Cowboys Account Account Talk

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Wonder Woman wrote:
cowboy wrote:
While everyone else is worrying about polls, IRA, where so & so is, the housing market, and somthin called a Blog. Eh, may have to go huntin that last one.
Cowboy, Does this mean you didn't like the idea of my poll on $$ lost?
And yes I'd like to hear more about those strange foods you speak of, cook and eat in that strange part of the country you come from. I don't cook but it's interesting anyhow. I already looked up Pecos Strawberries - had no idea what that was!!

PS Everything here is said tongue-in-cheek. No need to flame me in response. Cowboy this little editorial is not intended for you as well you must know.
Nope didn't mind the poll at all thought it was kind of interestin actually. See, Cowboys never like to build fenceand to build one ya have tohave a post(pole) and wire and some other $%&@ tools. So when you said poll, which I thought meant you might want toput ol cowboy to work.See ol cowboy is like the horse he rides. When you put a horse to work even he puts his tail to it.
I got a big kick out of the little gal above! Don't say free beer too loud though we'll have all them other cowboys a comin to the party. Peco's Strawberrys were actually beans back in the ol day. Overland trout was bacon cause the settlers would bring hogs along on the hoof. Now about the stock market. See my comment at the time was while most of us were kick n squirmin about what the market was doing to us. We forgot to look at where Ol Stockmarket was at the time. See Pa always used to say when the cow kicks over the milk bucket, don't cry over the spilt cream.You better be picking up the pail and get right back in there and milk that cow cause Ma is going to be down right ticked off if she don't have milk with her coffee.
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Now since you mentioned tongue and cheek, I got a yarn for ya. See if you look back at Fridays yarnin since Cowboy had a little time to do it. You'll see it had a lot to do with what was going on that day. See I mentioned bear going over sea and bear in my strawberry's and then Grandma interupted and everything went wachy. She saw the bear in the strawberry's and grabbed the shotgun. But grandma she is kind of a stubborn ol coot and she needs glasses and can't hear too good which is the start of a real sticky situation. So she figures she is going to make sure that the bear don't get too far into them there beans. Hehehee! So beforeCowboy could getup to catch her she was out the door. Now you can just imagine what happened. So the seen is set andGrandma has this here shotgun, can't see too well and cant hear worth a toot. Well guess what. Grandma doesn't realize it but she starts shootin towards town and just so happens the tradin mill is right on that there side of town. Now half the neighbors and a ton of city slickers are headin for cover. In the mean time Cowboy catches up with Grandma and takes the gun away of course the bear headed back into the woods unscathed. But cowboy he decided that morning he was going to the mill and do some tradin and realized since Grandma kind of scattered the competion he would take advantage of the situation. Now when Cowboy finally got into town and to the mill and told the miller it was just Grandma, all upset and all abig mistake and the traders started to realize ol Cowboy was geting his milkcow feed a littleto cheap they started biddin him up on it and thats part of what happened on Friday.Now I never even go to the tongue and cheek thing yet but I will today as there is a yarn behind that too.
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Well now whats going to happen on Monday. Heck, nobody knows. I will tell you this after I rode Ol Stockmarket on Friday and the boys got him back in the holding pen we started to look at him. We called up Ol Doc who came over on Saturday, andsaid it looked like Stockmarket had the hiccoughs. Now that is a sight a bull with the hiccups and the darn things got four stomachs. Well Ol Doc is an old timer and he gets out his book on treatin things and mumbles somethin about if it works on Cowboys why not bouvines. I askedDoc to confirm if this is why ol Stockmarket went into a spin Friday and he says, "Yep! sure could of been reason himgoing up and down so much. " Well we aked him what the cure for hiccoughs was and he said, "Boys your going to have to bulldog the critter." Well none of us was going to do that.So we let Stockmarket out in the bigarena and let two of the best cowboys we got rope him. One one the head and the other the heals. Yep! Two of the best ropers we got, by golly. These boys can do anything with a rope except throw it straight up and climb it. Anyways we gets him down and I asked Doc, "Well whats the old cure for hiccoughs, old timer." Doc looks at me a moment and says, Well we did use this on Cowboys but I don't know if it will work on this onery cuss. To cure the hiccoughs in cowboys we used to pull out their tongue until it bled a little, cured them everytime." Well I almost fell off the fence post I was a settin on. So Doc goes over to ol Stockmarket and pulls his tongue and all I really noticed is he let out a bellar and f----d some. Doc says, "Let him up boys." OlStockmarket goes a shakin his horny old head and walks straight for the holden pen." Darndest thing I ever saw. Today I went out there and he looked fineand he is chewing his cud again so must be okay. I believe Ol Stockmarket will be upon Monday and we will turn oldBessy in there and see if he don't feel better. Heehee! Have a good week everyone!
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Cowboy has went 100% I as of COB 4/25/05. I can't tell if Stockmarket is sick or back to health but today may let us know. Cowboy definition of an econimist: Someone without the charisma to become a politician but smart enough to get paid by them. Heheehe! This a direct quote from the cowboy himself. :D
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We got Cowboy up on a bull called Bottum Bouncer! This is a baldy bull with alot of attitude and since ol Stockmarket had a kink in his Giddyup. Ol Cowboy has to stay in practice. The score will be posted after todays close cause that is all that matters. If Cowboy gets bucked off all we can hope for is he don't get hurt. Besides that I don't think he wants any of Doc's remedies!! hehehe!:D
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Yes sirrrrrrr! Cowboy is rode another one! Ol Bottum Bouncer almost went into a spin on Cowboy at about 2:15 but he ain't that type of a bull usually. Not like Stockmarket that went into a spin last Friday. Bottum Bouncer made a buck out of the chute and headed straight to the end of the arena dodgin here and there but pretty much as planned. The tourists got a little excited at the end there cause like I say Bottum Bouncer has an Attitude with a capital A. Cowboy had to make a dash for the fence with the Bull right on his tail. The pickup boys got Bottum Bouncer in the holding pen and Cowboy is walking back to the chute with big smile to pick up his hat and maybe that check at the end of the day. I'll have his score as soon as it is posted.
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Glad to see you hanging on for the 8 seconds. If you can do it the next couple or three trips out, who knows, the finals may be in your future. I just cooked a bunck of bears stew, come on over an have some.
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The Cowboy got his score today looks like a 1.37% for the ol boy! Not too shabby if you ask me. Heres the deal though I went over to CSI's and had lunch just like he had asked. It was darned good too exceptin when he talked about his hunt. Without realizing it he actually shot a wild boar instead of a bear. You can see where a man might get confusedbetween these two. Well me and CSI we kind of hashed this thing around a little and I decided right than and there I just better put that shotgun on the top shelf so Granny don't get it cause I think that bear might get in the pecos strawberry patch again. Heheehe. While I was there visiting the neighbor boy came running into the house talkin and a fussin. Finally me and CSI got him to settle down some and he was so excited cause he had been down to the arena. He told us that the city slickers went and bought themselves a new rodeo bull and that I was to test him out tomorrow. So we all headed down to the arena to see what they got to ride. The boys had just loaded him off the truck and into the holding pen. I took one look at him and said whats his name. The lawyer he kind a chuckles and says, "CIclops." Now this bull is a Charloais(there the pure white ones) and the reason that his name is CIclops is cause one horn goes straight up, and the other goes straight down. Now if your ridin one of these critters you no what that means. If you slide up towards the head and his horn pokes ya in the eye you become his name sake. Now most of ya would say just get off when you get into that position. Well it just don't work that away cause the inertia of the bull and the akward positon of the rider trap ya there. So Cowboy is going to sleep a little nervous tonight. But if we getCIclops in the chute tomorrow I'll definately be on himcause there is nothing like the cheer of thecrowd to give u that ultimate high. :DCowboy up!!
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A rider just stopped by came in kind of thirsty. I asked him what was up. So we sat a spell and drank some Wild Mare's Milk. He stated, "The sheriff was lookin for regulators, this caught my attention as we haven't had those since the last range war. I told the cowpoke if trouble comes my way I would just send it to Boot Hill. Hehehe.:DHe laughed and said, "Cowboy I don't think you'll have any trouble cause your the best shot in the Dakota's. " I told him, "Yep and she don't shoot high nor low either."



