Steadygain's Account Talk

Well Steady how do you feel today?

Hmmm how do I answer this?

I feel wonderful that Birch has held on and has gained more and more shares as the Markets have risen and he's in the Top 50. I find it 'comforting' to hear him talk about having 'faith' and his ROCK solid position and never ending confidence.

I'm still incredibly delighted with Sugar's ativar - and all the recent conversations.

I'm overjoyed that despite Squalebear's financial hardships that he's able to share that with 'us' and to see his loving disposition shining through.

I'm thrilled my little sister is happy and that her nephew no longer has his lifelong 'serious heart condition' -- that somehow a miracle has truely occured and it's as if he never had a heart condition.

I'm overjoyed with Buster's recent post about his friends here and the posts that followed.

Am kind of 'awed' that Uptrend started comming up with 'Songs'

Am very happy that Lady's back and somehow spreads her beauty and joy to all of us.

Feeling grateful that Grandma and Silverbird are posting more and that Malyla appears in good spirits.

Feeling pretty good about Stella - and finally seeing that beauty of beauties -- and am all the more taken with Ella who is 50/50 -- with her father being all Poodle and her mother being all Lab. She a little bigger and has more Lab predominat features -- wavey hair that feels like human.

Realize that in light of all these things -- along with you, Frixxxx, 350z, CH, and all the others (and I do mean everyone -- even Phil) that the really important things outweigh a bad day for the Markets.

we are down around %2 in our funds.

Well in comparison to the above --- that means nothing.

but looks like it will level off, and I predict close at levels close to the opening bell. Tomorrow we'll make money. :cool:

If we had 700 point drops ... or something of that nature I'd be more concerned. To me the Markets are like 'living entities' and there has to be some expanding and contracting.... I see it as sustained health at this point and believe over the next few months things will be good. ;)

Oh -- I feel wonderful today !! Thanks for askin':)
That sounds great to me, how do ya remember all that stuff - :nuts:

I predict close at levels close to the opening bell

I am still trying to figure what I meant by that - :nuts::nuts:

= another sideways day for the most part...

hang in there Im with ya! 95% in stocks
That sounds great to me, how do ya remember all that stuff - :nuts:

I'm not sure --- it's mostly my makeup and the life I've lived. My job forces me to be very deep and build connections -- so it probably transcends to everything here -- but who knows ??

I predict close at levels close to the opening bell

I am still trying to figure what I meant by that - :nuts::nuts:

I'd say you're hoping for the best !! :)

= another sideways day for the most part...

hang in there Im with ya! 95% in stocks

Thank you my friend -- please -- please --- please let the Markets really soar and fly to new record highs before we bail to safety.

I think crossing our fingers would help and having something for lunch we really enjoy (healty or not).
You might get your wish Steady. Being retired I just chould not risk losing anymore gains I made this month. It all depends upon your risk tolerance.
You might get your wish Steady.

Thanks Mayday -- I think you've got one of the 'coolest' ativars BTW

I think all things considered:
How the Markets have climbed since 3/09
The desperation of Governments to do all things possible
Hitting increasing 'new highs' lately

That manipulation will prevail -- and the Media is bound to come up with a lot of 'upbeat stuff'.

So I'd be way more shocked if we didn't see New Highs (and here I don't care what Birch thinks) :rolleyes:

Being retired I just chould not risk losing anymore gains I made this month.

Well that's partly why I told Birch what I said on CH's Thread.

Then when you looked at the IFT for the Day -- however the saying goes .... 'A thousand flys can't all be wrong' ... so I figured today would likely be as it turned out.

It all depends upon your risk tolerance.

I've got another 6 years or so...

But my 'tolerance' for this year is way more based on what I have right now --- and I'm up far enough that losing a few % points (especially briefly) makes no difference to me.

Could still bail and be OK ~~~ but I would a trillion times rather have a 'Surprize' super gain in the next week and come out smiling.

Birch has a 1939 bottle of wine worth about $470,000 and I'll take a few Cuban Cigars down and we'll celebrate the record gains. At least that's the plan for now. :D:D:D
Well -- I was lightly browned on both sides today

some areas got a tag dark brown but I'm cool.

If tomorrw (and all the more the next few days) get worse...

then 'I'm charred' -- totally 'toasted'

Good night all !!!
A good friend told me when the train is flying down the tracks....

....there's nothing like standing in front of it and getting clobbered :nuts:

I know that sounds really strange :rolleyes: ... but he's right.

The past few days have been WONDERFUL !!

and I'm feeling better than ever !!

Have a good weekend everyone :D
A good friend told me when the train is flying down the tracks....

....there's nothing like standing in front of it and getting clobbered :nuts:

I know that sounds really strange :rolleyes: ...

