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Didn't OBAMY say he was going to STOP ALL earmarks??:nuts: Ok Barry, that's once!
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Didn't OBAMY say he was going to STOP ALL earmarks??:nuts: Ok Barry, that's once!
Just wait until they initiate the military draft again - then we'll see the true liberal colors.
Is that what they're calling the "Obama Youth Corps?"That will be interesting to watch, especially since Rahim is pushing for such a "in country force" or a 2 year Gov't work for all people under 25. And this work has a definition of such ambiguous responsibility.
That will be interesting to watch, especially since Rahim is pushing for such a "in country force" or a 2 year Gov't work for all people under 25. And this work has a definition of such ambiguous responsibility. CB
Just wait until they initiate the military draft again - then we'll see the true liberal colors.
Here are Obama and Rahm talking about the new civilian security force.
Congrats on the power.
Still dark here on Fort Knox.
As strong and as well funded as the US military... hmmm. This I don't trust, kinda like the Hitler Youth. But Life is good though now, my electric is back on.Hot Water.
Reportedly that line wasn't in the copy of the speech that was printed in the Wall Street Journal, it was either added last minute or Obama just put it in.
No one has been able to get a definitive explanation from what I can find.
I need to get a copy of Rahms' "The Plan".
Looks like it would be interesting reading.
I just don't know if I could have the intestinal fortitude
to endure the anticipated scum of his ideologies.
View attachment 5560
CB my friend, glad to know your BP is fine. Thanks for the update! :cheesy:
So far, Obama appears to be a fraud. He talks a good game but his actions suggest he's just another Wall st./special interest whore.
I know it's early but come on.....The stimulus bill is a joke. "Bad Bank" is a Bad Idea.....Geithner didn't pay his taxes on purpose....GS guy as NY Fed....etc......etc....
Have you noticed the way the press is editing the videos on obama? His attitude of disgust and obvious irratation at nit picking things is very disheartening. He says he wants bi-partisan ship..but he keeps making digging remarks that send the message that he is so much better and how dare anyone to oppose him. I don't trust him.