CountryBoys's Account Talk

I gotta do a little bragging today,

My daughter graduates with a BS in Nursing this spring and she accepted a position, this morning, with the Cincinnati Children's Hospital in Hematology/Oncology Blood and Bone Marrow Transplant Unit. She interviewed for this position last Wednesday, so old Dad is pretty pround. :D


That is wonderful - and I'm really thrilled for her. There is nothing like stretching your life for others... and what could possibly go beyond doing this for children. Nurses do so much for the comfort and welfare of the patients... they spend the quality time and in the long run it's not what someone said or did that people remember BUT HOW YOU MADE THEM FEEL :)

A BS also means she's earned an RN - :D:D

Thanks for sharing CB
Congratulations to her, Countryboy, I live 40 miles north of Cincinnati. My daughter is also a nurse: director of nursing at a nursing home near Dayton, Oh.
Thanks for all the Congrats Gang,

I feel like were all kinda family here and I appreciate all your comments and wishes. :D

WooHoo! Congrats to her and to you, too, Dad! Great job raising your little girl, you have every right to crow.

Congrats CB, My kid graduates with his Journalism degree this spring as well.

Woohoo, Cincinnati, the Queen City, home of Skyline Chili, Barq's Red Cream Soda, Reds, Bengals, UC Bearcats, 5th/3rd...oops I was on a roll right up to that last shout out!
Congrats to you too Frixxxx! Let's get those kids out and working. More important, let's make sure they understand how important it is they get a start on their retirement, NOW, while things are soooooo cheap!

Congrats to you too Frixxxx! Let's get those kids out and working. More important, let's make sure they understand how important it is they get a start on their retirement, NOW, while things are soooooo cheap!


Thanks L2R,

and good to see ya again. :D I don't think Frixxxx and I have had any trouble educating our kids on the importance of saving. These days are perfect examples on why to save and take as much responsibility as possible in determining where you put your hard earned money. In my house, my daughter thinks barclays and Long are a curse words. :laugh:

Thanks L2R,

and good to see ya again. :D I don't think Frixxxx and I have had any trouble educating our kids on the importance of saving. These days are perfect examples on why to save and take as much responsibility as possible in determining where you put your hard earned money. In my house, my daughter thinks barclays and Long are a curse words. :laugh:

Thanks CB!

You mean.....they're not???;)
L2R woohoo....great to see you!!!:nuts:

My kids are putting themselves through college so they understand TRULY the importance of money. They currently have their debts, but they are all school related!

My son is looking to ESPN right now to get a mail room position right now:laugh:!

My daughter has another 2 years before graduating in Child Development.
CB & Frixxxx congrats to both of you from the Pacific NW. My baby still has 2 years keft before she has her degree. L2R great to see you posting again. Have a great evening everyone. JB45
Congrats CB and CountryDaughter! I'm proud for both of you!

JB - My son has a little less than 2 years to go and is also going for a journalism degree like FrixxxKid. I'm not sure what he's going to do with it but he's doing better than I ever did so I'm proud.
Congrats CB and CountryDaughter! I'm proud for both of you!

JB - My son has a little less than 2 years to go and is also going for a journalism degree like FrixxxKid. I'm not sure what he's going to do with it but he's doing better than I ever did so I'm proud.

That is awesome Kevin. I love to see youth succeed. Mine decided on civil engineering. She is co-oped during the summer and already has her job set up that she works in the summer. She also is way ahead of where I was at her age. All my kids make me proud but she is the baby. An empty nest makes a quiet house.:)
Wow, so much for free speech and tolerance from the party that says it’s stands for diversity, freedom of speech and tolerance. Socialism here we come. If Bush would’ve done that, all the Libs would’ve went Ape crap over it. But BHO will get a free pass. When does the President use his power to squelch free speech. He’s ripping the Constitution to pieces. :mad:

Yeah, it’s World Net Daily, but it’s still the damn truth, and as much as Libs try, you can’t hid the truth, though BHO is sure going to try and squelch any dissenting views. Again it sound s so much like his name sake and other dictators. :mad:

“On Obama's agenda, according to his White House website, is the goal to "encourage diversity in media ownership."

Obama elaborates on the site that his aim is to "encourage diversity in the ownership of broadcast media, promote the development of new media outlets for expression of diverse viewpoints, and clarify the public interest obligations of broadcasters who occupy the nation's spectrum." :mad:

Office is being closed and we are told to head home, cause of the ice storm that is coming. :D

What kind of country will our children have???

