Playing the I fund

lol:laugh: We don't get that picky. I thought it was a accent. :laugh: lol

Looks like the Nikkei struggled a bit to finish slightly in the green. Britain, Germany, and France are very weak this morning. Probably waiting to see how our market opens to they could react. US dollar is just sitting and waiting.

Chevron and Devon Energy found a major oil field in deep water in the Gulf. I heard someone speculate that gas would come down to $2 before the mid-term election. I wonder if they had the inside track. If all is true oil stocks may start to weaken on the news of more reserves in the US. It's suppose to increase US reserves by 50%.

My point is 3 of the I funds top 10 are oil stocks. Something to watch.

On a ridiculous note. To our nut case to the south. Hey Hugo! Go pound sand.:D Luv Mike.


I liked your funny mode LOL:) . I also liked this post a great deal. Very important to stay on top of oil developments for your stated reasons. Frankly, I don't know how to play this unless we get a correction soon, so that we can enter the I-fund and ride it up! So, I will keep listening to suggestions! Have a great day, all!
TSPGO inidicators seem to point toward the I-Fund having a positive week before the fall.

(1) 5-5-10 Rule (+):
(2) Trend (+):
(3) Seasonality (+):
(4) 4-Year Cycle (+):

Regardless of the above indicators, we have gone the conservative route because of September reputation of being the worst month of the year. In time like these, the market tend to be a self-fulfiling prophecy.

Good luck to all!

Ball park estimate: Local Currency is -0.114% and the dollar is higher around +0.35%, so the USD should be around -0.46%, now yesterdays MSCI was +1.225%, so today the I fund should gain about +0.765% or 9 cents to around $20.27
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Thanks for the estimate, Gilligan. You say I-fund should gain about +.765% or 9 cents? But +.765% is +.15 cents? Is it +.09 or +.15 cents? Got to get this straight, I am not fund of surprises when it comes to the I-fund. :D
Ball park estimate: Local Currency is -0.114% and the dollar is higher around +0.35%, so the USD should be around -0.46%, now yesterdays MSCI was +1.225%, so today the I fund should gain about +0.765% or 9 cents to around $12.27

I sure hope you mean $20.27!:D
Thanks for the estimate, Gilligan. You say I-fund should gain about +.765% or 9 cents? But +.765% is +.15 cents? Is it +.09 or +.15 cents? Got to get this straight, I am not fund of surprises when it comes to the I-fund. :D

Yes, 220 - 221... whatever it takes!
I'm so confused right now. I must have put $12.18 in the calculator instead of $20.18. So $20.33 it is.
Morgan Stanley shows the EAFE in USD -0.53% today and +1.225% yesterday for a total of +0.695% X $20.18 is 14 cents to $20.32
S&S, thanks for posting the prices. Beats waiting for the site to update! :D

Gilligan, you've done Morgan Stanley one better (MSCI EAFE +.14 cents), you've hit the bullseye with your +.15 cents estimate. Great job! :D
If I understand correctly their will be no correction. This price is a combination of Monday and Tuesday. No FV involved. Am I right? Or stupid?
Ok, I have looked at the returns for the I fund and they look good. In addition, I have looked at the returns section of this forum. Ok, the I fund leads the pack in returns for about 12%. My question, why not just put all of your money in the I fund and get the 12%. The return section shows that 100% in the I fund out preformed any other combination so far this year. Am I mistaken here? There has to be something wrong with this strategy or everyone else would be doing it. I have been going 100% I fund for almost 4-5 months. I have been doing fairly well.