CountryBoys's Account Talk

Hey CB,

I guess you are on a little Hiatus.....Hope things find you well. Just hangin out with the guys and gals here at TSPTalk and wanted to say hi!

Not much of a country music fan but I hear:

"A Country Boy can Survive!!"

Take care brother!:cool:
Hey CB,

I guess you are on a little Hiatus.....Hope things find you well. Just hangin out with the guys and gals here at TSPTalk and wanted to say hi!

Not much of a country music fan but I hear:

"A Country Boy can Survive!!"

Take care brother!:cool:

Hey Frixxxx,

It's good to hear from ya bud. :D I'm just back to my lurking mode and following your's and a handful of others comments and threads, that I value to try to get a handle on this wacky market. So keep it up, cause ya'll are smarter about this stuff than me. I just kinda go by my gut, what I read and my pay for service here for advice, so I really appreciate your alls comments. :D

Besides that, I'm just keeping my other thoughts to myself, sensitivites and different standards dontcha know. ;)

Keep up the comments bud, they help me alot and thanks for asking, but I'm surviving pretty well as we circle the toilet toward socialism, oops that slipped out. Have a good one.

Oh yeah, my daughter is in your home town working full time now. And as a data point, she just bought a new car and had no problem getting the loan, just 2 hours. So money is there if you have a good down payment and a job, not some ninja person trying to get live beyond there means and she didn't even need help from bHHHo. Who would've thunk that.

Being productive does make a difference, it's to bad more folks don't think like that instead of looking for a handout. (I couldn't resist)

Well CB - I'll end the week in your home.

The whole Political Circus is a bunch of crap to me and I don't see one as any different than the other. But when ONE takes a stand and says something that gets my attention it's pretty hard for me to ignore it (or forget it).

Obama - was stressing how 'we' - THE GOVERNMENT - is not in the Automobile Business and that's the LAST THING that's going to happen.

The 'New and Improved GM' is now owned by the Government

I think of you every time something like this stands out to me and it goes on and on ..... and on and on....

Well - have a good weekend my friend - and don't hold back voicing your opinion CB... without it there's a big void and we're moving off balance.

Well have a good weekend everyone - see ya Monday
July 31, 2009
Obama's revealing body language (updated and expanded))

Thomas Lifson
This picture truly is worth at least a thousand words.

Photo link.

I am stunned that the official White House Blog published this picture and that it is in the public domain. The body language is most revealing.

Sergeant Crowley, the sole class act in this trio, helps the handicapped Professor Gates down the stairs, while Barack Obama, heedless of the infirmities of his friend and fellow victim of self-defined racial profiling, strides ahead on his own. So who is compassionate? And who is so self-involved and arrogant that he is oblivious?

In my own dealings with the wealthy and powerful, I have always found that the way to quickly capture the moral essence of a person is to watch how they treat those who are less powerful. Do they understand that the others are also human beings with feelings? Especially when they think nobody is looking.

Update from Thomas Lifson:

I think this photo constitutes another major Obama blunder.

As some AT commentators point out, this picture becomes a metaphor for ObamaCare. The elderly are left in the back, with only the kindness of the Crowleys of the world, the stand up guys, to depend on. The government has other priorities.

One of the major subtexts of the health care debate involves the public's fear of indifferent, powerful bureaucrats ruling their lives. It is one thing to wait in line at the DMV to find out which other line you should wait in, in order to begin the process of waiting for multiple bureaucrats to go through the motions of processing your request. I have spent entire afternoons going through this process.

But when we get to health care, waiting often means enduring pain and dysfunction longer than necessary, sometimes a worsening of the condition, and sometimes death.

That's why I think this image will have genuine resonance. It captures something that older Americans in particular can relate to. The President presses ahead with a program that will tell them to take painkillers instead of getting that artificial hip.

At every stage of the entire Gates affair, Obama has provided a revealing tell. The "acted stupidly" blunder revealed that he automatically blames the police and thinks they really are stupid to begin with. It didn't trigger a single alarm bell in his mind as he figured out what to say.

Then, the non-apology apology revealed an arrogant man who cannot do what honest people do: admit it when they make a mistake.

Now at stage three, the beer photo op looked OK. It didn't turn into a disaster.

But then in a small moment that nobody in the White House had the brains to understand, Obama goes and send a body language message like this.

I think he is going to get deeper and deeper into trouble. He is no longer repeating the familiar scripts dreamed up for the campaign. He was a master performer.

But when he goes improv, as a president must do, he lets his true character show. This helps widen the level of doubt that Obama is the same guy a majority voted for. Those doubts can only grow.

Andrew McCarthy has assembled an overwhelming case that Obama has lied about who he is. I predict that more and more Americans will become open to the argument that they have been had by a sophisticated and ruthless effort to foist a phony on America.

Just a comment from me. I was always raised that you could tell what type a person someone is, by how they handle themselves around those that need assistance. Well we know how he feels and this is suppose to be such a great friend.

Yeah I know it was from the American Thinker, but freedom of speech is still allowed and the picture speaks volumes re: arrogance and I couldn't find "Socialist Thinker". You bama supporters gotta get crackin. ;)

You guys and gals gotta start reading the Socialized Med Bill. That'll raise the hair on the back of some of our necks. A mixture of Chicago thuggery and N%%zi (for those of the more sensitive persuasion) Germany. Of course, ya'll constantly used that word along with hitler when describing Bush, so payback can be a bitch.

