It is astonishing to me that there are people out there who refuse to see even the possibility that their world view is even slightly cracked. Why not allow that our system is broke and track the money to where it's broken. It's not at the bottom where the poor are being given bread and circuses to keep them quiet while this country is being shaken down by the people who run the corporations and the politicians for all the money they can carry away.
Fortunately, some of the poor and soon to be poor have found their voice and are protesting on Wall Street which is not being televised. The American dream is about improving our standard of living not becoming one of the poor. The 99% that believe in the American Dream are all asking that they be allowed to strive to that 1% status, but see the reality that policies implemented by those financial elites through political pressures and monetary policies are designed to move more of that 99% into poverty status. Active manipulations to shutdown upward mobility is what is angering people. No jobs, no homes or stable living situations due to foreclosure and/or loss of unemployment insurance, no loans to get people through this crisis plus so much more has put pressure on the 99% who find themselves through no fault of theirs, losing their jobs, homes, having to move in with parents or have parents move in with them all while watching wall street and banking firms getting bailed out and recording record profits with no flow down of that win-fall to the rest of us through jobs, loans, or a growing economy.
I'm a 99%-er - We were promised that our tax money given as bailouts to the same institutions that caused the crisis would stimulate our economy. I think we have been more than patient, but our savings have run out and we still have no jobs and our parents can't make their mortgage payment and may lose their homes and still no help from the banks and the government. It's easy to lump us all into a box in your head as lazy deadbeats and wrap that American Flag and Dream around yourself to continue to deny that upward mobility has been compromised in favor of corporate and share holder profits. And while you are not hurting right now, there are so many of us out there who see the destruction of our American Dream with our rising school debt and loss of our homes with a jobs market that is mostly off-shore. Why is it so hard to think we may be right instead of lazy?