Cowboys Account Account Talk

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Good morning everyone! The cowboy after a weekend of hard earned R&R is doing fine and should be in action possibly today. I know a lot of talk has been where, when, how far and such on the downfall of the market. Last year I tried to move in and out of the markets and I losta lot of cash but still came out ahead. This year I stayed the course and may lose a lot any way. The truth is though I have lost less this year than last at this time.If you were lucky enough to bein G on thislowering of value than you're definately ahead of the game. If you look back to the first of the year the market did this the first few days in January and I was setting G than and was on the winning side of the trend. It is my feeling that no matter what you do you can not be right all the time and although you may move daily or watch short term, you have to believe in the long term. I will continue to make moves whenthe market will let me but it may not result in a gain immediately or as fast as some think or want. Today may be a move day only time will tell. Don't sweat this too much as this happens all the time that is why you take the risk. I believe you have to take the opportunity that the market gives you and forget about what has happened in the short term. B ythe way WW I still got some unfinished businessof getting my avatar set up. Don't worry I'll get there.Cowboy may try to ride a bull today we will see.
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Here comes the BULLLLLL!!!!!!!! Whoops maybe it was just my avatar Wonder woman!! YeeeHawwww!!!!!!!!!!!
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I have went 100%C as of COB 4/19/05. This is the first move I have made since 4/8/05. I was seriously thinking the I fund but the move was yesterday as I had noted in another thread. That does not mean the I fund is not going to perform it may go up another .10 tomorrow. But I see Cand the S has met some resistance in my opinion, The S fund is vulnerable sitting there and it has been leading the US action for 2 days.
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Got a question for ya?

At rodeos. They hav bronk riding! They hav bull riding! Why no bear riding?
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Spaf wrote:
Got a question for ya?

At rodeos. They hav bronk riding! They hav bull riding! Why no bear riding?
We do have Bronc riding and bull riding in a rodeo. Cowboys will ride bare back but that is as close as I'll go on that subject. Rodeos are for show and the real work is done outside the arena except for the local boys you are paying professionally to watch in Nevada and other big cities. We do have a saying for when things get tough and that is(cowboy up). So I got this to say to you when the market isdown. "Just cowboy up." Just like the rappers and the line dancers there is a lingo. So if you come up here and see some cowboys in the bar, it's for the drinkng and what ever activity that gets in his way andmore than likelynot for the dancing. Take care and happy trails.:)
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I have went 100% F as of COB 4/21/05. I just figure if the bull was going to buck like this daily than I'll ride him that way. The I fund is not moving like I would like to see andis possibly just digesting the lower US markets. I guess if the move works I am hoping to gain shares on it. If not. It's just another lesson of what not to do.
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Cowboy is spurring the hair off the monster!! Come on Baby hold till close!! Now if this thing plays like yesterday than it will slam down tomorrow and I'll try to get back on without gettin gored. Is it bulls! Is it bears! Heck I think it is a Bullabear.
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I know tomorrow is Friday.....would you stay in the market like this over the weekend???:i

I'm glad the market is up but I still would remain very cautious..:oo...due to the overlying market trend....

I'll feel better about the market after the first couple of weeks in May....:h
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Cowboy ridesBullabear for a 1.95% AT CLOSE LADIES AND GENTS!!! Yah, he has a smile! But he has to spit! Gersplack! Now a lot depends on the bull being put in the chute for tomorrow one called, Stockmarket. This bull is rank and Cowboy could be dusted before even the start.

