What did you think?
They could have done the Snape betrayal scene SO much better! Nothing like the book!
I agree. I do have a problem with the movies in that every director is reminded that these movies are for kids and therefore any complicated human emotion or plot can not be employed in the script because gods forbid that we have the children asking their parents hard questions about human motivations. Star Wars 1-3 is a supreme example of this. The audience for those movies were children when episodes 4-6 came out, but were now in their 30-40s when eps 1-3 came out but the movies were less complicated than the originals and were made for children with was very annoying for us adults. Although I just heard somewhere (a movie review for Moon - I think) that Star Wars killed the adult Science Fiction movie whos best example in 2001:A Space Odyssey. Maybe, not so far in the future, we will get some remakes of the movies that will be Jackson's Lord of the Rings worthy and Snape's character will get his just due for the hero/antihero complicated character he truely is in the books. It is fasinating to me that Snape's character works so well on many levels but that we mostly see Harry's perpective and not Dumbledoor's or Snape's until it's too late. That was brilliant story telling by J.K.Rowlings.
I wish the fight scene at the end of the book where the other students faught off the Death Eaters had been at least hinted at or shown. I miss that Harry gave his friends the rest of the felix felisous (sp) and that is what saved them when the death eaters invaded the school. I would have traded that for Lavender/Ron scenes anyday (although the hospital scene with Hermone was well done).
Two more chances to see complicated human motivations (i.e., more adult themes). Hopefully they will not release the movies a year apart (6 months would be cool).