CountryBoys's Account Talk

Yep breath taken, :laugh: diversity is great, but telling someone not to listen to someone else is not diversity or am I missing something? I'm only taken the man at what his said and put on his web site and his actions and try to stay with facts that can be documented, but enough said about BHO.

I'll work very hard about refraining about any further comments and try to stay on point, financial and TSP wise. But I did mean what I said and I believe he is abusing his power by calling out an individual American citizen and stating that this person's POV shouldn't be listened to. :confused:

Thanks Lady. The advice was taken in the manner they were meant. :D


Please don't censor your opinions. You have always expressed your views in clear and consistant and logical ways. And you have always been respectful. I, for one, enjoy your opinions as they are often reflective of my own. Besides, this board needs clear thinking without all of the BS we hear from only a few sources. I thank you for being so detailed in your responses.:)
Please don't censor your opinions. You have always expressed your views in clear and consistant and logical ways. And you have always been respectful. I, for one, enjoy your opinions as they are often reflective of my own. Besides, this board needs clear thinking without all of the BS we hear from only a few sources. I thank you for being so detailed in your responses.
I agree, WV-Girl! He wouldn't be our CB if he censored himself. CB, I enjoy reading your opinions! And it would be a boring old world if we all thought alike. I'd better clarify I guess.

I didn't mean for you to quit expressing your colorful opinions. Not at all. My "give him a chance" remarks were more to try to give you a ray of hope :toung: than to try to change your opinion. :nuts:

Just ... don't let it get to your blood pressure! That's not good for you. We have too many people on the "injured reserve" list now and we don't want you to join them. ;)

Please don't censor your opinions. You have always expressed your views in clear and consistant and logical ways. And you have always been respectful. I, for one, enjoy your opinions as they are often reflective of my own. Besides, this board needs clear thinking without all of the BS we hear from only a few sources. I thank you for being so detailed in your responses.:)

Thank you WV-Girl,

I appreciate your support :D. Oh I won't censor myself, because I've always been opinionated and have, certain strong beliefs, morals and ethics that I can't help but get my soapbox out and tell it from POV. I personally think that we've become so PC, that anyone who has strong morals etc, that they are automatically attacked or beaten down so they won't stick out.

This is by no means what Silverbird and Lady were doing and I didn't take either of their comments to me that way, so I hope they don't think I'm talking about them, cause that's the last thing from what I mean here. :D

What I mean is that anyone in the country who is vocal and believe strongly and express that opinion, they tend to be targeted, isolated and then made irrelevant, whose views are just blown off, kinda like the crazy uncle in the attic.

I just happen to have very strong views about this subject and I'll continue to open my yap and express them when the mood strikes me, I just can't help myself, :laugh:, especially when someone is being bullied by a bigger or more powerful person.

Thank you WV-Girl,

I appreciate your support :D. Oh I won't censor myself, because I've always been opinionated and have, certain strong beliefs, morals and ethics that I can't help but get my soapbox out and tell it from POV. I personally think that we've become so PC, that anyone who has strong morals etc, that they are automatically attacked or beaten down so they won't stick out.

This is by no means what Silverbird and Lady were doing and I didn't take either of their comments to me that way, so I hope they don't think I'm talking about them, cause that's the last thing from what I mean here. :D

What I mean is that anyone in the country who is vocal and believe strongly and express that opinion, they tend to be targeted, isolated and then made irrelevant, whose views are just blown off, kinda like the crazy uncle in the attic.

I just happen to have very strong views about this subject and I'll continue to open my yap and express them when the mood strikes me, I just can't help myself, :laugh:, especially when someone is being bullied by a bigger or more powerful person.


I'll work very hard about refraining about any further comments and try to stay on point, financial and TSP wise.CB

This was the line I was referring to. I just wanted to make sure you keep on being yourself. I in no way was referring to anything else or anyone else. I knew that Lady was concerned about your blood pressure. And SilverBird was just remarking on the rep that WorldNet has.

I am concerned about our new boss tho. Maybe he just needs a little time to feel more comfortable in his new role. Reminds me of kinda being like a strict Daddy instead of an elected official. (do as I say, because I say so)

Hope he staightens his act out before he ruins us all.:)
I agree on the non-U.S. news being a good source. My problem with that take is the only one easily accessable on TV offering world news is BBC. Nothing against BBC except it too has its own flavor of bias, and looking at the world through its eyes doesn't always provide a clear view (example: Recent Gaza and Israel conflict, lots of Gaza).
But I did mean what I said and I believe he is abusing his power by calling out an individual American citizen and stating that this person's POV shouldn't be listened to.

I am a True American first and a die hard Republican second. But I do remember a recent administration took the line of "Your either with us or against us". Really turned me off since every other person in my family is serving or has served. I know he was referring to the war on terror but it has stuck with me a long time.