To answer your questionTechy, I guess ill let olStockmarket tell me tomorrow but I will tell you this. If it drops i'll be on and if it is a dud i'llturn it out and if it is up I may just watch for the weekend. Ol Cowboy don't have no feelings for the market, he just rides um.
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While everyone else is worrying about polls, IRA, where so & so is, the housing market, and somthin called a Blog. Eh, may have to go huntin that last one. Blog sounds like somethin out of one of those horror picture shows. The ol cowboy is going to get himself a very good nights sleep. He'staken out is bedroll and laying down looking at the stars absorbing the moment. By the way it's just a $40 sleeping bag but if any of ya gents want to buy it. Lets see here. I bought ita few years ago lets compound that by 1.2 and raise that by the 6th power throw in the fake rattler my cousin Roy bought. Lets see that comes up with about, wait a minute forgot to add ol Greenspinaches inflation factor. Yep thats right got it right here $200.00. Then someone mentioned poll and I almostrode my hoss out a state. Nothing worse than having a cowboy puttin up fence than I realized it was one of those solicitation deals and figured I better participate. I been a thinkin there is some new guy trackin somethin maybe I should mossy on over there and help the gent out tomorrow instead of getting on ol Stockmarket. That reminds me I need to check my bull rope and fix any frays in it. Got to pray for ol Rod there as I think he has somethin going on as one of his threads was; That felt good!!!:D:^:Dand he didn't do anything that I seen but maybe the good lord is answering a prayer. Oh my all this ramblin got me ZZZZZZZZZZZ!
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I finally gots the fire a burnin! Ya'll ready for some vittles! The cowboy mixes up a mean breakfast. I got some Pecos Strawberry's and Overland Trout all mixed up in a little bear grease here. Mmmmm MMMMM! I think that bull ol Stockmarketmay have gotten into the darn Coffin Varnish today. Kind a still snortin but don't know which way to toot yet.
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I went 100% S today partners! I see there is a guy postin stuff on health remedies. Reason I was a little slow this morning I had a little indegestion after eating. So I had to find the cowboy cure for indegestion. The cure is: To eat dried lining of a chicken gizzard. Now thats all right if your a plow boy but us cowboys we just don't like fussin with no chickens plus that Ma probably turned them out of the coop already. So I had to go over and visit the neighbors, now my horse is having bladder problems, so now I got ta cure that too. So I inserted a match into the horse; relief was kind of sudden and the patient stampeded. Lucky I got back in time. Maybe, we'll just have to wait till Monday to know for sure. :D
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As I mentioned earlier that I might have to go trackin somethin. Well I grabbed the old six shooter and I started me a search this morning it looked like the bear was in the C & S fund chewing it up but then I looked across the ocean and the I was staring back at me. Well I looked and everything seemed green but I did see what I thought was a patch of brown. It was that darn ol bear headed across the sea. I do believe that I fundhitresistance early and now will head down I hope he don't eat everything up today.
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Cowboy, I hate to interrupt here, but I am having trouble reading your stories - yoursentences are going clear across the page and out the other side....may be coondog on trail of prairie dogs, I don't know, but ...:oo. I don't believe it is me, cuz no other siteis giving me this problem - has anyone else mentioned this to you??
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Well gee another #&$%@ to fix. Yep ever since I posted maybe the darn thing knows I'm long winded. Just slide the little bitty bar on the bottom sweety and then you can keep readin. I have no idea what to do. Wait a minute damn bear in the Pecos SSSSStrwberry patch!!! Watch out Grandmmma!! BOOM!!! Put that shotgun down woman! To be continued - maybe.
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Ol Cowboy is up on Ol Stockmarket spurring again and Stockmarket has went into a spin. Cowboy is down in the well. (For those of you that don't know what well means it is a rodeo term for when a bull spins and the cowboy rides him. He is called in the well). Looks like he has his hooks in him for about the 3rd day in a row. We'll havea score soon but it is looking pretty good and maybe he can win the go around for the week.
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cowboy wrote:
Ol Cowboy is up on Ol Stockmarket spurring again... and down in the well.
Hey cowboy..........Was the last half hour of that ride wild enough for you ??? I'm not sure I can take that much excitement again next week !

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Well the Cowboy has now seen the results of the ride another nice score of a 1.26% for the cowboy. If next week is as good I may be in the plus again. The last half hour the Ol Stockmarket reversed spin on me and it really got exciting as I believe nothing happens over the weekend we may see a nice day on Monday. I want to thank everyone for listening in on the cowboy as I see my hits on my talk was over 300 +. I really had a good week as I have made most of my losses back already. I am not a fan of the spread it out as I believe it is easier to watch one basket and manage it when needed. I can not believe that not one person asked me what the food wasol cowboy had for breakfast. As all the food and the cowboy cures are original and from the Wild West. I have some more and may try to post some more yarns but if ya don't appreciate them. I won't. If you enjoyed it let me know.

I do not know how to fix the screen deal but that is the way it has always worked on my talk unless Tom can fix it. Have a great weekend everyone.
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cowboy wrote:
While everyone else is worrying about polls, IRA, where so & so is, the housing market, and somthin called a Blog. Eh, may have to go huntin that last one.
Cowboy, Does this mean you didn't like the idea of my poll on $$ lost?
And yes I'd like to hear more about those strange foods you speak of, cook and eat in that strange part of the country you come from. I don't cook but it's interesting anyhow. I already looked up Pecos Strawberries - had no idea what that was!!

PS Everything here is said tongue-in-cheek. No need to flame me in response. Cowboy this little editorial is not intended for you as well you must know.