I'm seeing a shift to "Denial" today. 2 days ago when the VIX was up like 7%, a CNBC stock pimp said "well, that doesn't mean much. the aver all number is still small".
That was a red flag to me...Denial.
VIX flatness at low numbers is a classic market top indicator...and every correction starts with 7% up days on the VIX that continue for a few days in a row.
A lot of people on the forum are assuming a strong pop back up early next week. I dunno, maybe a 1-2 day deadcat bounce. Barring some unforeseen news, I don't see much more hope beyond that in the short term.
A sharp CNBC guest says that there's danger we are in a commodity bubble that's starting to burst, and that this is how bubbles form and burst...when no one is initially talking about them.
CNBC hosts are asking each other "where do you hide??...there's no place to hide". That takes us past the denial phase and approaching "fear".
Market in freefall now as S&P is now fast approaching zero for the year. These years, where stocks finish flat to slightly negative for the year occur once every few years. Those are years when the F-Fund is the best fund on the tracker with usually a 4-8% annual gain.
If I had another IFT, I would be throwing 100% into the F fund and expect to stay there for a few weeks.