World net Daily? Aren't they the equivalent of a grocery store newsmag? I think we need a better source here, a backup source, anything. Has Fox even mentioned this? Also, do you prefer the consolidation of news we have now, it seems everything is either owned by NBC/Universal/ etc or Fox, and CNN doesn't know what international news is anymore. I change the news channels and it's the same stories, and U.S. entertainment stories of the latest gossip on Stars is somehow...News.
World net Daily? Aren't they the equivalent of a grocery store newsmag? I think we need a better source here, a backup source, anything. Has Fox even mentioned this? Also, do you prefer the consolidation of news we have now, it seems everything is either owned by NBC/Universal/ etc or Fox, and CNN doesn't know what international news is anymore. I change the news channels and it's the same stories, and U.S. entertainment stories of the latest gossip on Stars is somehow...News.

It’s mainly a Jewish site, so that's one strike against it to alot of folks right their, so it gets run down the road by all the anti-semites in this country and treated like a Store rag, but that’s just the libs. I mean some of the most bigoted folks in this country are Libs. Look what happens when they get drunk in Hollywood, the bastion of Liberalism, except for maybe SF, and they break bad on some minority, like Richards and Gibson to name a couple.

The below quote is from the BHO’s White Website that was mentioned in the site/article that I referred to. I just followed the link in the article, to double check. (White House Link mentioned in article.) I hope that source is good enough.

• Encourage Diversity in Media Ownership: Encourage diversity in the ownership of broadcast media, promote the development of new media outlets for expression of diverse viewpoints, and clarify the public interest obligations of broadcasters who occupy the nation's spectrum.

But yet he's telling us who we should and shouldn't listen to. I don't know about you, but when someone tells me what I have to listen to, or what I have to say or think, it's 1984 all over again Group Think, it that just raises my hackles. Who decides the definition of diverse viewpoints, public interest and obligations of broadcasters who occupy the nation's spectrum. Oh yeah, that must be Hitler...errr BHO.

Again I repeat,

“Wow, so much for free speech and tolerance from the party that says it’s stands for diversity, freedom of speech and tolerance. Socialism here we come. If Bush would’ve done that, all the Libs would’ve went Ape crap over it. But BHO will get a free pass.

When does the President use his power to squelch free speech and use his power to publically attack an American citizen for just voicing his opinion, like his hit men did to Plumber Joe? He’s ripping the Constitution to pieces and he's just showing he's a thug who won't put up with any dissenters.

What BHO is saying on his website and then having a hit list of people we are suppose to listen to… well I guess we see things differently and have a different definition of hiprocasy. To me it sounds like that BHO is sure trying to squelch any dissenting views. Again it sounds so much like his name sake and other dictators.

No I don’t prefer the consolidation of news we have now, but then I rarely if ever watch TV news. I haven’t watched the regular nightly news for over 6 years. It’s all slanted and I don’t need some moronic talking head telling me what I should think, when I see or read something, I can think for myself.

I read various newspapers from other countries along with the CCN, MSNBC, CNBC, Drudge websites. I refuse to read Salon after the editor came out shortly after we invaded Iraq and admitted that he and several other well known liberal editors friends were hoping for a big body bag counts, so Bush would be discredited, so much for wanting whats best for America. I kept several copies of that article for proof, because it was so unbelievable.

You wouldn’t believe what you can learn from other countries papers. Believe it or not, we are about the only industrialized country that has swallowed the Global warming scam, hook, line and sinker. The last major Global warming UN Seminar they had just in the past few months, in Europe, had numerous concerns, from Nobel Prize winning Scientists about the veracity of the science that the great scientist Algore was quoting. But the seminar got very little if any mention from the big 3. You got to expand your reading, and not be spoon fed by our liberal media. And we all know the polar iceberg photo was a scam.

Enough of my rant, I’m home and have feed my birds, so I’m going to enjoy the rest of the day.

Nothing personal at all towards you Silverbird, this just really hit a sore spot and the last thing I want to do is attack anyone for their personal opinion. :D

Wow, CB, my friend! Take a deep breath! Please take my thoughts in the benign and positive way that they are meant. But isn't diversity a good thing? I thought diversity gave us more choices not less. Can we hold off on judgement and give the guy a chance? He's been in office for a week.

Again, I mean my comments in the most respectful way possible. But we care about you, CB, and this is bad for your blood pressure! :)

Wow, CB, my friend! Take a deep breath! Please take my thoughts in the benign and positive way that they are meant. But isn't diversity a good thing? I thought diversity gave us more choices not less. Can we hold off on judgement and give the guy a chance? He's been in office for a week.

Again, I mean my comments in the most respectful way possible. But we care about you, CB, and this is bad for your blood pressure! :)


Yep breath taken, :laugh: diversity is great, but telling someone not to listen to someone else is not diversity or am I missing something? I'm only taken the man at what his said and put on his web site and his actions and try to stay with facts that can be documented, but enough said about BHO.

I'll work very hard about refraining about any further comments and try to stay on point, financial and TSP wise. But I did mean what I said and I believe he is abusing his power by calling out an individual American citizen and stating that this person's POV shouldn't be listened to. :confused:

Thanks Lady. The advice was taken in the manner they were meant. :D
