Steel_Magnolia's Account Talk

Re: Why should I contribute to my TSP account?

Hope you put out a salt lick for your four legged neighbors that live in the area. That's real nice.
Thank you, Birch, my buddy! (And thanks to folks for the Like, too!)

Yes, it's a great summer home. Elevation is about 7500 ft. and we see deer, elk, the occasional coyote, and there is an owl that lives in one of those tall pines. I fell in love at first sight.
Hi folks, just wanted to stop by to update old friends. Living at the ranch is truly living a dream. It is everything we hoped it would be.

To those of you who are still young TSPers, please know that making the sacrifice in order to save those TSP dollars is worth it in the long run. The only thing I would have done differently is that I should never have done the lump sum withdrawal. Too big a tax bite.

But there was still enough to buy the dream place. And we love it. The economies down through the years were more than worth it.

Keep saving those TSP bucks!
Like the sig, Lady. thanks for the update, good to hear your dream has become one of the wide-awake everyday variety.
Re: Why should I contribute to my TSP account?

Ann, Nice to hear things are going well. Pop back in once in awhile. Enjoying retirement myself.
Hi folks, just wanted to stop by to update old friends. Living at the ranch is truly living a dream. It is everything we hoped it would be.

To those of you who are still young TSPers, please know that making the sacrifice in order to save those TSP dollars is worth it in the long run. The only thing I would have done differently is that I should never have done the lump sum withdrawal. Too big a tax bite.

But there was still enough to buy the dream place. And we love it. The economies down through the years were more than worth it.

Keep saving those TSP bucks!

I bought my home and my son's home with those TSP dollars. Sounds like you've done well. It makes me smile to know that good things can happen to good people like yourself. Mortgage free is me. The tax refund I got following the Lump Sum, actually cut the pain of 20% down to something reasonable. Enjoy your dream !
Re: Why should I contribute to my TSP account?

Hi gang! Just stopping by to air out the place a bit. Thanks for the visits from my friends while I was gone! I'm back at my winter home, complete with broadband and keyboard, so internet communication is a bit easier. But I haven't seen a single deer or elk in the two weeks I've been here! LOL

Let me just put in another plug for putting those TSP dollars in your accounts. I never dreamed I could have the luxury of a summer and a winter home, each by a national park. It was my TSP savings and the expertise I gained on Tom's site here that did it.

Thanks again, Tom!!! Love ya,
Re: Why should I contribute to my TSP account?

Wow! I think we have a script for our first TSP Talk commercial. :D Way to go!
...Spouse and I just paid cash for our dream place. Three bed, two bath home on 20 acres with 300 ft. well and solar power. Way off the grid 25 miles north of nowhere, in the middle of some of the most beautiful country God ever created...

A snip from a year old post. I am curious about your solar power system and being "off grid" in your summer home. Sounds as if you are not connected to the national power system (the grid) at all. Details about the solar system please. Does it have a battery system of some kind? Do you have electric power at night or when it is cloudy or raining? Do you have a generator? If so, what kind of fuel does it use? Looking for ideas and real life experiences.

A snip from a year old post. I am curious about your solar power system and being "off grid" in your summer home. Sounds as if you are not connected to the national power system (the grid) at all. Details about the solar system please. Does it have a battery system of some kind? Do you have electric power at night or when it is cloudy or raining? Do you have a generator? If so, what kind of fuel does it use? Looking for ideas and real life experiences.

I'm interested as well. Investing into solar and for future living too. I've heard great stuff about solar, payoff in 7 years.
is it quiet out there? like only the stars and you quiet?

Quiet like only the stars and me quiet! And the air is so clear that I can reach up and touch those stars! Truly, the only sounds at night are the breeze through the pines and an occasional coyote. Lots of birds during the day. During our UTV rides we see deer, antelope and the occasional elk herd. Carpets of wildflowers. And we've got some certifiably crazy chipmunks that climb up to our metal roof just to slide back down the other side!

Y'all come visit!
that sounds like a pretty good deal then.

one time a squirrel dropped an apple on my head. we were watching the neighbor's cat and when we crossed the street on the way over to feed it, the damn squirrel ran up a big cottonwood after stealing a fallen apple from the yard. when we came out it hit me right on top of the head from like 40' up. it had chewed the apple in this strange star/teeth pattern. it was on purpose, i just know it. stupid chipmunk.

they only time i ever heard my kid laugh louder was when i couldn't drive home on time and accidentally pooped. it rolled down my pant leg into my boot and i stepped on it running to the house. i never found that as funny as he did but i can laugh about it now. true story. crazy.
Re: Why should I contribute to my TSP account?

And last, and least, it's probably time to really introduce myself. Whether I'm Lady or River or Steel_Magnolia or Maggie or Ann, this is always me.


Re: Why should I contribute to my TSP account?

Well there you are Ann, LOOKIN' GOOD by the way!:D I like your house in the Mountains too.:laugh: