Active member
Well, I'm back for a day. I guess I should be happy to be so busy. No time to get into trouble
I'm still hoping that the top of the right (are we looking at the front or back of the head) shoulder is at around 1300. All those B&H'ers need some gains to lock in before this market drops through the floor
The news channels are starting to realize that this mortgage/credit crisis is a long term (1-2 years) problem. I have heard MSNBC and NPR talking about how no financial CEO knows how bad their losses will be and that it will be many months before they start to get a handle on it. NPR had a story about how if everyone that owed more than their home was worth just walked away, the default would be greater than all the financial worth of the holders of those mortgages. Some really sobering news indeed.
Hold on tight and keep your hands and arms inside at all times. It's going to be scary for awhile.:blink:

I'm still hoping that the top of the right (are we looking at the front or back of the head) shoulder is at around 1300. All those B&H'ers need some gains to lock in before this market drops through the floor

The news channels are starting to realize that this mortgage/credit crisis is a long term (1-2 years) problem. I have heard MSNBC and NPR talking about how no financial CEO knows how bad their losses will be and that it will be many months before they start to get a handle on it. NPR had a story about how if everyone that owed more than their home was worth just walked away, the default would be greater than all the financial worth of the holders of those mortgages. Some really sobering news indeed.
Hold on tight and keep your hands and arms inside at all times. It's going to be scary for awhile.:blink: