Playing the I fund

I am surprised at the dollars (NYBOT:DX) upward movement today. It broke out on the topside of the current channel that it has been in for the last 3 months. It is now about at a 6 month high. The bottom of the current channel is about 85.25 and moving up, I don’t see it returning to 83 any time soon. Last year it climbed up to 92.1 in mid November before it started falling back down.

I was suprised by this as well, I guess I got the answer to my question. :D Anyway, I'm now looking for the Dollar index to float around 87.5 to 88.0. The last time I found myself waiting for the dollar drop (a couple of weeks ago), I backed out a day early because the market was looking like it was going to roll over. Unfortunately, I can see the same situation developing again.

Check out the chart, if you want to see my rationale.
I heard on the media that there is speculation that the test was a failure or not even nuclear. This morning NK is saying that "more pressure from the US will be considered a declaration of war." What a .........:mad: :notrust: Cut'em off and starve them out! Let China feed and cloth them.
Looks like the $ has weaken against the ¥ and Euro. The Nikkei was off just a fraction down -12.74 (-0.08).

$1 is worth...
0.7973 Euro 119.65 ¥en

Doesn’t seem N. Korea’s A test had a big negative impact……..yet.

I wouldn't get to excited about this movement in the dollar index yet. Yesterday started out the same way. Once the US market opens this could change fairly rapidly.
any ballpark estimate today?30mins. before 12.:)

I have the I-fund just barely negative (-.01%) right now. EFA is moving up, C&S are moving up after starting very negative. Dollar index has been moving laterally with a slight movement down. Dollar index could be sent higher with NK & Iran political issues right now.

I see the I-fund as very risky.
Ball park estimate: Local currency is -0.2%, the dollar is slightly lower at -0.05%, so the USD price should be around -0.15% for a loss of about 3 cents to about $20.29