Lester Moore





One of the best epitaphs of the old west.
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Some Nut in another thread wanted the skinny on things apparently he cant figure this thing out. The best policy is the truth and that is nobody knows. For anyones information the Cowboy doesn't consider himself professional and if you met him in real life you wouldn't reconize him. I will post my moves in the month of April so you can look at them:

Date %Gain/loss

4-1-05 +.63%

4-6-05 +.58%

4-8-05 -2.18%

4-19-05 + 64%

4-21-05 + 19%

4-25-05 +1.23%

Total = +1.09% to Date

There is a lot of people that will tell you that to move here or there and have thoughts but are spread out in all the funds. Now Ol Cowboy he is a breed apart he plays 100%. I do this for one reason I am playing here an now!! That means today. I don't care what happens tomorrow or yesterday. I make the move and live with it just like anyone else on the board. Sometimes I have a very hard time deciding what I should do the same as others. The Cowboy puts his savings on the line everyday and I have a fair amount in the TSP. Humor is a release for me, if you have a question please ask me I will try to help you but you have to live with the results the same as I do. None of us have a magical wand that automatically will increase your funds. I hope to bring a smile to your face and to keep you interested in managing your money because that is what this is about to me. The key to the TSP to me is to take control and manage your money the best way you can. I am the leader I follow no one and I make my own decisions and live with it because I have to.
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Cowboy he doesn't want to ride today! Maybe CIclops scared him. He fed the chickens and went down to the arena and the boys were trying to get CIclops down the chute and locked in for the rodeo but the bull seems excited more into tearing everything up first. Maybe it is his new surroundings, got to get settled in. Everyone decided to let the bull have his way, and now Cowboy is watching his every move as this one is a cagey animal. You can learn a lot from watching. Hopefully he may be more cooperative tomorrow. :D
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Hey Cowboy!
Now, just for you! Wanted you to feel at home!

