TSP Elite
Well Steady how do you feel today?
Hmmm how do I answer this?
I feel wonderful that Birch has held on and has gained more and more shares as the Markets have risen and he's in the Top 50. I find it 'comforting' to hear him talk about having 'faith' and his ROCK solid position and never ending confidence.
I'm still incredibly delighted with Sugar's ativar - and all the recent conversations.
I'm overjoyed that despite Squalebear's financial hardships that he's able to share that with 'us' and to see his loving disposition shining through.
I'm thrilled my little sister is happy and that her nephew no longer has his lifelong 'serious heart condition' -- that somehow a miracle has truely occured and it's as if he never had a heart condition.
I'm overjoyed with Buster's recent post about his friends here and the posts that followed.
Am kind of 'awed' that Uptrend started comming up with 'Songs'
Am very happy that Lady's back and somehow spreads her beauty and joy to all of us.
Feeling grateful that Grandma and Silverbird are posting more and that Malyla appears in good spirits.
Feeling pretty good about Stella - and finally seeing that beauty of beauties -- and am all the more taken with Ella who is 50/50 -- with her father being all Poodle and her mother being all Lab. She a little bigger and has more Lab predominat features -- wavey hair that feels like human.
Realize that in light of all these things -- along with you, Frixxxx, 350z, CH, and all the others (and I do mean everyone -- even Phil) that the really important things outweigh a bad day for the Markets.
we are down around %2 in our funds.
Well in comparison to the above --- that means nothing.
but looks like it will level off, and I predict close at levels close to the opening bell. Tomorrow we'll make money.![]()
If we had 700 point drops ... or something of that nature I'd be more concerned. To me the Markets are like 'living entities' and there has to be some expanding and contracting.... I see it as sustained health at this point and believe over the next few months things will be good.

Oh -- I feel wonderful today !! Thanks for askin'