TSP Elite
'I just put down one of my dogs just a few months ago (Cancer and diabetes) and it was damn hard to do. It still hits me hard to think of her. Let the Vet decide and just don't let her suffer in pain. Other than that, all of us dog lovrers know what you are going thru. You know her better and if you don't think it's time, then enjoy the time left with her.'
I've never had anything love me the way Ella does. I'm the biggest part of her world and she is by far the biggest part of mine when I'm spending quality time with her. She is such a 'woman' in her expressions and in so many things she does. Every evening I lay down on the floor with her and start by taking off her collar. Then I give her the super duper neck massage and she moves her head and stretches her neck just like a woman. Some times her paw will touch my chest and I can feel her curling her toes in delight. It's something I have with her alone - and I can't imagine life without it. It will be years -- before I need to put her down but I plan to give her the exact same massage I do every evening when that time comes. Cause I know it's the best place she's ever known.
I'm hoping your 'new dog' fills the void - cause I simply can't imagine not having something like 'her' following me around and getting all excited when I get home and everything else we do -- take walks and stuff.
Does the NEW one help it get better???
I've never had anything love me the way Ella does. I'm the biggest part of her world and she is by far the biggest part of mine when I'm spending quality time with her. She is such a 'woman' in her expressions and in so many things she does. Every evening I lay down on the floor with her and start by taking off her collar. Then I give her the super duper neck massage and she moves her head and stretches her neck just like a woman. Some times her paw will touch my chest and I can feel her curling her toes in delight. It's something I have with her alone - and I can't imagine life without it. It will be years -- before I need to put her down but I plan to give her the exact same massage I do every evening when that time comes. Cause I know it's the best place she's ever known.
I'm hoping your 'new dog' fills the void - cause I simply can't imagine not having something like 'her' following me around and getting all excited when I get home and everything else we do -- take walks and stuff.
Does the NEW one help it get better???