Malyla's Account Talk

-part II...-

So given a Time Turner, I would tell my 21-year-old self that personal happiness lies in knowing that life is not a check-list of acquisition or achievement. Your qualifications, your CV, are not your life, though you will meet many people of my age and older who confuse the two. Life is difficult, and complicated, and beyond anyone’s total control, and the humility to know that will enable you to survive its vicissitudes.
Now, you might think that I chose my second theme, the importance of imagination, because of the part it played in rebuilding my life, but that is not wholly so. Though I, personally, will defend the value of bedtime stories to my last gasp, I have learned to value imagination in a much broader sense. Imagination is not only the uniquely human capacity to envision that which is not, and therefore the fount of all invention and innovation. In its arguably most transformative and revelatory capacity, it is the power that enables us to empathize with humans whose experiences we have never shared.
One of the greatest formative experiences of my life preceded Harry Potter, though it informed much of what I subsequently wrote in those books. This revelation came in the form of one of my earliest day jobs. Though I was sloping off to write stories during my lunch hours, I paid the rent in my early twenties by working at the African research department at Amnesty International’s headquarters in London.
There in my little office I read hastily scribbled letters smuggled out of totalitarian regimes by men and women who were risking imprisonment to inform the outside world of what was happening to them. I saw photographs of those who had disappeared without trace, sent to Amnesty by their desperate families and friends. I read the testimony of torture victims and saw pictures of their injuries. I opened handwritten, eye-witness accounts of summary trials and executions, of kidnappings and rapes.
Many of my co-workers were ex-political prisoners, people who had been displaced from their homes, or fled into exile, because they had the temerity to speak against their governments. Visitors to our offices included those who -- who had come to give information, or to try and find out what had happened to those who they had left behind.
I shall never forget the African torture victim, a young man no older than I was at the time, who had become mentally ill after all he had endured in his homeland. He trembled uncontrollably as he spoke into a video camera about the brutality inflicted upon him. He was a foot taller than I was, and seemed as fragile as a child. I was given the job of escorting him back to the Underground Station afterwards, and this man whose life had been shattered by cruelty took my hand with exquisite courtesy, and wished me future happiness.
And as long as I live I shall remember walking along an empty corridor and suddenly hearing, from behind a closed door, a scream of pain and horror such as I have never heard since. The door opened, and the researcher poked out her -- out her head and told me to run and make a hot drink for the young man sitting with her. She had just had given him the news that in retaliation for his own outspokenness against his country’s regime, his mother had been seized and executed.
Every day of my working week in my early twenties I was reminded how incredibly fortunate I was to live in a country with a democratically elected government, where legal representation and a public trial were the rights of everyone.
Every day, I saw more evidence about the evils humankind will inflict on their fellow humans, to gain or maintain power. I began to have nightmares, literal nightmares, about some of the things I saw, heard, and read.
And yet, I also learned more about human goodness at Amnesty International than I had ever known before. Amnesty mobilizes thousands of people who have never been tortured or imprisoned for their beliefs to act on behalf of those who have. The power of human empathy, leading to collective action, saves lives, and frees prisoners. Ordinary people, whose personal well-being and security are assured, join together in huge numbers to save people they do not know, and will never meet. My small participation in that process was one of the most humbling and inspiring experiences of my life.
Unlike any other creature on this planet, human beings can learn and understand, without having experienced. They can think themselves into other people’s places. Of course, this is a power, like my brand of fictional magic, that is morally neutral. One might use such an ability to manipulate or control, just as much as to understand or sympathize.
And many prefer not to exercise their imaginations at all. They choose to remain comfortably within the bounds of their own experience, never troubling to wonder how it would feel to have been born other than they are. They can refuse to hear screams or peer inside cages. They can close their minds and hearts to any suffering that does not touch them personally. They can refuse to know.
I might be tempted to envy people who can live that way, except that I do not think they have any fewer nightmares than I do. Choosing to live in narrow spaces can lead to a form of mental agoraphobia, and that brings its own terrors. I think the willfully unimaginative see more monsters. They are often more afraid. What is more, those who choose not to empathize enable real monsters. For without ever committing an act of outright evil ourselves, we collude with it, through our own apathy.
One of the many things I learned at the end of that Classics corridor down which I ventured at the age of 18, in search of something I could not then define, was this, written by the Greek author Plutarch: What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality. That is an astonishing statement and yet proven a thousand times every day of our lives. It expresses, in part, our inescapable connection with the outside world, the fact that we touch other people’s lives simply by existing.
But how much more are you, Harvard graduates of 2008, likely to touch other people’s lives? Your intelligence, your capacity for hard work, the education you have earned and received, give you unique status and unique responsibilities. Even your nationality sets you apart. The great majority of you belong to the world’s only remaining superpower. The way you vote, the way you live, the way you protest, the pressure you bring to bear on your government, has an impact way beyond your borders. That is your privilege, and your burden.
If you choose to use your status and influence to raise your voice on behalf of those who have no voice, if you choose to identify not only with the powerful but with the powerless, if you retain the ability to imagine yourself into the lives of those who do not have your advantages, then it will not only be your proud families who celebrate your existence, but thousands and millions of people whose reality you have helped change. We do not need magic to transform our world; we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: We have the power to imagine better.
I am nearly finished. I have one last hope for you, which is something that I already had at 21. The friends with whom I sat on graduation day have been my friends for life. They are my children’s godparents, the people to whom I’ve been able to turn in times of real trouble; people who have been kind enough not to sue me when I took their names for Death Eaters. At our graduation we were bound by enormous affection, by our shared experience of a time that could never come again, and, of course, by the knowledge that we held certain photographic evidence that would be exceptionally valuable if any of us ran for Prime Minister.

