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  • I haven't seen this message (sorry). If you log on to the EbbChart web page, you will now see TSP moves in bold face. It will tell you when I do my IFTs and when it will be effective.

    I haven't used the I-fund for some time now because of the dollar strength. I'm going with the C-fund, but that could change. I usually jump out to safe haven whenever Pattern 3s appear or if we get pairings of patterns that are bearish.

    A pattern with three stop signs (pattern 5) does not mean safe haven. I use a spreadsheet and it follows every ebbchart patterns' trend with stocks and ETFs. Pattern 5 has been very bullish for the last couple of years. You can check this by looking at the ebbtally or funds chart.

    -- ebb
    My name is Dale and I subscribed to your system. I had used your system in 2007, when we had the unlimited ETF's. I have a question now that we are limited to 2 ETF's....How do I know when to get out of the market into the safe haven G/F funds? I've been looking at your explanations of how your system works and it appears you advocate the I fund as the "weapon" of choice. However your site lists the C fund as the current place where the money is to be invested. So which is it? and how and when am I supposed to withdraw to the safe haven? How do I make the determination to move back out of the stock funds? Are you gonna make suggestions or is there something I'm not aware of that should jump out at me to let me know to get back to the G/F funds? Today you are saying 100% C fund, but tomorrow has three stop signs which I interpret from your website as an indicator to get to the safe haven. Have I misinterpreted your instructions. I look forward to hearing from you.
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