Playing the I fund

Ball Park estimate: Local currency is +1.0%, the dollar was lower earlier but it has come back up to about even, so the USD price should be about +1.0% to $20.60, looking at the morning action of the US markets, my guess is that Barclays will take the whole enchilada (about 20 cents) today and we will end up around $20.40 However, if the US Markets rally this afternoon, Barclays may let the FV ride until tomorrow or do a split like they did last week.

Bottom line $20.60 or $20.40, but I’m leaning toward $20.40
Ball Park estimate: Local currency is +1.0%, the dollar was lower earlier but it has come back up to about even, so the USD price should be about +1.0% to $20.60, looking at the morning action of the US markets, my guess is that Barclays will take the whole enchilada (about 20 cents) today and we will end up around $20.40 However, if the US Markets rally this afternoon, Barclays may let the FV ride until tomorrow or do a split like they did last week.

Bottom line $20.60 or $20.40, but I’m leaning toward $20.40

Thanks Gilligan.
Ball Park estimate: Local currency is +1.0%, the dollar was lower earlier but it has come back up to about even, so the USD price should be about +1.0% to $20.60, looking at the morning action of the US markets, my guess is that Barclays will take the whole enchilada (about 20 cents) today and we will end up around $20.40 However, if the US Markets rally this afternoon, Barclays may let the FV ride until tomorrow or do a split like they did last week.

Bottom line $20.60 or $20.40, but I’m leaning toward $20.40

Thanks Gilligan, This is a huge help. My charts are still indicating a hold, but this really puts it altogether.
real time EFA 10:36 e.s.t.= 68.55 = -.20%

EFA at 4:10 yesterday closed at +.96% (finally settled at 1.01%) a few minutes later. .96% - .047% (eafe) = +.91%. I think you can estimate an FV based on EFA.

I was looking at the DOW +1.05% yesterday and was wondering if they based the FV on that. That will give us something to look at next time Barclays inserts the FV.
Fabijo just got the $iee at Doesn't seem to match up with the EFA Chart. EFA -0.04 $IEE +0.84 quite the spread. So maybe the $IEE chart is off.

Alright!! :D Thanks for that post. I had already given up on $IEE.

I tend to think the $IEE is closer to EAFE than EFA is. Neither of them is right on, but the $IEE is iShares' IOPV (Indicative Optimized Portfolio Value) for the EFA ETF. That's why they are usually pretty close to each other.
EAFE says +1.062% which would equal +21 cents.........FV from yesterday would be about .17 cents so I say +.04 for today if they apply FV.
I have no doubt that you made a very good decision by going to G for a while. You people know much more and have more experience than I do, but it seems that for a couple of days preservation of capital seems to be the best alternative. If things turn around, you can return, expecially with the low transaction fees we have! Have a great weekend to all! --

Oh My! Look at the Dollar Index = +.070 at 11:20 EDT! OUCH!:mad:
Ball park estimate: Local Currency is +0.1%; the dollar is higher at +0.7%, so the USD price is about -0.6% for a loss of 12 cents to $20.30