Playing the I fund

Due to my limited experience with the I fund, I have to defer to others' more knowledgeable opinions. In my case I am in G. All of the major U.S. indices are overbought, and upside momentum appears to be waning, even though there could be a short bounce due to quarter-end window dressing! So, for me this is very risky business! Good Luck to all!
is there another ticker, similar like ^VIX for US stocks, but for the EAFE? Doesn't have to be a contrarian indicator... just any type of indicator that might say where the smart money is leaning on the big internationals.
I've got the I down 11 cents worth today....but I may have some delayed data....I do think she will give us some for the remainder of this week....
I am doing 25% I fund.
I hope both Gilligan and Tech are right since I transfered 25% to I. My thanks to both of you. I also want to thank FundSurfer for having posted a chart of the I fund which indicates that the I-fund is at the lower side of the channel. even if it is for a short-term trade! By the way, FundSurfer, where can a we access that chart?
I-fund should be looking much better for tomorrow. :D

+.91% (with a bullet) for the C-fund? I'm sure Tom would be glad to give those gain back for a little healthy pullback. :D
Ebbnflow --

I don't know what will happen with FV, but I decided this morning to risk only 25% into I, and it seems that an end-of-quarter rally is going on. Nominally, I do expect the I fund to follow the U.S. markets to the upside. My problem is also when to exit, because if this rally is a consequence of good news based on the IRAN negotiations and window dressing, it could turn on a dime. Therefore, I will be looking at signs of an exit as this progresses. --

I-fund should be looking much better for tomorrow. :D

+.91% (with a bullet) for the C-fund? I'm sure Tom would be glad to give those gain back for a little healthy pullback. :D
None of our I fund experts has hazarded a late afternoon guess about the bottom line. I left G (and gave up the penny) to be all I today. Will I do better as a result?

Che sara sara