Playing the I fund

They categorically do well through Christmas. The I Fund breathes (if you will) 2-3 percent at any given time. People love to time it. For the most part... it’s "Birchtree;" buy & hold; but for frames of time IMHO. :)
So what happened today? Is this the "Deep Breath" before the big move between 2:30 and 3pm tomorrow? I don't think Thailand or Austria are big players in this Fund. :suspicious: guys feel more bullish than bearish for both of these funds for the rest of the year? Would you reccomend a 50/50 S/I split with the stock portion or all in I fund? Only asking for your opinion...not bearing in mind personal financial factors.
100% staying put-ish in the I Fund unless my stops get tagged. :) guys feel more bullish than bearish for both of these funds for the rest of the year? Would you reccomend a 50/50 S/I split with the stock portion or all in I fund? Only asking for your opinion...not bearing in mind personal financial factors.
I am 100% C fund. And I hold for even longer periods of time. My wife enjoys the virtues of the small cap and international arena - and we have been ever so gently been peeling off the small cap profits into the AEPGX.
Okay, so morning trading in Japan is down from yesterday. If I believe this dumb money in the morning and smart money in the afternoon, then it should go up this afternoon (Japan time). This just can't be true. Otherwise, it would be too easy.
Japan tends to copy the US market activity of the day; Their Monday is sorta like our Friday. Their Tuesday... Like our Monday.
Yes... I am Dumb Money. :nuts: :D

It sometimes seems this easy.
I'll be out of the loop till about Wednesday of next week. May get here on Thurs. I'm thinking about riding the I all the way until then. Will be unable to make any IFT after Fri. until next Thurs. Will be on the high seas.

Where you going? A cruise perhaps? Last time I took one, internet access was close to a dollar a minute, but I was able to trade.