Playing the I fund

Wheels, Just so that I can understand. You stated that the Dollar had been stable but that our markets were making a pretty strong afternoon move. At that time you were contemplating an FV. Were you expecting a positive or negative FV? In a subsequent post you noted that the afternoon rally had fizzled, and that FV was very unlikely. Can you develop a scenario of what would have happened if the markets had not fizzled? Thank you.
Afternoon rallied fizzled. I would say FV very unlikely.
I'll try. First, keep in mind that Barclays is doing the FVs to sort of keep the traders off balance so they can be a little arbitrary. Also keep in mind that TSP says that Barclays will FV less than 20% of the time. Now, with all of that in mind, some of the things that may cause an FV are large moves in the dollar, or large moves in our markets after noon. Why after noon? Because anything that happens before noon will already be included in MSCI's calculation of the EAFE for that day. So, for example, if our markets had continued to rise sharply this afternoon, then Barclays could have said, "Hmmm, looks like the international markets will be positively effected by our markets tomorrow so lets just go ahead and add 12 cents to the price of the I fund today". Then of course they would have to take the twelve cents back the next day or so because when all is said and done, the I fund price has to equal the index that the fund is based upon which is, as we said, the Morgan Stanley Capital Investments Europe, Australia, and Far East index (MSCI EAFE). But again, since this is supposed to be a somewhat arbitrary decision and it's only supposed to happen once in a while, they will not apply fair valuation every time there is an afternoon move. Furthermore, I have seen instances where there is a big afternoon move, and there hasn't been an FV in a while, so we are almost certain they will be doing one, and they do but they go the opposite direction that you would think (that would really implode Sugar's plans).

I hope this helps. Don't feel bad if you are not getting it right away. It took me many months of research and studying to figure all this stuff out. And it has taken me many, many posts to explain it to others. If you ever get the time, go through the first 25 pages or so of this thread and there will be some good stuff for you.
I see that in the time it took me to type that response, 4 people where able to chime in. I guess I am a little long winded (or would be fingered since I was typing).
So sponsor... with all the quality TSP financial education you've been receiving from numerous members on this board, coupled with what appears to be strong personal intellect... do you plan on showing us what you can do with it? :D
Just messin' with ya. :nuts:
Sometimes... ya just gotta throw the dice, and see what pops up! :D
You’re trying to psychoanalyze FV and this TSP fund too much.
Just throw your dice. :)
What I liked best was that you were moved to write to me; and also, your reference to a strong personal intellect. I like that!!! Not always the case though! I have to run away from gambling...I could lose my shirt. Truth is, I am just trying to make as much money for my retirement as I can...Best wishes!

So sponsor... with all the quality TSP financial education you've been receiving from numerous members on this board, coupled with what appears to be strong personal intellect... do you plan on showing us what you can do with it? :D
Just messin' with ya. :nuts:
Sometimes... ya just gotta throw the dice, and see what pops up! :D
You’re trying to psychoanalyze FV and this TSP fund too much.
Just throw your dice. :)
...and likewise, my friend. :)
So, how'd ya pan out for August?
I bagged a 4.58% for August; 13.92% YTD. (unofficially of course) :D
What I liked best was that you were moved to write to me; and also, your reference to a strong personal intellect. I like that!!! Not always the case though! I have to run away from gambling...I could lose my shirt. Truth is, I am just trying to make as much money for my retirement as I can...Best wishes! work some of us do not have a television set, but we have a desktop p/c. In order to give all of my colleagues here some sort of an edge, and to help the newer subscribers receive updated market information, I am posting a link to the Bloomberg website. This allows you to get streaming video (with an approximate delay of 1 or 2 minutes). As far as I know, CNBC does not offer this important feature. As I am sure we are all aware, however, I must remind you that any personal use of your p/c at work is restricted, and that nobody should abuse the privileges. Therefore, whatever you do, do not let listening or scanning the site interfere with your productivity. In fact, I debated with myself whether to I should disseminate this for fear of publicizing this, because it could influence some TSPers to abuse the privilege and this could result in the capability to be taken away. This is an additional perk that can help you keep abreast of the most recent and important market information and financial commentary.
Yep. Great way to get terminated, if the "Smart Filter" doesn't already block the streaming media. I'm sorta suprised TSP Talk hasn't been blocked by the government Smart Filter. Just a matter of time I suppose. work some of us do not have a television set, but we have a desktop p/c. In order to give all of my colleagues here some sort of an edge, and to help the newer subscribers receive updated market information, I am posting a link to the Bloomberg website. This allows you to get streaming video (with an approximate delay of 1 or 2 minutes). As far as I know, CNBC does not offer this important feature. As I am sure we are all aware, however, I must remind you that any personal use of your p/c at work is restricted, and that nobody should abuse the privileges. Therefore, whatever you do, do not let listening or scanning the site interfere with your productivity. In fact, I debated with myself whether to I should disseminate this for fear of publicizing this, because it could influence some TSPers to abuse the privilege and this could result in the capability to be taken away. This is an additional perk that can help you keep abreast of the most recent and important market information and financial commentary.
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