Fivetears, You bring up an excellent point. There is a delicate balance to maintain. Recently we were given additional leeway to carry out our ITF's, now on a daily basis. I do not want to lead any effort against the policymakers, believe me! I only want a reasonable understanding of the inherent rights we have in order to successfully manage our own accounts. Generally speaking, the current policy, as I understand it, is that an employee is permitted to use the government p/c for personal matters, as long as it does not interfere with the work load. The tracking of the TSP and the use of the p/c to enable one to carry out the IFT's effectively on a daily basis requires a non-professional financial manager, as I think we all are, to make reasonable use of a website such as, as well as other instruments such as a financial website like Bloomberg.Please understand, I do not want this privilege to be withdrawn. Therefore, I suggest that someone contact Tom Crowley with this legitimate issue in order to get additional advise. I am willing to let Tom officially eeras the post in which I posted the link, because I do not believe many people have seen it yet. If we were to make a big issue of this, someone could try to prove a power point for the sake of exercising his/her authority, and I truly believe that none of this is illegal or immoral. Therefore, I urge you not make a big issue of this, and perhaps even delete the post immediately. I wouldn't mind this at all! I