Playing the I fund

I noticed the Wizard_of_OZ stayed with the I fund. I also stayed 100%.. My question is to anyone will next Tuesday bring us some dough? I need those cabbage leaves. Green stuff ya know.
IMHO this market is going to explode with enough power to lift you up out of the recliner - how about that? The NYSE AD composite continues to make new highs after breaking out the week ending August 4, 2006. Keep your eye on the Dow Transports. The Japanese are starting to do buybacks to prevent unwanted take overs, reducing the supply of stock. Hang on.

Dennis - permabull#1
Keep talking like that good buddy! You talkin my kind of language. Money! Money! Money. Yea lift me out of this recliner praise the Lord. Someone give me a amen! You stay around Mr. Birchtree!!
When playing the I fund, what is the better safe haven in the current market? G or F?

I usually despise the F fund, but to me it seems that it may currently offer enough promise to outweigh the risk when one wants to jump in and out of equities, as opposed to the G fund, which is more traditional.

What say you?
The F fund has already gone up $0.22 - I doubt there is much more, rates are already so low. But if you enjoy watching the grass grow....

From TWSJ by Andrew Morse on 9/1/06.
A little hostility has sparked share buybacks and other moves by Japanese companies anxious to defend themselves against takeover bids. And for the most part, that is making Japan's stock market friendlier for shareholders and helping to boost share prices. I funders you'll enjoy this.

One method is to buy back shares from the market. Buybacks often result in higher share prices, as the company enters the market as a buyer, and the supply of available shares shrinks. In the first half of 2006, Japanese companies bought back $9.1 billion of their own shares from shareholders, more than triple the $2.9 billion they bought back in the same period a year earlier. By comparison, during all of 2001, Japanesew companies bought just $585 million of their own stock. Shareholders have started seeing an uptick in buybacks as hostile takeovers increasingly become a reality.

Companies are also trying to stoke their stock prices by increasing dividends. In 2005, Japanese companies paid a record 5.3 trillion yen ($45.3 billion) in dividends, a 26% increase from 4.2 trillion yen in 2004 and 56% more than the 3.4 trillion yen paid in 2003. The new friendliness toward shareholders is a break with past Japanese practices, which put employees and business partners first and shareholders second. Now don't you feel better.
at this point,(rates paused), I think you have to play the G fund 4th, 5th or possibly (10% chance) 6th day. Then back into the F until that 4th or 5th day rolls back around.
"I" fund looking good today, didn't even give it a thought this time, oh well can't hit them all!:(
Wow, nice gain. I've thought a couple times about getting ahead of the I-fund and then going 100% I and then I'd be assured that I'd beat the I-fund for the year. Of course as soon as I do that, it'll dive like there is no tommorrow.

As I told you before, I am 70%G and 30% C. I am not moving yet, because I see a correction coming, and thus there will be a better buying opportunity and entry point. If I am wrong, at least I get capital preservation. Good Luck to all!


As I told you before, I am 70%G and 30% C. I am not moving yet, because I see a correction coming, and thus there will be a better buying opportunity and entry point. If I am wrong, at least I get capital preservation. Good Luck to all!

Don't get me wrong, I am happy on the sideline as long as the gains don't run away from us. I too expect a short term pull back and better entry point. (please pull back a little and send up a flare when you hit the bottom) It's the emotion part I'm entertaining while I'm out and under the influence of some mighty fine wine.:nuts:

See ya!
I could seel some more tomorrow, confirming that yours is the wisest thing to do. We'll see!

Don't get me wrong, I am happy on the sideline as long as the gains don't run away from us. I too expect a short term pull back and better entry point. (please pull back a little and send up a flare when you hit the bottom) It's the emotion part I'm entertaining while I'm out and under the influence of some mighty fine wine.:nuts:

See ya!
Spelling "sell"

lol:laugh: We don't get that picky. I thought it was a accent. :laugh: lol

Looks like the Nikkei struggled a bit to finish slightly in the green. Britain, Germany, and France are very weak this morning. Probably waiting to see how our market opens to they could react. US dollar is just sitting and waiting.

Chevron and Devon Energy found a major oil field in deep water in the Gulf. I heard someone speculate that gas would come down to $2 before the mid-term election. I wonder if they had the inside track. If all is true oil stocks may start to weaken on the news of more reserves in the US. It's suppose to increase US reserves by 50%.

My point is 3 of the I funds top 10 are oil stocks. Something to watch.

On a ridiculous note. To our nut case to the south. Hey Hugo! Go pound sand.:D Luv Mike.