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Gotta run, gonna take adantage of my 2nd Constituitional amendement while it's still viable and affordable.
I hear you. I did last week. I am strongly considering getting a permit to carry so I can be grandfathered in by any new laws before that is also taken away.
Although I think I am firmly planted on your side of the court, I do think the center and some of the center-left are starting to 'Get It'.
When Michael Barone (not someone normally associated with being a bombast) calls the the Obama Presidency a Thugocracy I think the word is getting out.
It's also funny watching reality hit the 'Reality World' like a two-by-four...
What we have to watch out for is the half-baked commentary from the right side of the spectrum. Some on the right are taking sound bites and rumors and running with them. Not everything is catastrophic and/or conspiratorial – much can be explained via incompetence and ignorance :cheesy:
Just wait until his caucasion girlfriend opens her mouth. We all know it will happen.
If you got to know me you would probably be hard pressed to find someone right of me - at least fiscally.
Given that, I think the Bush tax code is fair. Excepting, of course, that it is too complex and full of loopholes for Congressional and Administration bubbas. It is folks like you and me that cannot really take advantate of the loopholes. Regardless, after 2003 I didn't squeeze every last dime out of the tax code since I thought I paid a fair share and the effort had diminishing returns.
Now, not so much. I am preparing for the new tax code. I will be ready to be a very rich retiree who paid less in tax when the tax rates went up.
However, I don't think there is any real reason to cut taxes. Just leave them where they are at. That is a problem with the right side of the line. I don't think folks care if the rate is cut a point, but they will care if the debt bloats $200 Billion because of it. We are fine with it as it is - but, I think all should pay some. Conversely, as stated before, I will not pay more in taxes without a fight. Even being a gubmint man I have very little confidence that they can spend it well. Actually, because I am a gubmint man:cheesy: And, I have no desire to help fund the bloated gubmint President Obama wants me to pay for.
Thus, I am preppin't to 'Go Gault':toung: in my own small way...
I don't care how much I hate a person, but I would never wish or laugh at a person's health or enjoy a good laugh at hoping someone has severe health problems, but this president seems to revel in the hope of a fellow American who disagrees with him dying. It’s amazing how much the libs and his followers whined about Rush’s comment, yet they wish death on anyone who doesn’t toe bHo socialistic line. They are disgusting, hate-filled liars and hypocrites.
It just never ends and his highness makes it's so easy, and yet so many defend his obvious hatred and bitterness towards anyone who dare question him or express a different POV.
Mabe it's because I've been there and knows how it feels, but their comes a time that as Pres, you got to have some nads and not express pleasure at another American suffering. He's just no class thug. We all know how he feels about folks that question his brilliance.
I hope we're cool
Your daughter has done very well for herself and I hope your having a great time.
Also glad you're in G Fund !! - and over the next few months all the more it should pay off.
Well take care,