I hope everyone had a somewhat fruitful day
Wow, CB, my friend! Take a deep breath! Please take my thoughts in the benign and positive way that they are meant. But isn't diversity a good thing? I thought diversity gave us more choices not less. Can we hold off on judgement and give the guy a chance? He's been in office for a week.

Again, I mean my comments in the most respectful way possible. But we care about you, CB, and this is bad for your blood pressure! :)

Diversity? It seems that it's done more harm than good by emphasizing the differences between people rather than the similarities. Forcing acceptance is never a good thing. IMO things would have moved along a lot faster if we had followed Dr. King's philosophies.
I agree, WV-Girl! He wouldn't be our CB if he censored himself. CB, I enjoy reading your opinions! And it would be a boring old world if we all thought alike. I'd better clarify I guess.

I didn't mean for you to quit expressing your colorful opinions. Not at all. My "give him a chance" remarks were more to try to give you a ray of hope :toung: than to try to change your opinion.

Just ... don't let it get to your blood pressure! That's not good for you. We have too many people on the "injured reserve" list now and we don't want you to join them. ;)


Thanks Lady,

I'll sure watch my Bp and try not to get to riled up, ;). Spending the day at home since we had a major snow/ice storm last night with more on the way. No electricity, but being country folk, we just fire up the old genny and have TV, heat and internet and the beer is in the snow for later. :D

I agree on the non-U.S. news being a good source. My problem with that take is the only one easily accessable on TV offering world news is BBC. Nothing against BBC except it too has its own flavor of bias, and looking at the world through its eyes doesn't always provide a clear view (example: Recent Gaza and Israel conflict, lots of Gaza).

Yeah Silverbird,

I agree, the BBC definately has it's own agenda, so it's one of the sources of last resort for me. Definately one sided and your example hit the nail on the head. :D

But I did mean what I said and I believe he is abusing his power by calling out an individual American citizen and stating that this person's POV shouldn't be listened to.

I am a True American first and a die hard Republican second. But I do remember a recent administration took the line of "Your either with us or against us". Really turned me off since every other person in my family is serving or has served. I know he was referring to the war on terror but it has stuck with me a long time.

I hope everyone had a somewhat fruitful day

I know what you mean WorkFe and I got your back bud.

Diversity? It seems that it's done more harm than good by emphasizing the differences between people rather than the similarities. Forcing acceptance is never a good thing. IMO things would have moved along a lot faster if we had followed Dr. King's philosophies.

I agree L2R,

I believe MLK would be rolling over in his grave, if he can see how his name and beliefs have been bastardized. I could be wrong, but didn't he say, paraphrase of course, "Treat me for the person that I am, not by the color of my skin". Well Jesse and Al and the rest of them sure followed that belief. :rolleyes: and have done more to harm race relations than help them.

Jesse just a thuggish shake down artist and Al is a bold face liar and racist, just to name a few of their more questionable characteristics.:laugh:

I hope everyone is safe and warm, cause a big swath of the country sure got hit with this storm, with more to come for those in the east.:)

This is part of our economic stimulus package?

The House Democrats’ bill includes $335 million for sexually transmitted disease (STD) education and prevention programs at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

In the past, the CDC has used this STD education funding for programs that many Members of Congress find objectionable and arguably unrelated to a mission of economic stimulus [such as funding events called “Booty Call” and “Great Sex” put on by an organization that received $698,000 in government funds.]

This is just one of the many earmarks that I've rea about in our Stimulus package. If this is an example of the "earmarks", that aren'r suppose to be in the package, then we are in trouble. BHO had better read these guys the riot act, atarting with Harry Reid and his Mobster museum, now that'll really get folks off the unemployment line. :rolleyes:

Anf they said the Big 3 were tone deaf, Congress is both tone deaf and brain dead.:laugh:

And folks wonder why some of us are cynical and have no faith in the Gov't to do the right thing.:(

That is parr for the course CB, watch the idiots waste our money! I'm getting I'll, think I'll go home sick!:nuts:
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You guys take my breath away. Don't you believe in social engineering?

Unfortunately a very big percentage is being spent on that exactly, that's why I don't believe it will fail. Congress doesn't understand the meaning of a "Ready to throw dirt" Project, because the vast majority of them have never produced anything that added to the economic value of the US. It's a sad state of affairs, that the folks that got us in this mess are in charge of fixing it and I just heard on the radio that Gaithner sp, just hire an assistant who's last job was a lobbyist. I've been trying to give BHO the benny of the doubt, but he just changes the rules he sits when it suits him, it's just polictics as usual. :( Yeah we got change alright, from the republicans being the stupes to the Dims being the stupes. :laugh:

I'm sorry that this has stuck in my krawl, but if they are going to sacrifice our childrens future, then they'd better at least attempt to do it right and I haven't seen anything yet that has made me believe that's it's going to be politics as usual. Earmark after earmark.

I'm getting more and more depressed. Bye I'm going to talk to Steadygain he can probably get me some Happy Pills!:D