I don't think I see a dead cat swinging around.
The market is a bit overvalued and will correct till it is undervalued. My guess is another 10% or so. Looking at Friday I would guess a slow decline next week, followed by a selling dump, followed by a slow decline and then another dump.
Then it is feeding time... I will probably be around -2% when I get back in with more risk...
I agree to a point. But our worst corrections (including from Jan 2008 to March 2009) was chock full of DCB's, while dropping nearly 60% over 14 months.
The reason is "the human condition"....selfish and stupid (pigs get slaughtered)....greedy to make up recent losses....denial of how bad it might be...automatic machine pre-set stock buy-backs...or fund managers so honed in on individual stock prices that they see something at a 3 month low and they see it as a buying opportunity...without thinking that the stock might not be acting independently anymore, but caught up in the current vortex itself. All of these is why a precipitous fall has little, short up-surges.
Cramer made that next to last point the other day (people seeing current stocks at recent lows)...and he actually apologized to his shows audience, telling them he should have told them to sell, and that this won't end until the "Fed Lady Sings" (which isn't until mid-late Sep) AND Chinese stocks fall back to levels they were before their precipitous rise about a year ago (which is another 25-30% down) AND Oil reaches a bottom, which the Saudi's claim they can take into the $25/barrel range and still profit while knocking out all its competitors.
Another CNBC international guest said that falling oil and related DEFLATION is posing a huge risk to the global economy, because slight inflation is good...its growth. But deflation keeps growth less than 2% and doesn't allow economies to build up enough velocity to grow out of deficits/debts, etc... He said this could be big....and I believe him.
Cramer says we're tied to this China/Worldwide Deflationary/Recessionary vortex right now. As to how bad this could be....
In the 90s S&P rose 250% from 1994-2000 (6-yrs).
From 2009-15 about 230%. in 6 yrs.
Normal long term stock avg is about 8% annually...compounded over 6 yrs that's about 60%. When you're quadrupling that average...the pressure cooker has to relieve that excess steam at some point. All stock, stochastic, bullshit aside...it is as simple as that.
My best guess, based on that table I posted just a few days ago with recent long term tranquility reversals...I'll start with the avg (or median)...down 42% next 13 months.
That gives us a buy and hold at S&P near 1360 by September 2016. Until then...if history holds...we will see 7% down weeks, followed by 3% up weeks...mixed with some flatness in between.
There was a poster recently who took issue to my musical selection of the current free-fall. Truth be told, I jokingly dedicated it only to those few on the tracker above me still in stocks. Otherwise to the rest of you...I feel your pain. Proof? Go look at where I finished 2014 (hint...start at the bottom). It's taken me 8 years and a horrible 2014 to stare into the abyss and come up with a system that works...that uses my strengths (pattern recognition) and avoids my weaknesses (overall knowledge of the market).
If you scroll back in my account talk to January this year, you'll see what I mean about my new system. This year was its trial run...and so far...its working pretty good.
I also made a vow in 2009 that I never wanted to get caught up in that kind of vortex again. I am trying to fulfill that promise now.
But I also don't want any of you to fall into that either. That's why I've been ringing the alarm bells all week, for all those who would listen.
Some on this thread have asked how to get out of it, and I tried to give the best advice I could.
BUT...there is a beauty to this kind of downturn.
It sets you up for a fantastic medium-long range profit. If you get out early (early is less than 10% loss) you get to sit in the sling-shot as it gets pulled back. Then 10-15 months from now...when we approach some of the target goals I've mentioned (that history has given us...NOT any brilliance from me), you get to sit in that slot as the stretched back, oversold slingshot releases and "whoosh!!!" those first few weeks can yield HUGE gains (5-10% month).
In the meantime, my strategy is to hunker down, and as my system dictates, spend 90-95% in the best fund, which in this environment is typically the F-fund, although in short spurts it can spiral with the rest of the market, in which case you quickly switch to G.
BUT I will look to go on an occasional 1-3 day "hunt"...if we've had a week like the past one (we will), just for stupid fun, I might buy in early next week (if I had an IFT) just to catch part of that 2-3% DCB, but quickly get out by day 1 to 3, whether it works or not.
So I wish everyone the best during these times. Its a gut-wrencher for sure, but when you're safely on the sidelines...avoiding weeks like this, it feels the same way as a 7% upweek. because in reality it is...you just reap it when you jump back in fully 12-15 months from now.:smile:
But to those who don't respect history...who are selfish (think PIGS)...and poo poo all this. I wish you well too.
But, without apology, I will dedicate this song to you as you fall further and further down the tracker. I hope you get the message before its too late, for your benefit.
FYI, I swear whoever wrote the lyrics must have been a stock broker/thrash fan in late 2008 stock free-fall.
Reading the words in the first 60 seconds...it talks about taking a beating, confusion, denial (something's got to give) and eventually the "Whoosh" downward as "the bodies hit the floor". ala 1929 stock market crash when brokers did just that.
The instrumental piece "sounds" like the market "felt" this past Friday.