I'll this friend of yours big and green and named HULK?:confused::blink:
I'll this friend of yours big and green and named HULK?:confused::blink:

He is big --- white bark -- green leaves ;)

Nick name is Birch

Real name -- Birchtree

Also known as:

PermaBull #1

rarely I may call him something else (but that's very rare)
From Coolhand's account talk:
50% is going to something that honestly promotes Nature or the Health of our planet
30% is going toward 'Missions'
20% is going to a Children's Hospital
Have you heard/read of Gospel for Asia? check out their catalog of gifts for communities & families. My grandkids think it is just fine for me to donate their Christmas money in their honor - we've bought goats, rabbits, chicks, water filters, - a variety of things....
So does Medical Teams International-they started a Gift of Hope program fairly recently, similar to what Grandma described.
From Coolhand's account talk:

Have you heard/read of Gospel for Asia? check out their catalog of gifts for communities & families. My grandkids think it is just fine for me to donate their Christmas money in their honor - we've bought goats, rabbits, chicks, water filters, - a variety of things....

Oh Grandma !! ;):)

Wow what an absolute thrill to see this post. I've been going through a bit of a 'dry spell' -- maybe a calm before the storm -- and so I didn't bother comming to this area.

Did not want to hear everyone say how the 'BIG GAINS' are starting tomorrow.

Did not want to 'secretly share' how much I'd love to see a 10 to 15% correction begin tomorrow. :rolleyes:

But THANK YOU !!! So much for posting this.

Gospel for Asia is something I (and my immediate family) have been hugely involved with for years. We donate to them and other organizations very similar to that for our Christmas gifts to each other and to my Parents and Inlaws. We usuallly do a 'Well for Life' and have a postcard showing a small village with 'clean water'.

The 'grounding and core beliefs' of Gospel for Asia are pretty much everything I could ever want to support.

My 30% -- was going specifically to Gospel for Asia. really truely.

The more I think about it the more I realize I will likely have to give the 50% to a Native American Tribe -- because they are the only ones the Government can't screw over in my genuine effort to promote the Planet and they live for that... so it's finding what Tribe can best accomplish that purpose.

So does Medical Teams International-they started a Gift of Hope program fairly recently, similar to what Grandma described.

Thanks Alevie -- and it's always a pleasure having you stop by.

This is simply what to do with our money is the remotest event that all of us are killed ~~ which is almost impossible now that they are growing up and on their own.

I already knew where the 30% and 20% would go... was the first 50% I was having problems with.

I knew if I put in into almost any endeavor -- it would be meaningless if Politics and Power opposed it. But the more I think about it the more I believe the Native Americans alone are protected on the level I'm looking for.
-- it would be meaningless if Politics and Power opposed it. But the more I think about it the more I believe the Native Americans alone are protected on the level I'm looking for.

...just be sure you cherck out the politics of the different tribes & their use/allocation of their casino profits....
...which have to be immensely huge judging by the way one near here is expanding & upgrading - if upgrade is even possible compared to what they already have...!!:)
...just be sure you cherck out the politics of the different tribes & their use/allocation of their casino profits....

The last time I read something about that I was very impressed and was shocked to see how dedicated they are at preserving those aspects of their culture and to the Native Americans through that money.

The Tribe at Grand Portage, Minisoda have a Casnio -- yet it was researching their customs that changed my life.

So somehow I need to recognize their Casinos without the 'stigma'

...which have to be immensely huge judging by the way one near here is expanding & upgrading - if upgrade is even possible compared to what they already have...!!:)

In the end I have no doubt that I'll be fully convinced that every penny is being spent as it was given. It's kind of weird I'm going at this so seriously when I won't be around anyway. :nuts::toung:
72% of B&Hers in the TOP 50
(5 Buys or Less)

When looking for the Winning Investment Strategy for 2009 -- the AT shows 72% were better off making a very limited number of changes.

But before you resign the 'Player' Strategy

consider the TOP 10 :D:D
Well it's time to play a few broken records...

This 2 IFTs really sucks..... pop...skip.... This 2 IFTs really sucks .....pop...

What to do .... what to do ... just a few weeks to go

I'll probably go mostly I Fund as it may bring the most ...

Well I cut my own tree every year

and it's big -- needs a big stand -- cause the room is big

So anyone else out there still using 'real trees'??
If I were putting a tree up this year, it would be real, always is. But I'm not, since will be travelling and spending with family this year. they will have a live one tho.:)
If I were putting a tree up this year, it would be real, always is. But I'm not, since will be travelling and spending with family this year. they will have a live one tho.:)

That's pretty cool :cool::cool: Alevie !!

To me there's just nothing like a real tree -- and even though it's only up for a few weeks --- it's so beautiful !

Alevie, you be really careful -- ummm try to get an early start so you have plenty of sunlight and good driving. I hope they're doing well ~~ really !!! hope you have a great time.

If the timing is right .... you might remind them how lucky they are to have you ! .... but make sure it doesn't sound like you're blowing your horn....

and all the more make sure your siblings don't hear..

Anyway --- Have a GOOD ONE --- my little sis.
Yep, either 1.5 days one way or eeearly start for a 16-hour one dayer-assuming good weather. No airports or planes for me this year-I don't want to bring H1N1 into the family-too many generations to infect.