.5 hours away, which beats the 8 hours if she'd got the job at St. Judes in Memphis, so old Dad is happy with the short trip to Cincy. Now I got you and Steady as support when mine finally leaves. :D

I'm off today to make it a nice long weekend, so enjoy yours pal, :D

CB it happened early this morning! :)

I lot of times when I say things I'm just flushing out thoughts and they are probably often easily hard to understand - or the true content I mean to express may be absent.

But this morning I woke with reflections of you and your daughter and I honestly felt your pain. That of course led me to Prayer that I might remain in touch with that pain - which leads me to even greater prayer.

So that's how it works with me - ONCE I get in touch - it's a lot easier to move on your behalf.
CB it happened early this morning! :)

I lot of times when I say things I'm just flushing out thoughts and they are probably often easily hard to understand - or the true content I mean to express may be absent.

But this morning I woke with reflections of you and your daughter and I honestly felt your pain. That of course led me to Prayer that I might remain in touch with that pain - which leads me to even greater prayer.

So that's how it works with me - ONCE I get in touch - it's a lot easier to move on your behalf.

Thanks Steady,

I do believe in the power in prayer and they are always answered, it's just that sometimes we don't like the answer. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers.:)

Have a good weekend, :D

Well the last time I played this strategy, it left a mark. :laugh: Hopefully we won't have a nationalization over the weekend and folks will stop talking about it. If that hits over the weekend, look out below. :(

If nothing bad happens over the weekend, I think we'll have a bear market rally for a day or 2 as low as the market is now.

GL all,
I've been out of pocket and just want to thank Chris Dodd for opening his big yap and saying that some banks may have to be nationalized and causing this rop today. When wll these know nothing knuckleheads learn to keep their mouths shut about stuff they don't know anything about?

The only thing Dodd knows about finance is how to get those VIP loans that us common folk can't git, cause we ain't part of that elite class. :mad:

I pretty much thought the same as you over the past year or so...

.... was ready to round up most of the underlying king pins and execs behind this stuff and deal with them in a fashion you'd admire

but I've finally resigned to the fact that this whole mess was so increbibly well orchastrated by the most prominent financial institutions (and associated bussinesses - like AIG) AND INVOLVES virtually every major player throughout the entire world...

THEY HAD TO KNOW - it couldn't last. So in the end I have to believe it was largely planned for a purpose - that it was indeed intentional - but it's politically 'incorrect' to make that known....

....and if the overall population knew 'The Truth' there would riots and choas all over the place.

Nothing we can do but let the chips fall and see what happens.

I'm honestly not trying to express paranoia or anything like that, I'm simply allowing myself to believe 'perhaps this is not the tradegy' they want us to believe .... that Nationalization of Banks was part of the orginal formula.

Who knows ????

Well have a good weekend my friend,
I pretty much thought the same as you over the past year or so...

.... was ready to round up most of the underlying king pins and execs behind this stuff and deal with them in a fashion you'd admire

but I've finally resigned to the fact that this whole mess was so increbibly well orchastrated by the most prominent financial institutions (and associated bussinesses - like AIG) AND INVOLVES virtually every major player throughout the entire world...

THEY HAD TO KNOW - it couldn't last. So in the end I have to believe it was largely planned for a purpose - that it was indeed intentional - but it's politically 'incorrect' to make that known....

....and if the overall population knew 'The Truth' there would riots and choas all over the place.

Nothing we can do but let the chips fall and see what happens.

I'm honestly not trying to express paranoia or anything like that, I'm simply allowing myself to believe 'perhaps this is not the tradegy' they want us to believe .... that Nationalization of Banks was part of the orginal formula.

Who knows ????

Well have a good weekend my friend,

Hey Steady,

I agree this is a big game being played, to what end is probably above our payscale:laugh:, but when we can catch one of 'em with his britches down, then we should give'em a good whupping and run him out of Congress. It's no wonder the public has no confidence anymore. It's politics as usual and to tell the truth, we have no to blame but the folks who keep voting these mutton heads like Dodd back in.:confused:

You have a good weekend also old friend,
I think that's *Dodd's* view. He wants it to happen. He can forget it. I don't hear any rah rah in the background, just him banging his own drum.
If C gets nationalized I'll take the loss and use it later to offset potential gains that may arrive later this year. A loss is not always a loss - they can be useful.
Here's to the thinking of good thoughts for an up day for the market tomorrow, especially since a lot of us jumped into the market. :D

Now the question is will be to how long to stay in if it's a down day. I think they'll be a bounce next week, just hoping it'll be quick. :worried:

Here's to the thinking of good thoughts for an up day for the market tomorrow, especially since a lot of us jumped into the market. :D

Now the question is will be to how long to stay in if it's a down day. I think they'll be a bounce next week, just hoping it'll be quick. :worried: CB
CB, a small pop seems way overdue so I echo your sentiments. I've rode this fiasco most of the way down, (just call me Birch,Jr):laugh: but with only a small percentage in C and I. Made only one move recently, transferring most of I, adding it to C. Two reasons: As bad as our economy is right now, I see no reason to believe foreign markets have anything better to offer. Secondly, with Hillary flapping her lips over there, who knows who she will pi$$ off next!:D
I Fund may be worse than C for the future, and is by conventional wisdom, but the Fareed Zakaria hour had several asian commentators who exuded confidence about an Asia rebound in 2010, and stronger than before. The reasoning was that Asia had gone through a severe economic problem a decade ago and emerged stronger for it with increased reserves. Also, there is a growing compatibility between India and China in that neither see a zero sum game any longer and see it possible for both to grow.
So far, I don't have that nagging feeling like I made a mistake move. That is good. Usually, when I have that feeling, market doesn't do good. So, I'm feeling okay with the move and expect a short term bounce Monday or Tuesday. I still feel very shaky about anything longer than a 3 day rally (more like 2 days). I would need some pretty good news to stay in.

As far as downside risk, 3.5 percent is what I had in mind. Upside target 4 percent. Risk for downside 40 percent...upside 60 percent.

I expect volatile trading Monday through Wednesday. Fasten seat belt and keep your hands and legs in the car. :sick:

I'm Scared! That makes me feel very good.
Guys I sure hope ya'll are right and I'm hoping for a little bounce also, but 2 or 3 days are about as long as I plan to stay. And my nerves are a lttle on edge, so that may help.:D

GL to you 3 and all the others,

I honestly hope you and the others get 'the gain' you're hoping for and I'm thrilled to know you're planning on taking what you can and fleeing to safety before you lose it.

It's weird because I've been keeping so in touch with all the other countries around the world and somehow sensing their ultra shock and pain at the need for the Government to bail out one of their biggest banks... and the cost... it's 'old news for us' but it's happening over and over. The unemployment in other countries is also staggering - but they don't hide many of the conponents we always hide in our efforts to downplay how bad things really are.

This is just my own personal view - but I believe the BEAR has simply used his claws so far this year and done a little damage as we climbed higher and higher up the tree. NOW and only now do I see the very worse to come - we have NO WHERE to run and he will use his mouth to inflict a pain that is yet unseen.

FORTUNATELY - The BEAR - wants to take as many as possible and inflict the most damage. So I believe you will have a RALLY that is meant to entice as many others as possible and then the PLUNGE will happen. I expected that teasing and delightful 'fake rally' last week - and missed it. So hopefully YOU (and the others) WILL GET IT. :D:D

GL to everyone one of ya.