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RIGHT! Interest rates!
Gotta hand it to Bernanke, Geithner and Summers...
Oh yeah, who put that economic team together back in early 2009????
if you think racking up $17 trillion of permanent debt via expanded entitlements and free dollar printing will not result in inflation, then i say the earth is cooling right now and has nothing to do with hydrocarbon consumption in the past.
you can't have it both ways cuz.
(i didn't mean to inject politics into an individual thread where one promotes one politician and ignores facts at the expense of another party, i just responded to it).
Better watch out...the "Dumb Money" is going in.
Going in from 100% G into 50% I and 50% S COB Today.
Actually only plan on this being a 1-2 day move. I agree with Tom, John Ross, JTH & others that we are way over-extended & ready for a quick snap back. It sometimes takes that long to verify, but when it does....
But I think this will wait till early next week. And I don't think it will be very serious, maybe just a 2-3% correction, then up and away into the holiday season, as our overall economy is not only on solid ground but is starting to fire up on most cylinders, along with low oil prices acting like a broad based tax cut.
So hope to garner some quick gains, but also plan on using my 2nd IFT Fri morning to go into the F fund.
Jason had some good analysis on it here:
So far the move out of stocks and into the F-fund on the last trading day of November was the right move. Thanks to FireGal, JTH, Mr John Ross for advice.
But dilemma was when to get back in. Seasonality and sell-off coming off a peak helped spur stocks down this week, but good positive seasonality coming up and do not want to miss any of it.
The question to ponder is...are we there yet?
Not sure, but I felt that with our recent 5-8% downturn just 2 months ago it would be unlikely to get a sell off that steep again so soon and was looking for more of a 2-3% downturn to somewhere near the 50 day EMA or a little below. Well, we are there, and bloodletting days like this are the ones we're supposed to jump into, while all the weak hands get shaken out, as Jim Cramer likes to say.
But I've also promised myself that in times when I can only move into the market once but still have 2 moves, that I would move in incrementally on a big down day (as opposed to if we already bottomed and turned the upward corner).
So with that I shifted from my 100% F position (which should bag a big day & put me positive this month) into 50% S & 50% G COB Tdy.
Will see what Monday brings after long weekend.
Of note, given today's free falling, VIX was only mildly upset...actually going down with the market this morning, before turning upward a little. Avg so far is near zero.
Normally on days like this the VIX is up near 10%. Another factor that pushed me to go in, but I can't quantify it attm.
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