CB, James and I are on similar pages, politically and spiritually. Wanted to put that out there to frontload this response, and NO! It's NOT acceptable! The Rule of Law is what keeps our country and communities sane and liveable. It's when powerful people circumvent or ignore the Rule of Law that society disintegrates, and it's been equal opportunity for some time now, every day more and more news comes out about corruption in the markets and government ignoring or working hand in glove, facilitating intentionally or naively, neither condition is better when it comes to outcomes. The Chrysler deal is just one of the most recent flagrant developments to come to light.
I have the sense that the Prez has his back to the wall and is coming out swinging at whatever target presents itself, whether it makes longterm sense or not. I'm deeply disappointed, I had hoped that his background in Constitutional Law and analytical mind would help guide him into better policy than his predecessor, but I think his "man of action" sense of Pres responsibility as leader in crisis has gotten the better of him. ie gotta do something, even if its wrong, no time to stop and think things through, his constituency has expectations (tho I will say his constituency is more mixed than he apparently realizes and the expectations were and are not all the same).
That’s good that you and James are of the same mind in accepting bHo’s abuses and are willing to accept the reasoning behind his obvious abuse of the US Constitution.
But to my way of thinking, doing something even if it wrong, is no different than when folks say the ends justify the means or cursing for that matter. It shows a lack of thought and intellect and if doing something even if it is wrong, means trampling over constitutional law, then it amounts to nothing but anarchy and by giving bHo your blessing, or at least your silent acceptance, will just make him bolder to expand further his abuse and reduce more of our freedom.
You know darn well that it’s only human nature, that if you give someone an inch they’ll take a mile or do you believe that bHo is the second coming and will restore the abuses of the Constitution that he is perpetrating? I think he’ll just take more and more of our freedoms, he’s been doing it since day one.
But that is what the major difference between us, breaking the law, especially Constitutional law, is totally unacceptable to me, you find it distasteful, but are willing to except the blatant abuse of power. He may have a piece of paper that says he’s an expert in Constitutional law, but he has no real life experience, except as a community activist.
Real life experience gives you common sense and how real life works. That’s a major misconception amongst the people in this country, that somehow a piece of paper and an “analytical mind” somehow make them omnipotent. From my life experiences, these people consider themselves better than everyone else and know better how to live our own lives, when in actuality, they are some of the dumbest people in the world, because, they think everything must adhere to what they have read in some book. You learn by living.
If he had been a less than a one term Senator from Illinois, named Robert Smith, who gave one great Teleprompter speech several years ago, would you have considered him capable and experienced enough to run our country and protect the future of our children? No? Well that’s exactly what people voted for.
The Rule of Law is being bastardized before our very eyes, and most of America is just blissfully going along with it and unless something very major happens, there will be no reversing the damage done. And his constituency should be the ones, calling BS on him and instead of making excuses and tolerating this breaking of laws that made this country what it was, just so he can be doing something, but you’re defending him either through your silence or hoping things will get better, Well that’ll only embolden him more.
How arrogant of him to think that he knows more than our founding fathers. Our founding fathers lived under tyranny, no real freedom of speech or religion, and I won’t even talk about the press who has fallen down on their job, by giving him a free pass.
Why do you think the Constitution contains what it does. Our Founding Fathers lived it, experienced it and didn’t read it in some book. He’s nothing but a thuggish bully using typical Chitown politics. You do what he says or he’ll make you sorry you even crossed him, threatening the state of California, just in the past few days or so, by witholding Stimulus funds unless Arnold caves into the unions. What the heck happened to State authority?
I also don’t believe in rewarding failure and that’s another difference in us, because you have no problem sacrificing our and our kids future, by allowing bHo to continue with his social experiment. But by condoning his obvious abuse of power over private citizens and companies, just emboldens to abuse his power over other companies. But as Rahim said, the American people better get used to failure getting rewarded. I’m scared of not only of our own gov’t, but what can of life our kids will have.
What can I say, I’ve never been one to just sit idly by and condone or “hope” that things will get better and change. Well we’re getting change, at least that’s one thing you got, when you voted and supported his policies. The only thing that has surprised me with what bHo has done, is the speed at which he is doing it, but then that’s the blitzkrieg strategy, just overwhelm the public, so that they won’t know whether they are coming or going. Never let a good crisis pass, eh, as Rahim is fond of saying.
You and James believe the way you do and I just happen to believe pretty much the opposite or at least I’m willing to raise a stink and try to expose his hypocrisy.
Sorry, I went on so and my sentences are so dang long, but good gracious, there is some abuse of power almost daily by him or his administration, starting from his appt. of the head Tax Cheat, and by keeping silent, it will only get worse and silence is just another form of acceptance.
I have nothing personal against either of you. I enjoy reading both your views on the market, since ya’ll are obviously more knowledgeable than me, so please keep it up.
I’ve rambled much more than I wanted, repeated myself and we didn’t change either of our minds and I’ll keep moaning and groaning, though I’m working on just keeping my yap shut, but in my own room, I figger, what the heck and I welcome anyone to visit and call BS on me or disagree anytime. My place is open to all comers.
No hard feelings?