So today, I wish you nothing better than similar friendships. And tomorrow, I hope that even if you remember not a single word of mine, you remember those of Seneca, another of those old Romans I met when I fled down the Classics corridor, in retreat from -- from career ladders, in search of ancient wisdom:

As is a tale, so is life:

not how long it is,

but how good it is,

is what matters.
I wish you all very good lives.
Thank you very much.
Your welcome. I find this mb a pleasant distraction as well as a great source of info for safe-guarding my retirement.

I'm still in safety mode as per the business cycle system I'm trying out, but some of the shorter term trading systems look promising. It's a little irritating that I missed this 40% runup, but I did not loss any money during the downturn and have remained in positive return haven since 2008 (2007 was a wash - 0% for the year). If I can maintain 10%/yr in a bear market and >20%/yr in a bull market, I will meet my retirement goals.

Good luck. (RIP Patrick Swazye)
I am following the Biz_Cycle trading method, but I do have a secondary long term indicator that I watch (If both the Biz_Cycle and the secondary indicator indicate Bear market, I go into capital preservation.) The 100 EMA is getting close to a cross-over of the 200 EMA on all index'. Only a quick sharp correction will stop this 'buy' signal from occuring (100 EMA crossover of 200 EMA). At that time I have to decide which signal preceeds a buy signal for me. The market or the 'prediction' date of Armstrong's (Pie) Business Cycle?. This next month should be interesting.
What is going on with this market????

The dollar AND stocks are up; Bonds % AND AGG are down. It's all topsy turvy (except for the inverse relationship between stocks and bonds).

Still in F and shaking my head in disbelief at the market antics.
The tidal wave of liquidity continues to pound the market.

When this tidal wave receeds, the market will dive off a cliff due to the total lack of economic growth. Is anyone buying, creating jobs, selling exports (not CDS, or other mortgage products)? Has America forgotten how to build stuff that people want to buy? How long can this go on?

The survivalist inside my head is starting to get noticed. Just bought a Made in the USA campstove (hurricane prepariness :embarrest:) just in case of disaster. This is not my usual MO, but that survivalist was getting insistant even though I know that the seasonal upper level winds are negating any possible hurricane season in the Atlantic:cheesy::worried:.

Anyone seeing this ending well?
What is going on with this market????

The dollar AND stocks are up; Bonds % AND AGG are down. It's all topsy turvy (except for the inverse relationship between stocks and bonds).

Still in F and shaking my head in disbelief at the market antics.

Manipulation -- nothing more and nothing less.

When this tidal wave receeds, the market will dive off a cliff due to the total lack of economic growth.

If the MEGAvolcano ~~ Yellowstone explodes ~~ whatever is happening will no longer matter. As long as things are 'good' it's easy to hide behind the veil.

Is anyone buying, creating jobs, selling exports (not CDS, or other mortgage products)? Has America forgotten how to build stuff that people want to buy? How long can this go on?
In general these don't seem to matter as long as 'we' can convince the population at large that things are 'fine and dandy'.

The survivalist inside my head is starting to get noticed. Just bought a Made in the USA campstove (hurricane prepariness :embarrest:) just in case of disaster. This is not my usual MO, but that survivalist was getting insistant even though I know that the seasonal upper level winds are negating any possible hurricane season in the Atlantic:cheesy::worried:.

Anyone seeing this ending well?

I think you're right - and doing my best to store up more capital.

GL to all of us.
What is going on with this market????

The dollar AND stocks are up; Bonds % AND AGG are down. It's all topsy turvy (except for the inverse relationship between stocks and bonds).

Still in F and shaking my head in disbelief at the market antics.
I have noticed that when bond yields and the AGG move in the same direction, we should believe the yields - meaning the F-fund should be up today (assuming yields remain down).
Anyone seeing this ending well?

No. It's part of a Fed cycle. We can't keep infusing the economy with obscene amounts of liquidity to stave off an inevitable multiple post-bubble reckoning.

The manipulation has been on-going for years, but now the consumer has been taken out of the equation. I'm expecting an L shaped recovery that will last for some time to come.
An observation:

There have been a few restaurant closures in my area lately. All have said that it is due to the economy. However, that is exasperated by the high rents that these restaurants paid for the space ($4500/month in one case). As these restaurants leave and the commercial owners need to find paying renters, will they lower their rents? There is some indication that they will initially try to get that previous rent, but if they stay empty, the rent must decrease or the commercial owners could default. (One of these properties is owned by a millionaire businessman, so he can afford to keep it empty until someone comes along willing to pay his rental fee). So, are we months away from a commercial property bubble burst? Or are there people with capital ready to take a chance on this economy and open a business in these empty rental spaces weather or not the rent is lowered?

I see alot of closed store fronts and not any new businesses moving in. How long can this last before commercial properties start to have trouble or will a recovering economy head this off? How can the economy recover if all the employees of those closed businesses can't find work?

G.L. everyone

P.S. There is one area where I have seen new businesses: two years ago our mall was demolished and a towncenter retail/rental mixed developement was constructed with completion for some retail stores two months ago. Other businesses may open after the new year. That is the only new business openings I have seen in over a year.
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On the lilly pad or in the (G)arage. What ever you want to call it. Just someplace safe.

That is a logical choice however when the poop hits the fan putting money in Gov. bonds can be as risky as the stock market.

The G Fund is invested in short-term U.S. Treasury securities specially
issued to the TSP. Payment of principal and interest is guaranteed by
the U.S. Government. Thus, there is no “credit risk.”:blink:
Hey - this is my 500 post <party at my place>:nuts:
Cool! Welcome to Team TSP! I'll need directions [to the party].

Let's see, you've been with us for about 2.5 years. If I'm doing the math correctly, you'll catch up to Birthtree's 10,000 posts in 47.5 years. :)

Thanks for all of your contributions!