The whole shooting match is very disgusting and sad, starting with Bush/Paulson with the first Welfare/Stimulus package and just quadrupled since then. No excuses, it's all facts for those of us that do research subjects and people before we mention Rant over and that felt much better. :D

From the White House website:

"There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can't keep track of all of them here at the White House, we're asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to"

That sounds familiar for those that care to remember their history, tattle telling on your neighbors.... can we say Nazi Germany? The thugs are at work. Just ask the head of the supposedly non political CBO. He sure changed his tuned after his meeting with bHo! Chicago thuggery at it's best. How long can the apologist keep apologizing or rationalizing this crap, unless they are true socialist believers.

Now they are preventing some people of a certain persuasion (those that don't like the way the country is headed) from entering Town Hall meetings, so much for free speech. And now that we are using our right to Freedom of Speech, the Federal Government are calling, those of us that don't agree, rabble rousers or worse. What the hell is going on. They'll come for you one of these days.

Several things are in the paper or news daily about these obvious assaults on the Constituion and 53% of the people are going "oh well".

Spin away supporters. Oh yeah, stay healthy.

What is the problem with Health Care now?
1. PRICE of Doctors and Hospital services.
2. PRICE of Prescription drugs.
3. PRICE of Higher Education.
Why is the price escalating?
1. The cost to the Doctors and Hospitals for Liability Insurance drives UP the PRICE.
Health care givers are inflating the costs knowing that the insurance companies won't pay the cost of the procedure. If they are a member of a PPO organization etc. they agree to specific prices when they join. They inflate the cost and finally agree and pay the lower agreed amount in order to claim the loss on their TAXES. $15 for a Tylenol etc.
2. Lack of Government regulation of Drug manufacturers = Inflated cost.
3. The cost of a College education is way out of control I would rather see Government Sponsored Higher Education than a Health Plan.

Tort Reform - I know all of the lawyers (Congressmen, Senators) in DC wouldn't dare try this one, but it's needed badly.

Regulate the Doctors and hospitals

Provide reasonably priced higher education to US citizens
+1 on Tort reform.

Cost of Higher education will not be restrained, too many liberal professors to indoctrinate our youth. :laugh: Never happen

In 2003, Hillary Clinton said this:

"I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." Does she believe the same thing now? Will she stand up to the President? Will free Americans stand up to him? The time is now."

My comment - Turn about not fair play? Not according to the state run media and all you bHo supporters and no 2 wrongs don't make a right. ;) Commentary over, til the end. :laugh:

Now Being American Is Un-American

Democrat leaders Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer said this Monday about those who are protesting against Obamacare:

"Drowning out opposing views is simply un-American. Drowning out the facts is how we failed at this task for decades."

But who is really trying to drown out the opposition?

The Democrats tried everything to drown out opposing views after Bush won. They whined, stomped, and shut good folks down for years. We suffered the slings and arrows of relentless attacks and smears, but understood it was part of the leftist dialogue.


It gets worse. Erick Erickson reported at that Obama is using the National Telecommunications and Information Administration to gather data on free citizens:

"... the NTIA is now requiring internet provides to give the government ‘average revenue per end user and data regarding type, technical specification or location of broadband infrastructure,' i.e. your home address, IP address, how much you pay, and where the connection is at your house." That means that "we have a White House asking neighbors to turn in neighbors by forwarding emails - some of which will contain IP address information. And we have the White House demanding internet providers provide them with the home addresses corresponding to those IP addresses."

Free speech is our most important right - our fundamental protection against tyranny. Ayn Rand said it best:

"The principle of free speech is not concerned with the content of a man's speech and does not protect only the expression of good ideas, but all ideas. If it were otherwise, who would determine which ideas are good and where forbidden? The government?"

Obama and Pelosi seem to want that power. The Democrats' desire to silence dissent and spy on the American people bodes most ill. It is definitely Orwellian stuff. It's coming, folks, sooner rather than later.

Rand also said:

"Once a country accepts censorship of the press and of speech, then nothing can be won without violence. Therefore, so long as you have free speech, protect it. This is the life-and-death issue in this country: do not give up the freedom of the press -- of newspapers, books, magazines, radio, movies, and other forms of presenting ideas. So long as that's free, a peaceful intellectual turn is possible."

Full article at the below link. Very thought provoking for those that are Intellectually honest.

Yep, it's one of those un-American websites again. Dang, ya just can't hide from them.

"Our Constitution was made only for a Moral and Religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the goverment of any other." John Adams 10/11/1798

Welcome to the MB Valkyrie !

Indeed the Constitution was made for a Moral people.

Please know that I wholly believe you have the 'best intentions' and only mean this in the truest and highest manner.

But please allow me to ask a few questions for you to ponder on. What were the Moral grounds for treating the people Native to this country - the Native Americans. What are the Moral grounds that made slavery such a huge part of that existence and what kind of Morality gives one 'race' the right to regard another as 'less than human'. What kind of Morality keeps 'women' - an entire gender limited to the barest potiential and restricted them from voting.

So just as Abraham Lincoln expressed 'We have a Moral and Religious Oblagation to live our lives as individuals and as a community - to be the Nation we are meant to be' - Yet at the same time he clearly made the distinction that 'Blacks are not equal to whites and boundries are meant to be in place to seperate the worthy from the unworthy - the up and comming from those who are not meant to succeed - the rules and regulations concerning these groups are meant to be different.

RELIGION - is good if God is a God of Perfect Love and Forgiveness. If the essential qualities of that religion shapes people to become the ultimate servant - doing everything possible to promote harmony and understanding. Learning more and more how to be genuinely loving and caring and accepting to all people - to every single person alive no matter what they are or how they live.