Playing the I fund

Anybody know what time an announcement would be made about raising rates on the Euro?? If it is their custom to do it AFTER their markets close, it could be sweet. OSM up all day then dollar tanks after markets close, requiring a second +FV. Even if it is late in their day, a few hours before they close (say 10 or so EST) dollar could still drop all afternoon. If this was predictable just before deadline, the play would be to bail on the I fund tomorrow, reasoning that the FV payback will come on Friday.
I don't know, I see posts from some of the others who feel it will be pressured at least. All I know is I am still all in and I really don't want to pay back that fv. We'll see if a consensus emerges from the board tomorrow when we see what OSM actually do. If it looks like a good chance of delaying the payback until Friday, I would imagine we'll all bail out for a day.

LONDON, Oct 5 (Reuters) - European stocks are set for a buoyant start to Thursday trade on the heels of strong U.S. and Asian gains, while the euro languishes against the dollar, ahead of a widely expected European Central Bank rate rise. Economists expect the ECB to continue its monetary tightening campaign by raising its main rate to 3.25 percent at 1145 GMT, with President Jean-Claude Trichet's 1230 GMT news conference being closely watched for clues on the next rise. The Bank of England, which is scheduled to announce its rate decision at 1100 GMT, is overwhelmingly expected to keep its benchmark borrowing rate on hold at 4.75 percent.
Show-me's brain is leaking.

I fund daily

C fund daily

C fund weekly

I post this here because my main fund is the I fund but I use the C fund as my baseline. C fund is looking like it is getting to the top of the channel so I am cautious short term. Still looks phenomenal long term. Check out the daily and weekly C fund charts. See the trend? Weekly bounces of off the 50 dma and daily bounces of off the 200 dma. To me this is a very nice trend to keep playing. Everyone feel free to poke holes in my ideas. I need the help. LOL

To me the I fund has room to grow and play catch up. If the dollar does weaken I need to be careful that it doesn't weaken to fast or US equities decline at the same time. I believe OSM will react badly to a weakening dollar but will panic if the dollar weakens and US equities decline also.

I am really glad to see more of the "lurkers" posting. Get in here and mix it up you guys. Register and join the fun even if it's just to say hello.

Good luck and Friday is the Labor Report.:blink: :D
Anybody know what time an announcement would be made about raising rates on the Euro?? If it is their custom to do it AFTER their markets close, it could be sweet. OSM up all day then dollar tanks after markets close, requiring a second +FV. Even if it is late in their day, a few hours before they close (say 10 or so EST) dollar could still drop all afternoon. If this was predictable just before deadline, the play would be to bail on the I fund tomorrow, reasoning that the FV payback will come on Friday.
Here is one on the Pound!:D
Forex - Pound drops after BoE leaves interest rates unchanged; Gilts rise UPDATE

(Updating to add analyst comment, gilt prices) LONDON (AFX) - The pound fell after news that the Bank of England's MonetaryPolicy Committee (MPC) left interest rates unchanged at 4.75 pct for the secondmonth running. Although the decision was expected, markets had priced in about a 35 pctchance of a rate rise because of recent strong economic data and after thecentral bank surprised markets by raising rates in August. At 12.25 pm, the pound was trading at 1.8825 against the dollar, down from1.8859 just before the announcement, while the [URL=""]euro[/URL] rose to 0.6754 from 0.6739previously. There may have been some disappointment in the market at today's decision,but most expect the vote was split and an increase in November is seen as avirtual certainty. Calyon currency analyst Daragh Maher said sterling may see "modestsoftness", given that the BoE "did not deliver another August-esque surprisehike as had been rumoured at times yesterday".
In response to a question from ChemEng, Griffin gave a very good explanation in his account thread as to whether one should stay invested today or tomorrow. I won't copy it here, but would appreciate your views!
Well that's about a 1% FV on the I-Fund today. Even if tomorrow is up another 1%, we won't see a penny for those of us that moved in today unless we get a real significant drop in the dollar.

It may be worth taking a shot at moving to the domestics tomorrow, on the off chance that the FV does not get corrected immediately.

I want to retract this suggestion. After thinking more about it, I do not believe it will work. I give a detailed explanation in my account talk post #83. I'm not technically savvy enough to insert a link (or pictures apparantly) :D .
EFA is showing +1.33% in my TDAmeritrade acct., but -.06% on Yahoo. usually the time gap is about 20 minutes but there's been a major difference all morning and the intraday chart looks nothing alike. Weird. Further evidence to give up on EFA as any kind of indicator for the I fund... it's its own beast.
real time EFA 10:36 e.s.t.= 68.55 = -.20%

EFA at 4:10 yesterday closed at +.96% (finally settled at 1.01%) a few minutes later. .96% - .047% (eafe) = +.91%. I think you can estimate an FV based on EFA.
Fabijo just got the $iee at Doesn't seem to match up with the EFA Chart. EFA -0.04 $IEE +0.84 quite the spread. So maybe the $IEE chart is off.
Anyone have any input to a possible IFT either in or out of the I fund before todays deadline? Gilligan??? T minus 30 minutes.....