Playing the I fund

Dollar dropped like a rock with the 2pm news, has almost given up all gains against the euro. Totally unpredicatable in advance; I fund will still lose but not as bad. Anyone in I fund today should thank their lucky beige book.

Can you say FV day!!
Ballpark estimate: Local currency is -0.8% and the dollar is higher around +0.3%, so the USD is around -1.1% for a loss of about 22 cents to around $20.11

Just to let you know that i'm always looking forward to your FV estimate. Keep up the good work...

Ballpark estimate: Local currency is -0.8% and the dollar is higher around +0.3%, so the USD is around -1.1% for a loss of about 22 cents to around $20.11


I noticed that you've been calling all the right numbers for I fund and FV. Keep it going becuase I'd never able to understand still and I am not going to anyway. Hope you will also do good on your fund picking and I can see you are doing better on the tally. Good luck.

These numbers are absolutely super - my wife gets her DCA allotment on Friday for OTCFX and AEPGX. Buy'em low when you can - ah the sweet spot. So can I get one more down day, please. $0.20 each to bring them into the realm of temptation. Every now and then DCA pays at the window.
It sucks how more than a weeks worth of gains are demolished in one day!!! But I was looking for this, and maybe yet another down day to go back to my normal 100% I.
Nature of the beast. To difficult to hit the exact top or exact bottom. Trick is to get out and not get sucked back in to early. I struggled Friday, Monday, and Tuesday with my decision. Watching those gains and not being in the market makes me sweat sometimes, but after todays action it makes sense.
Thanks to everyone for thier positive comments. I will try to get this estimate out about 15 minutes before the deadline. Now if I could only figure out the prices 48 hours in advance then I could miss these pesky drops like the 1.68% hit that I took in the S fund. Ebb got out of the I fund just in time.

Wheels is correct, my ball park figures are normally without a FV adjustment. One day last week I used a FV correction in my figures. Its hard to predict a FV before our noon deadline. The international markets are down about 1% this morning, if the US markets have a positive day today then a FV could be in store. The dollar is rising this morning, according to the INO chart, the dollar rose about 3% last September.

Pyriel and Ocean, have you ever gone to a RE closing with your cashiers check made out for the amount specified and the title company said, “Oh, by the way, there is a $10,000 FV today.”
Well, at least it looks like the I fund is setting up a "buy" opportunity, but the question is "when"? Maybe later this month? :confused:
Well, at least it looks like the I fund is setting up a "buy" opportunity, but the question is "when"? Maybe later this month? :confused:

I don't know when, but my indicators and the opinion of technical analysts I follow seem to coincide that there is more downside still. If anyone sees some sort of bottom, for an entry point, please give the word. Thanks in advance.
I was thinking maybe later this week! Of course, I have a knack of NOT jumping in at the best times......

Without any consideration to the MSCI local value today, Just considering the $ value, I get 19.99 or -.10 today....of course that isn't what it will end up, only Gilligan knows for sure.......:sick:
Ball park estimate: Local Currency -1.3%, The dollar is higher at +0.3% so the USD should be about -1.6% for a loss of about 32 cents to around $19.77