Playing the I fund

Fivetears, You bring up an excellent point. There is a delicate balance to maintain. Recently we were given additional leeway to carry out our ITF's, now on a daily basis. I do not want to lead any effort against the policymakers, believe me! I only want a reasonable understanding of the inherent rights we have in order to successfully manage our own accounts. Generally speaking, the current policy, as I understand it, is that an employee is permitted to use the government p/c for personal matters, as long as it does not interfere with the work load. The tracking of the TSP and the use of the p/c to enable one to carry out the IFT's effectively on a daily basis requires a non-professional financial manager, as I think we all are, to make reasonable use of a website such as, as well as other instruments such as a financial website like Bloomberg.Please understand, I do not want this privilege to be withdrawn. Therefore, I suggest that someone contact Tom Crowley with this legitimate issue in order to get additional advise. I am willing to let Tom officially eeras the post in which I posted the link, because I do not believe many people have seen it yet. If we were to make a big issue of this, someone could try to prove a power point for the sake of exercising his/her authority, and I truly believe that none of this is illegal or immoral. Therefore, I urge you not make a big issue of this, and perhaps even delete the post immediately. I wouldn't mind this at all! I
Yep. Great way to get terminated, if the "Smart Filter" doesn't already block the streaming media. I'm sorta suprised TSP Talk hasn't been blocked by the government Smart Filter. Just a matter of time I suppose.
I wouldn't worry that much about it. :nuts:
Just make sure you're liked at work, and they'll leave ya alone.

Make yourself a P.I.T.A... and they'll "identify" you. (Know what I mean?)
Fivetears, You bring up an excellent point. There is a delicate balance to maintain. Recently we were given additional leeway to carry out our ITF's, now on a daily basis. I do not want to lead any effort against the policymakers, believe me! I only want a reasonable understanding of the inherent rights we have in order to successfully manage our own accounts. Generally speaking, the current policy, as I understand it, is that an employee is permitted to use the government p/c for personal matters, as long as it does not interfere with the work load. The tracking of the TSP and the use of the p/c to enable one to carry out the IFT's effectively on a daily basis requires a non-professional financial manager, as I think we all are, to make reasonable use of a website such as, as well as other instruments such as a financial website like Bloomberg.Please understand, I do not want this privilege to be withdrawn. Therefore, I suggest that someone contact Tom Crowley with this legitimate issue in order to get additional advise. I am willing to let Tom officially eeras the post in which I posted the link, because I do not believe many people have seen it yet. If we were to make a big issue of this, someone could try to prove a power point for the sake of exercising his/her authority, and I truly believe that none of this is illegal or immoral. Therefore, I urge you not make a big issue of this, and perhaps even delete the post immediately. I wouldn't mind this at all! I
I'd be willing to go on tap right now and state the Federal Government could fire 95% of its workforce EFFECTIVE TODAY for some shape or fashion of government computer misuse / abuse. If you are at work right now, accessing TSP Talk... you are a charter member of this 95%. :nuts:
Ball park estimate: Local Currency +0.378 %, the dollar was higher this morning but has come back down to about even, the USD is about + 0.3 % for a gain of 6 cents to around $20.18

Have a great 3 day weekend, see you on Tuesday.
Drive safe little Buddy! Godspeed your journey. :)
Ball park estimate: Local Currency +0.378 %, the dollar was higher this morning but has come back down to about even, the USD is about + 0.3 % for a gain of 6 cents to around $20.18

Have a great 3 day weekend, see you on Tuesday.
Ball park estimate: Local Currency +0.378 %, the dollar was higher this morning but has come back down to about even, the USD is about + 0.3 % for a gain of 6 cents to around $20.18

Local .336% Dollar adjusted .329%

6 or 7 cents without an FV. Man Gilligan, you are on fire.
I'm sorta suprised TSP Talk hasn't been blocked by the government Smart Filter. Just a matter of time I suppose.
Some agencies did block it a couple of years ago, but our members whined and it was actually reinstated. Maybe we are OK.
the govt has not given us any guidance at all, i was so glad to have found this site. i let those that are interested in their retirement future know about this site. before i found this site i used to b-tch and moan about not having a counselor/broker for all of us to talk with about our tsp. the govt just put it out there and said here it is !!!! there are so many govt employees that could be doing so much more to make their future a little better, but they are scared to take even the slightest risk. i thank all of you for your TIME AND EFFORTS, i enjoy helping people and obviously you all do as well. keep it coming !!!:) :) :)
No Worries

The only problem is if you bring up dirty pictures. Anything else is "maintaining proficiency."
