Playing the I fund

If I understand correctly their will be no correction. This price is a combination of Monday and Tuesday. No FV involved. Am I right? Or stupid?

You are right. However Rym may have been eluding to the fact that the stock funds have run up a bit and may be due a correction.
Ok, the I fund leads the pack in returns for about 12%. My question, why not just put all of your money in the I fund and get the 12%.

First of all the I fund is up around 15 1/2%. And to answer your question, if anybody had known the I fund would be ahead of whatever it was they were doing, then of course they would have chosen the I fund. But I'll do you one better. If I had known what fund was going to do the best each and every day, then I would be sure to be in that fund and I'd be up a couple hundred percent for the year. This stuff is pretty easy looking backwards. So you've cracked the case as far as where my money should have been for the last 8 months. Got any sage advice for where it should be for the next 4 months?
S&S, thanks for posting the prices. Beats waiting for the site to update! :D

Gilligan, you've done Morgan Stanley one better (MSCI EAFE +.14 cents), you've hit the bullseye with your +.15 cents estimate. Great job! :D

If it wasn’t for you and Frokker helping me get my numbers straightened out this morning I would have been way off. Thanks for your help.
A tidbit on the TSP funds (This information is available in the funds). G started in 1987, we got C & F in 1988 and S & I in 2001. Since Inception the returns have been:
C = 11.64%
S = 08.94%
F = 07.41%
G = 06.59%
I = 06.42%
You are right. However Rym may have been eluding to the fact that the stock funds have run up a bit and may be due a correction.

I thought that the I fund was just coming out of a correction. The dollar is closer to the bottom of the trading channel so it might be heading back up in the next week or so.
I thought that the I fund was just coming out of a correction. The dollar is closer to the bottom of the trading channel so it might be heading back up in the next week or so.

I wish i can chime in,but i'm no help.I like to read this i fund so i can get some information about I fund,So far it help me alot.Thank you all.
Jeremy, check the tally for June 10th -- there sits the I-fund at 5 and a fraction, down from the May high of 16+%. Still wanna be 100I? The I-fund has the highest percentage in my portfolio but not 100%, no way.

Jeremy, I think what you have here is a lucky pick, but not a strategy. Nothing wrong with that, as long as you know the difference.

Ok, I have looked at the returns for the I fund and they look good. In addition, I have looked at the returns section of this forum. Ok, the I fund leads the pack in returns for about 12%. My question, why not just put all of your money in the I fund and get the 12%. The return section shows that 100% in the I fund out preformed any other combination so far this year. Am I mistaken here? There has to be something wrong with this strategy or everyone else would be doing it. I have been going 100% I fund for almost 4-5 months. I have been doing fairly well.
I want to share with all of you my views going forward. I still believe that the I-fund will outperform all others going forward and that the dollar will decline against other currencies during the next few months. There will be some ups and downs, but that is the trend that I believe will continue. However, I believe that before we can rally, there should be a correction, which might be mild or deep, and which many technical analysts insist is ripe to occur (perhaps starting in the next couple of days!). Maybe we will see a mild correction now, and a deeper correction in October. All of these, I hope that we can trade effectively. This morning at around 5:20 A.M. EST, I was watching CNBC Worldwide Exchange. A very respected market strategist from J.P. Morgan was interviewed. His name, Tim Harris, I believe he is British, expressed his reasoned opinion. In response to a question regarding what he considers the best allocation going forward, Mr. Harris stated that he is underweight the U.S., and that he likes Asia (Ex-Japan), and also likes Europe going forward. He addressed the inverted yield curve. He stated that when the bond yield curve steepens between the 10-year note, and I think he said the 2-year bond, that this presages either a recession or a slowdown in the U.S. economy (with the usual international ripple effect) based on past experience. Because he noted that the curve is not as steep as on previous occasions (he illustrated a chart), he believes that only a slowdown in the U.S. will occur, but that these indicators as well as other economic indicators, will keep the FED on hold in the next meeting. This is extremely important for us to consider, because if this scenario plays out, then the I-fund should be the beneficiary. Regarding Mr. Harris' exclusion of Japan, he did not give any additional information. Even with my limited knowledge, I believe that he could be wrong on Japan, because other analysts have stated that the Japanese consumer will keep their economy going, and that the China economy will substitute the U.S. economy as a substitute for Japan to sell their export goods (which they now depend heavily on the U.S. to buy their exports). So, even with a slowdown in the rate of growth of the Chinese economy, the rate of growth in China will continue to be spectacular or above-normal; and it is key to note that Japan is investing heavily in China. We have to keep watching the potential effect of unknown factors and geopolitical events! P.S. I don't have all the economic numbers that came out now at 8:32 A.M. (EST), but I just heard that unit costs came higher than expected (This could be considered inflationary by traders, and thus could be one of the catalysts to start a correction).
Foriegn markets down big right now and dollar up. If Europe and asia react the typical way to sharp U.S. declines, they will be down tomorrow as well. The excerpt below offers the opinion that the upward spike in the dollar should be short lived. Timing the I fund is always hard, but if foreign markets are in fact down again tomorrow, perhaps Friday would offer a short term I fund play. Opinions??

Dollar gains before Fed's Beige book

Last Update: 10:48 AM ET Sep 6, 2006

By Wanfeng Zhou, MarketWatch

"The dollar seems to be getting a bit of a boost from the higher unit labor costs, but this should prove short-lived and is probably more a follow-through of current dollar strength," said Brian Dolan, director of research at, a division of Gain Capital.
"The Fed is most certainly not about to change course based on [second-quarter] unit labor costs, so the fundamental basis for buying the dollar on this report is slim indeed," Dolan said.
I'd definitely wait on the sidelines in G till tommorrow. We may get a negative FV tonight but if foriegn markets react to move down it could continue tommorrow. Actually the foriegn markets were already down prior to US markets this morning so the effect tommorrow may be less than usual. There is also the possibility of a foriegn bounce if US markets turn around prior to end of today but we likely won't know that till after our deadline. I think the safer play is to stay put for today. The funds are giving back only 3-5 days worth of gains at this point. I think they could all have a day or two more of negative and still be just a healthy pull back.
Ballpark estimate: Local currency is -0.8% and the dollar is higher around +0.3%, so the USD is around -1.1% for a loss of about 22 cents to around $20.11
EAFE says down 1.154%. Gilligan right on again. And before 9:00 A.M. Pacific time. That is very valuable information to know at that time of day. Your record is proven and if you should stumble on an estimate no one here should hold you responsible. Intentions are the key. Good job! I really appreciate it and if we were on a poker site I would transfer a few bucks to your account. Of course I would challenge you and try to win it back but like I said........... Intentions.
so gilligan are you posting the I fund prior to the 12:00est drop dead time ?? i'm trying to figure this out, if so that is sweet !!! thanks in advance.
Dollar dropped like a rock with the 2pm news, has almost given up all gains against the euro. Totally unpredicatable in advance; I fund will still lose but not as bad. Anyone in I fund today should thank their lucky beige book.