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Don't most people outgrow the liberal mentality when they reach their thirties. A liberal sees a hungry man, they give him a fish to eat and lecture, that was the compassionate thing to do. A conservative sees the same hungry man and teaches him how to fish. Liberals want to tear people down. Conservatives want people to achieve and excel.
That is a very limited and ignorant view of liberal and conservative mentalities. Every citizen will have leanings in one direction or another on various subjects at various times in their lives. You may be liberal with sex, food, and education, but conservative with finances, war, and health. Another citizen may be the exact opposite in the definitions of what it is to be liberal and conservative for these same issues. And years later, some of those liberal leanings may move to conservative leanings, while some of those conservative leanings may move to liberal leaning. It all hinges on your individual definition of the ideals of liberalism and conservatism and your life experiences.
I am a problem solver. I have rarely believed that charity will fix a problem although I have benefited from some charity when I was a struggling student and it did help me at that time. I usually ask why that person is hungry before I consider helping. Asking why, allows me to step into that persons shoes and see them for who they are. Only then, do I decide if my intervention will help the situation, both theirs and mine. I also believe in accountability and long term goals. People should be held accountable for their actions and the consequences of those actions. Does anyone believe that the people who allowed the credit crisis and the bailouts to benefit a few at the expense of the many are being held accountable and responsible for their actions?
I have heard definitions such as "Conservatives do not trust people to govern themselves" hence we get the Patriot act and Big government (Homeland Security was the biggest expansion of government since the New Deal) while "Liberals think everyone should be treated the same regardless of achievement" with the citing of welfare, affirmative action, and health care as liberal agenda items. Right now we are still dealing with the Orwellian double speak that placed opposing labels on laws and ideals and continued to obscure the limits and extent of all these conservative and liberal issues. I find the best way to weed through this miasma of spin and disinformation is to ask WHY.
Why are people protesting? Why are news organizations not covering it? Why is the economy still heading down even after we gave Trillions to the banks to simulate our economy? Why are people losing their homes after taking a loan product that was widely advertised as wonderful but a killer in an economic downturn? Why is there no jobs in America? Why are >50% of Americans at or below the poverty line? Why is everything we buy 'Made in China'? Why are certain groups attacking welfare and healthcare?
Here is another definition of the conservative and liberal mind from Wikipedia
"As a result of these structural differences, liberals may be more efficient at managing conflicting information, while conservatives may be more efficient at recognizing threats.[SUP][7][/SUP][SUP][13][/SUP][SUP][14][/SUP]" You should also click on the conservative and liberal links to get another, wider definition of those two words.
Is asking why and shifting through all the conflicting information to find the root cause of a problem a liberal or conservative action? None of this is simple and using such a simplistic example for who is a liberal/conservative as that homily above does all of us a disservice as it does not fully show the richness that those definitions encompass. Asking WHY and even WHO benefits from the destruction of social safety nets and HOW this destruction will benefit us, our children and their children takes more work to fully understand the problem, but it leads to an understanding that allows cold truth to dictate the outcome and not the lukewarm superficial labels of 'conservative/liberal agenda'.