Now if you wanted to, use your "Paint" program" to invert one of the horns. :D
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If you haven't noticed CIclops has busted down the fence and gotten in with the other bulls and being the competitors they are. They're all see a little red right now. Then I noticed that a few of the female bouvines had come over the hill from the north pasture and were mooing and ahing at the rukus in the arena. Don't worry though I told the boys to ride over and herd them females out of the area then everything should settle down. I hope.
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Spaf wrote:
Hey Cowboy!
Now, just for you! Wanted you to feel at home!

Now if you wanted to, use your "Paint" program" to invert one of the horns. :D
HEeehee! I told ya CIclops is a Charloais Bull not a Brahma. Thanks for trying to make me feel at home, Spaf. Kind of cute critters aren't they. Now if we could just get one of them in the arena again to ride. Maybe tomorrow!
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Cowboy....Next door to the farm I had, was a bull farm. How you get them in the arena. Well one way, is to put something they like to eat, going right into the arena. Now we got the bull problem solved, what do we do with the market?

We are getting bounced around at the support area. We need to get some altitude here. I don't like flying this low to the support level. We have been getting some what of a bearish reversal every time we approach 1163. I think we need a catylist to get us higher.

Rgds! :? Spaf
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Yep ya got that one figured out. That is why I went I fund yesterday it has hooked there 3 times already. So I went I figuring I fund may bounce today but it didn't. Will need to hope it does tomorrow. I believe we will see S & C slide down again to the bottum again another 1 % as all the bulls are ranging right now. We may see I fund go right with it but I was thinking we should see some good reaction from it as it really has not done anything. The I fund usually will fire off like a yoyo. I would of went F fund yesterday but it wasn't doing anything and usually if it goes down a little you can gain a penny or two. I figured I had another day before the unslaught. I fund is hard to tell where it ends up at so sat tight.
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cowboy wrote:
Yep ya got that one figured out. That is why I went I fund yesterday it has hooked there 3 times already. So I went I figuring I fund may bounce today but it didn't. Will need to hope it does tomorrow. I believe we will see S & C slide down again to the bottum again another 1 % as all the bulls are ranging right now. We may see I fund go right with it but I was thinking we should see some good reaction from it as it really has not done anything. The I fund usually will fire off like a yoyo. I would of went F fund yesterday but it wasn't doing anything and usually if it goes down a little you can gain a penny or two. I figured I had another day before the unslaught. I fund is hard to tell where it ends up at so sat tight.
Remember this post yesterday? A person can have an idea whats going on but doesn't know the speed of the critter. If your thinking of going G or F today in my opinion you have already lost and will miss the bounce tomorrow. If you like I fundholding may not be an option but I don't think it is going to hurt you that much plus some have the idea that hold-em is better than fold-em. Maybe but you miss everything inbetween. You have to look at where you were previously to figure out where you want to go now. I am going to make a decision in about 20 minutes and I'll be posting in my account and explaining my move in my talk. So if your wondering what I am thinking get in the grandstands cuase ol Cowboy is going to ride CIclops for better or worse!
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You know as in all rodeos something is always happening and this arena is not any different. Ol CIClops has a mind of his own and we just can't seem to get the critter down the chute and out the gate. Cowboy is ready to go but the bull isn't cooperating today and he is fairly quick on his feet. Cowboy will watch Ol CIclops some more. Sorry no ride today!! I'll explain more later.
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Howdy!!!! At 10:00 am I was watching the market and C&Shit a resistance about 5 minutes later and I was going to move and I thought if it goes through that resistance than I would buy into the S fund then I noticed it held. In the fifteen minutes I waited just like a fisherman waits for his bobber to go under. It didn't happen! The market is moving up now. Any move will cause u to sell at a lower price and buy in higher on the other funds. Sometimes jumbing ship will cause more problems then waiting. All I can do is read what is happening in this pea brain of mine. I am not saying anyone that moved made a bad move as we won't be able to tell till tomorrow. I know the probability of a bad move went up though. This should give you followers and idea what I go through just to try to make adecision right or wrong. Once you make that decision you have to live with it. Now I have to worry that will the I fund go up too fast too and also cause me to make a move that will be wrong.