CountryBoys's Account Talk


Well-known member
I’m just sittin up my accounts as per the “Newbie’s read me first instructions”. I went G45, C5, S30 and I20, before noon today and as for my philosophy, besides “buy low and sell high” and a gut feeling, :nuts: is still evolving as I learn more from ya’ll and I’m always open to suggestions. Thanks for being here for us neophytes.

Welcome to the boards! From another newbie, this is a friendly place to ask questions and learn. Good luck!
I kinda feel like Dorothy in the Haunted Forest…” terrorists, oil and bears oh my”.

I don’t want to get out totally, but gonna reduce the pain. G65%, C15%, S10% and I10%.

I thought I'd begin using the F fund also as a place to put some table money, we'll see how that does. Not quite on the paranoia express for Aug 22, but I got my tickets and will probably board next Monday morning. :D

I went 40%F and 60%I, which I wished I'd done last Friday, just didn't have the guts. Still gotta wade in slowly before I make the jump to the C, S or I 100%. Yep Nnuuts, another fellow lemming here, but it sure does beat what I was doing before I found this site.

But I gotta say, it sure does the old blood flowing to the noon buildup. :D

Not sure which way to jump, so I just fell into my default mode, 20%G, 10%F, 30%C, 30%S, 10%I, to spread the pain or the gain, but gut says gain, so more into the stocks.
I sure enjoyed the ride the past 2 days at 100% (if the I holds today), but getting cold feet so I dropped back to 60% G and 40% I.

I shouldn't of jumped out last Friday, dang 3 day weekend, oh well thought I jump in and hope it doesn't leave a mark. :nuts:

Went 50% G and 50% S. I'm still bullish, but like FS said, I've fought back from May and then some, so a little CP and kept some on the table.:blink:

Between Bloombergs talking up China’s Euro move all morning and others moving to I, I thought I make a move. Some CP in the F fund and the rest in the I Fund. If’n it doesn’t go thru today, well…. I’ll re-evaluate on Monday.

Enjoy the long weekend.

I may regret coming of the lily pad early, but I still feel the market is on an upward trend till the end of the year, so 30% C and 30% S. But I kept 40% on the ol' lily pad. I'll wait and see what tomorrow brings.

Heading to Huntsville next Monday for a full weeks training, so I'm not sure if I'll have time to keep updated on markets, so I might as well make the move now to 100% G. Good hunting next week folks. :D
