Well-known member
Although I agree with the last few points you typed out from Brin, I still find it hard to back a person who singles out Fox News as THE issue with the news that comes into our homes. These days, we easily get 100's of channels streaming in, yet the intelligent ones of our society seem to turn away from television more and more (a good bill to no longer have to pay). It isn't just Fox passing along these talking points. The left has their share of puppet masters as well.
I do hope my generation can fix this mess without violence, it is actually something I believe must happen. But the way we are desensitizing ourselves, I can't be too sure.
Hmmm ... agreed, the intelligent ones (actually, the thoughtful ones -- not sure intelligence has anything to do with it) have turned away from and get their information from sources other than TV. That's definitely a good thing. And granted, there are certainly a number of liberal talking heads out there. But they have only appeared in recent years (mostly on MSNBC) whereas Rush and his copycats have been at it now for decades, and they (the liberal talking heads) are vastly outnumbered -- not to mention vastly behind in market share (viewership). The question I would ask: does the fact that there are liberal talk show hosts make Fox right? Maybe instead of debating whether the news media left or right are better, we should all be a little more thoughtful about the information our so-called news media put out there. That's a subject unto itself though.
Malyla, sorry for hogging your thread ... I'll start my own some day when I feel I've learned enough about trading to make meaningful observations.