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Well, I'm now off-board for the Elliott Wave ride down (thanks Uptrend).
My entrance point is 540 - 510 on the EMW, with 540 being the most likely.
My Elliott wave info source (along with Uptrend first)
I like Uptrend's counts more, but I do check out other counts from time to time including the fearless forecasters on tradertalk
Hate to root fer others to lose $$...but...
am hopin "Mr Elliot" gives us some nice buy in prices.
come September.
Aye Malyla,
Me likes yer Elliot Wave reasoning,
Made some nice ganga stayin in thru Monday,
Was splittin my ganga between C and I funds,
Made up about half me losses but feel better waiting for lower buy ins next month,
than giving in to greed and wantin it all back now, like a tree made of birch,
Want to thank you for your graciousness in sharing yer charting info,
Hate to root fer others to lose $$...but...
am hopin "Mr Elliot" gives us some nice buy in prices.
come September.
Always wise and a great read ta boot ! Thanks Malyla ! Uptrend has always been a strong resource ! The wave was one of many reasons I jumped ship as well ! Good Luck !
This is about the first time I have visited Malyla's thread. M's discussions and FireWeatherMet's are pretty meaty, it would take me some time to digest all of that. For now, 1) I read Tony Caldaro since 2007 or so, but one has to be careful with what anybody writes and not misinterpret it or let it sway you one way or another, just try to sift out the useful info from the rest, this includes all sources, 2) having bitten myself in the dubcza (doopcha) a few too many times, i.e., snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, I am serious about (1) and also I agree with Malyla, PATIENCE before Greed or itchiness, etc.
This is one wild mouse of a market, pessimistic panic followed by fairly giddy euphoria. It's about time for a smackdown IMO. We'll see.
I am waiting for int.iv to complete and int.v to start up. Best luck to all, including Birchtree, Go Gators! Hey, if you want some nice voodoo candles, go to La Aurora on W. Univ. Ave.
US gov't gives billions in tax subsides to oil companies.
Nice post FWM. Can you send me a link to more information on the oil subsidies? I don't want to jack Malyla's thread any more than I have to.
On the flip side of the same coin... Have you seen the last 20 minutes of the documentary "Inside Job?" You might want to re-think your hero avatar. :notrust: The conspirators have created the illusion of a 2 party system so we the people think we have a choice by throwing out one party and voting the other party in.One beast with 2 heads.
Sorry Malyla...
And the solution to all of that FWM is to tax the working and give it to the non-working... interesting, but it won't solve any issues... except drive the people who work out of the country and then you run out of other-peoples-money.
On one hand, I agree that we have too much corporate welfare. On the other hand, we are America, not Europe and if you want to have a guaranteed job, full health care, lifetime unemployment compensation, a 20 hour work week, a 10 month work year, then move to Europe. If you want to make America like Europe, that is where we differ and you will get a fight from me and millions like me.
Also, take a look back and see which parties were in the White House and Congress to make your discussion a little more fair. You blame everything on conservatives, make your argument more viable by actually blaming the party for the problems you say are all conservatives fault...
Edit: Oh yeah, forgot. Businesses are in the business to make money, not to provide a job, or become a tax base for your social welfare. If you want businesses to make money, don't create an environment where you are going to take more of their profits or over-regulate them (more regulations and restrictions cost money in case you forgot). If you create regulations that cost business money, they have to cut costs somewhere... typically in jobs.
This is a long going discussion between FWM and myself, crossing multiple subjects and multiple threads. If you want to inject midway, then I could understand your confusion.First, FWM never said Conservative. Not once. He said US gov't multiple times but didn't specify a political party. You injected that.
And who, do you think, will pay for all of that?Second... Holy Crap! I can't believe you said the part that I emphasized in bold... Who the hell wouldn't want a guaranteed job, health care, etc?? Are you kidding me? You say that like it's a bad thing!
Must be...I guess it's a difference in Morals?...